## 1. API Description
API domain name: redis.tencentcloudapi.com.
This API gets backup configuration information.
Default API request rate limit: 20 requests/sec.
Note: This API supports financial availability zones. Because financial availability zones and non-financial availability zones are isolated, if the common parameter Region specifies a financial availability zone (e.g., ap-shanghai-fsi), you need to specify a domain name with the financial availability zone as well, which preferably in the same region as the specified Region, for example: vod.ap-shanghai-fsi.tencentcloudapi.com.
## 2. Input Parameters
The following parameters are required for requesting this API, including action-specific parameters and common parameters. For more information about common parameters for all requests, see [Common Request Parameters](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/239/20005).
| Parameter name | Required | Type | Description |
| Action | Yes | String | Common parameter; the name of this API: DescribeAutoBackupConfig |
| Version | Yes | String | Common parameter; the version of this API: 2018-04-12 |
| Region | Yes | String | Common parameters; for details, see the [Lis