# Baiduwp-PHP
[ENGLISH](README.md) | [ä¸æ](README_ZH.md)
## â ï¸ Disclaminer
Please note that this project is only for learning and research purposes, and the author is not responsible for any legal consequences caused by the use of this project.
This project will not store any files on the server, completely relying on the Baidu Netdisk API interface. If you have question about copyright, please contact Baidu: [https://newcopyright.baidu.com/](https://newcopyright.baidu.com/)
## ð Introduction
This project is a PHP version of [baiduwp](htttps://github.com/TkzcM/baiduwp).
It can get the file information of Baidu Netdisk through the API interface and the Cookie (BDUSS) of the SVIP account, and then display it on the web page.
The essence is to use the premium account (SVIP account) to get the download link and send it to the visitor.
## ð¥ï¸ Demo
### Demo Site
- [Click here go to Demo](https://imwcr.cn/api/bdwp/)<br/>
### Video tutorial
- [[YouTube] How to download files from pan.baidu.com without login](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u8jx3Owuc8)
### Screenshot
## ð¡Contact
- Author: Yuan_Tuo
- Site: https://imwcr.cn/
- Email: yuantuo666@gmail.com
If you have questions, you can watch the [video tutorial](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1N5411A77n) first.
## ðThanks
- [baiduwp JavaScript ç](https://github.com/TkzcM/baiduwp "baiduwp 项ç®")
- [PanDownload ç½ç«](https://pandownload.com/ "PanDownload ç½ç«")
- [Bootstrap æ·±è²æ¨¡å¼](https://github.com/vinorodrigues/bootstrap-dark "bootstrap-dark 项ç®")
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