* PHPExcel
* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt LGPL
* @version 1.8.0, 2014-03-02
// Original file header of ParseXL (used as the base for this class):
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adapted from Excel_Spreadsheet_Reader developed by users bizon153,
// trex005, and mmp11 (SourceForge.net)
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/
// Primary changes made by canyoncasa (dvc) for ParseXL 1.00 ...
// Modelled moreso after Perl Excel Parse/Write modules
// Added Parse_Excel_Spreadsheet object
// Reads a whole worksheet or tab as row,column array or as
// associated hash of indexed rows and named column fields
// Added variables for worksheet (tab) indexes and names
// Added an object call for loading individual woorksheets
// Changed default indexing defaults to 0 based arrays
// Fixed date/time and percent formats
// Includes patches found at SourceForge...
// unicode patch by nobody
// unpack("d") machine depedency patch by matchy
// boundsheet utf16 patch by bjaenichen
// Renamed functions for shorter names
// General code cleanup and rigor, including <80 column width
// Included a testcase Excel file and PHP example calls
// Code works for PHP 5.x
// Primary changes made by canyoncasa (dvc) for ParseXL 1.10 ...
// http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1466964&group_id=99160&atid=623334
// Decoding of formula conditions, results, and tokens.
// Support for user-defined named cells added as an array "namedcells"
// Patch code for user-defined named cells supports single cells only.
// NOTE: this patch only works for BIFF8 as BIFF5-7 use a different
// external sheet reference structure
/** PHPExcel root directory */
if (!defined('PHPEXCEL_ROOT')) {
* @ignore
define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../');
require(PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Autoloader.php');
* PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
* This class uses {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/parseXL}
* @category PHPExcel
* @package PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel)
class PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5 extends PHPExcel_Reader_Abstract implements PHPExcel_Reader_IReader
// ParseXL definitions
const XLS_BIFF8 = 0x0600;
const XLS_BIFF7 = 0x0500;
const XLS_WorkbookGlobals = 0x0005;
const XLS_Worksheet = 0x0010;
// record identifiers
const XLS_Type_FORMULA = 0x0006;
const XLS_Type_EOF = 0x000a;
const XLS_Type_PROTECT = 0x0012;
const XLS_Type_OBJECTPROTECT = 0x0063;
const XLS_Type_SCENPROTECT = 0x00dd;
const XLS_Type_PASSWORD = 0x0013;
const XLS_Type_HEADER = 0x0014;
const XLS_Type_FOOTER = 0x0015;
const XLS_Type_EXTERNSHEET = 0x0017;
const XLS_Type_DEFINEDNAME = 0x0018;
const XLS_Type_NOTE = 0x001c;
const XLS_Type_SELECTION = 0x001d;
const XLS_Type_DATEMODE = 0x0022;
const XLS_Type_EXTERNNAME = 0x0023;
const XLS_Type_LEFTMARGIN = 0x0026;
const XLS_Type_RIGHTMARGIN = 0x0027;
const XLS_Type_TOPMARGIN = 0x0028;
const XLS_Type_BOTTOMMARGIN = 0x0029;
const XLS_Type_PRINTGRIDLINES = 0x002b;
const XLS_Type_FILEPASS = 0x002f;
const XLS_Type_FONT = 0x0031;
const XLS_Type_CONTINUE = 0x003c;
const XLS_Type_PANE = 0x0041;
const XLS_Type_CODEPAGE = 0x0042;
const XLS_Type_DEFCOLWIDTH = 0x0055;
const XLS_Type_OBJ = 0x005d;
const XLS_Type_COLINFO = 0x007d;
const XLS_Type_IMDATA = 0x007f;
const XLS_Type_SHEETPR = 0x0081;
const XLS_Type_HCENTER = 0x0083;
const XLS_Type_VCENTER = 0x0084;
const XLS_Type_SHEET = 0x0085;
const XLS_Type_PALETTE = 0x0092;
const XLS_Type_SCL = 0x00a0;
const XLS_Type_PAGESETUP = 0x00a1;
const XLS_Type_MULRK = 0x00bd;
const XLS_Type_MULBLANK = 0x00be;
const XLS_Type_DBCELL = 0x00d7;
const XLS_Type_XF = 0x00e0;
const XLS_Type_MERGEDCELLS = 0x00e5;
const XLS_Type_MSODRAWINGGROUP = 0x00eb;
const XLS_Type_MSODRAWING = 0x00ec;
const XLS_Type_SST = 0x00fc;
const XLS_Type_LABELSST = 0x00fd;
const XLS_Type_EXTSST = 0x00ff;
const XLS_Type_EXTERNALBOOK = 0x01ae;
const XLS_Type_DATAVALIDATIONS = 0x01b2;
const XLS_Type_TXO = 0x01b6;
const XLS_Type_HYPERLINK = 0x01b8;
const XLS_Type_DATAVALIDATION = 0x01be;
const XLS_Type_DIMENSION = 0x0200;
const XLS_Type_BLANK = 0x0201;
const XLS_Type_NUMBER = 0x0203;
const XLS_Type_LABEL = 0x0204;
const XLS_Type_BOOLERR = 0x0205;
const XLS_Type_STRING = 0x0207;
const XLS_Type_ROW = 0x0208;
const XLS_Type_INDEX = 0x020b;
const XLS_Type_ARRAY = 0x0221;
const XLS_Type_DEFAULTROWHEIGHT = 0x0225;
const XLS_Type_WINDOW2 = 0x023e;
const XLS_Type_RK = 0x027e;
const XLS_Type_STYLE = 0x0293;
const XLS_Type_FORMAT = 0x041e;
const XLS_Type_SHAREDFMLA = 0x04bc;
const XLS_Type_BOF = 0x0809;
const XLS_Type_SHEETPROTECTION = 0x0867;
const XLS_Type_RANGEPROTECTION = 0x0868;
const XLS_Type_SHEETLAYOUT = 0x0862;
const XLS_Type_XFEXT = 0x087d;
const XLS_Type_PAGELAYOUTVIEW = 0x088b;
const XLS_Type_UNKNOWN = 0xffff;
// Encryption type
const MS_BIFF_CRYPTO_RC4 = 2;
// Size of stream blocks when using RC4 encryption
const REKEY_BLOCK = 0x400;
* Summary Information stream data.
* @var string
private $_summaryInformation;
* Extended Summary Information stream data.
* @var string
private $_documentSummaryInformation;
* User-Defined Properties stream data.
* @var string
private $_userDefinedProperties;
* Workbook stream data. (Includes workbook globals substream as well as sheet substreams)
* @var string
private $_data;
* Size in bytes of $this->_data
* @var int
private $_dataSize;
* Current position in stream
* @var integer
private $_pos;
* Workbook to be returned by the reader.
* @var PHPExcel
private $_phpExcel;
* Worksheet that is currently being built by the reader.
* @var PHPExcel_Worksheet
private $_phpSheet;
* BIFF version
* @var int
private $_version;
* Codepage set in the Excel file being read. Only important for BIFF5 (Excel 5.0 - Excel 95)
* For BIFF8 (Excel 97 - Excel 2003) this will always have the value 'UTF-16LE'
* @var string
private $_codepage;
* Shared formats
* @var array
private $_formats;
* Shared fonts
* @var array
private $_objFonts;
* Color
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