Compared to regular blogging, microblogging fulfills a need
for an even faster mode of communication. By encourag-
ing shorter posts, it lowers users’ requirement of time and
thought investment for content generation. This is also one
of its main differentiating factors from blogging in general.
The second important difference is the frequency of update.
On average, a prolific bloger may update her blog once ev-
ery few days; on the other hand a microblogger may post
several updates in a single day.
With the recent popularity of Twitter and similar microblog-
ging systems, it is important to understand why and how
people use these tools. Understanding this will help us
evolve the microblogging idea and improve both microblog-
ging client and infrastructure software. We tackle this prob-
lem by studying the microblogging phenomena and analyz-
ing different types of user intentions in such systems.
Much of research in user intention detection has focused on
understanding the intent of a search queries. According to
Broder [5], the three main categories of search queries are
navigational, informational and transactional. Understand-
ing the intention for a search query is very different from
user intention for content creation. In a survey of bloggers,
Nardi et al. [26] describe different motivations for “why
we blog”. Their findings indicate that blogs are used as a
tool to share daily experiences, opinions and commentary.
Based on their interviews, they also describe how bloggers
form communities online that may support different social
groups in real world. Lento et al. [21] examined the im-
portance of social relationship in determining if users would
remain active in a blogging tool called Wallop. A user’s re-
tention and interest in blogging could be predicted by the
comments received and continued relationship with other
active members of the community. Users who are invited by
people with whom they share pre-exiting social relationships
tend to stay longer and active in the network. Moreover, cer-
tain communities were found to have a greater retention rate
due to existence of such relationships. Mutual awareness in
a social network has been found effective in discovering com-
munities [23].
In computational linguists, researchers have studied the prob-
lem of recognizing the communicative intentions that un-
derlie utterances in dialog systems and spoken language in-
terfaces. The foundations of this work go back to Austin
[2], Stawson [32] and Grice [14]. Grosz [15] and Allen [1]
carried out classic studies in analyzing the dialogues be-
tween people and between people and computers in coopera-
tive task oriented environments. More recently, Matsubara
[24] has applied intention recognition to improve the per-
formance of automobile-based spoken dialog system. While
their work focusses on the analysis of ongoing dialogs be-
tween two agents in a fairly well defined domain, studying
user intention in Web-based systems requires looking at both
the content and link structure.
In this paper, we describe how users have adopted a spe-
cific microblogging platform, Twitter. Microblogging is rel-
atively nascent, and to the best of our knowledge, no large
scale studies have been done on this form of communication
and information sharing. We study the topological and geo-
graphical structure of Twitter’s social network and attempt
to understand the user intentions and community structure
in microblogging. From our analysis, we find that the main
types of user intentions are: daily chatter, conversations,
sharing information and reporting news. Furthermore, users
play different roles of information source, friends or informa-
tion seeker in different communities.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we describe
the dataset and some of the properties of the underlying
social network of Twitter users. Section 3 provides an anal-
ysis of Twitter’s social network and its spread across geogra-
phies. Next, in Section 4 we describe aggregate user behav-
ior and community level user intentions. Section 5 provides
a taxonomy of user intentions. Finally, we summarize our
findings and conclude with Section 6.
Twitter is currently one of the most popular microblogging
platforms. Users interact with this system by either using a
Web interface, IM agent or sending SMS updates. Members
may choose to make their updates public or available only to
friends. If user’s profile is made public, her updates appear
in a “public timeline” of recent updates. The dataset used
in this study was created by monitoring this public timeline
for a period of two months starting from April 01, 2007 to
May 30, 2007. A set of recent updates were fetched once
every 30 seconds. There are a total of 1,348,543 posts from
76,177 distinct users in this collection.
Twitter allows a user, A, to “follow” updates from other
members who are added as “friends”. An individual who is
not a friend of user A but “follows” her updates is known as
a “follower”. Thus friendships can either be reciprocated or
one-way. By using the Twitter developer API
, we fetched
the social network of all users. We construct a directed
graph G(V, E), where V represents a set of users and E
represents the set of “friend” relations. A directed edge e
exists between two users u and v if user u declares v as
a friend. There are a total of 87,897 distinct nodes with
829,053 friend relation between them. There are more nodes
in this graph due to the fact that some users discovered
though the link structure do not have any posts during the
duration in which the data was collected. For each user, we
also obtained their profile information and mapped their
location to a geographic coordinate, details of which are
provided in the following section.
This section describes some of the characteristic properties
of Twitter’s Social Network including it’s network topology
and geographical distribution.
3.1 Growth of Twitter
Since Twitter provides a sequential user and post identifier,
we can estimate the growth rate of Twitter. Figure 2 shows
the growth rate for users and Figure 3 shows the growth rate
for posts in this collection. Since, we do not have access to
historical data, we can only observe its growth for a two
month time period. For each day we identify the maximum
value for the user identifier and post identifier as provided