Supervised Learning Based Online Filters for
Targets Tracking Using Radar Measurements
Jie Deng, Wei Yi, Kai Zeng, Qiyun Peng and Xiaobo Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, P.R. China
E-mail: jiedeng;;;
Abstract—In the field of the radar target tracking, the state
filtering plays an important role in estimating the target state.
One of the widely-adopted filter is the Bayesian filter, which
requires the prior information and an accurate modeling of the
real tracking scene. Thus, the matching degree of the dynamic
model has a key impact on the state estimation accuracy of
the Bayesian filter. However, the target dynamic and radar
measurement models cannot be approximated perfectly in an
unknown and complicated environment, and the state estimation
accuracy of the model-based filter is limited. To address the
limitations of the Bayesian filter, a supervised learning based
online filter for target tracking is proposed in this paper. In the
proposed filter, a mapping among the radar measurements is first
established in the context of the polar coordinate system. Then,
based on data-driven, the state filtering is directly implemented to
obtain the state estimate by using this mapping relationship. As
such, the prior information is not required in the proposed filter,
hence the proposed filter inherits a good estimation accuracy
in unknown and complicated environments. Finally, simulation
experiments clarify the effectiveness of our proposed filter via
comparing with the traditional filter.
Index Terms—XGBoost, radar measurements, data-driven,
In the application of radar target tracking, the state filter
is an important module. It is mainly used to address the
state estimation problem in time series by using the historical
noise measurement data. Herein, the Bayesian filter is a
classic filtering framework [1], which is widely used in the
target tracking. Nowadays, based on this framework, a series
of available filters have been developed. For example, the
Kalman filter (KF), the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the
unscented Kalman filter (UKF) and the particle filter (PF).
More specifically, for the radar target tracking problems, the
EKF, the UKF and the PF are often used to solve the filtering
problem in nonlinear non-Gaussian systems [1], [2].
For the traditional Bayesian filter, it is necessary to model
the dynamic system as well as set and estimate reasonable
prior parameters to achieve an accurate description of the sys-
tem (i.e., the model and the real system are required to match
as much as possible). However, the target statistical character-
istics cannot be obtained perfectly in practical environments,
which makes the estimation of the priori information incorrect.
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grants 61771110, in part by Chang Jiang Scholars Program,
in part by the 111 Project B17008.
(Corresponding author: Wei Yi, E-mail:
Therefore, the mismatch of the preset parameter model will
cause the tracking performance to decline or even diverge in
these cases, which is also a limitation of the model-based filter.
In order to address this problem, many works were performed.
For example, Dang et al. [3] and Tripathi et al. [4] proposed
an adaptive filter for maneuvering targets and unknown noise.
An adaptive scheme is proposed in [5] by considering the
measurement noise covariance distribution. Although these
studies have effects on some specific scenarios, they are not a
general method and also increase the complexity of the model,
which motivates us to consider a new solution way.
Supervised learning is the machine learning task of learning
a function that maps an input to an output based on example
input-output pairs [6]. It can avoid modeling the motion system
by building a data mapping relationship and get rid of the lim-
itations of model-based filters. Nowadays, supervised learning
has been widely used in data prediction, image recognition
and text classification, which has achieved good results [7].
There are still some studies on the application of supervised
learning in the filters. For example, the combination of the
neural network (NN) and KF was first proposed in [8], in
which the NN is used to train the residual. Guo et al. [9]
used the trained NN to compensate the EKF drift in the GPS
system. However, they both used supervised learning to train
and assist the residuals in [8] and [9]. Subsequently, a random
forest (RF) based filter that directly maps the measurement
to the estimation was proposed in [10]. On the basis of [10],
using the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) to improve
the estimation accuracy in [11]. Gao et al. [12] considered
using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for nonlinear target
tracking, which has a good estimation ability. However, none
of the above-mentioned work [10] – [12] extracts the target
motion characteristics, directly used the existing data for
training. Therefore, consider extracting the motion change
information of training data was proposed in [13], including
three aspects of time, space, and angle, then they proposed a
XGBoost based filter (XGBF). However, only the Cartesian
coordinate system is considered in [13], the polar coordinate
system of the radar are not analyzed. If the training data is
directly converted from the polar coordinate system to the
Cartesian coordinate system for training in [13], there will
be influences in the near and far regions and conversion error.
The nonlinear conversion of the data will lead to inconsistent
training characteristics in different regions, which will affect
the training effect.
978-1-7281-8942-0/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20)
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