Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2017
When optimizing multimodal functions one may want to find all global and local optima. The
tractability of this task depends on the landscape of the function at hand and the budget of func-
tion evaluations. Gradient-free optimization approaches based on niching methods (Preuss, 2015)
usually can deal with this task by covering the search space with dynamically allocated niches of
local optimizers. However, these methods usually work only for relatively small search spaces,
e.g., n < 10, and do not scale up due to the curse of dimensionality (Preuss, 2010). Instead, the
current state-of-the-art gradient-free optimizers employ various restart mechanisms (Hansen, 2009;
Loshchilov et al., 2012). One way to deal with multimodal functions is to iteratively sample a large
number λ of candidate solutions, make a step towards better solutions and slowly shape the sampling
distribution to maximize the likelihood of successful steps to appear again (Hansen & Kern, 2004).
The larger the λ, the more global search is performed requiring more function evaluations. In order
to achieve good anytime performance, it is common to start with a small λ and increase it (e.g., by
doubling) after each restart. This approach works best on multimodal functions with a global funnel
structure and also improves the results on ill-conditioned problems where numerical issues might
lead to premature convergence when λ is small (Hansen, 2009).
Gradient-based optimization algorithms such as BFGS can also perform restarts to deal with mul-
timodal functions (Ros, 2009). In large-scale settings when the usual number of variables n is on
the order of 10
− 10
, the availability of gradient information provides a speedup of a factor of
n w.r.t. gradient-free approaches. Warm restarts are usually employed to improve the convergence
rate rather than to deal with multimodality: often it is sufficient to approach any local optimum to
a given precision and in many cases the problem at hand is unimodal. Fletcher & Reeves (1964)
proposed to flesh the history of conjugate gradient method every n or (n + 1) iterations. Powell
(1977) proposed to check whether enough orthogonality between ∇f (x
) and ∇f (x
) has been
lost to warrant another warm restart. Recently, O’Donoghue & Candes (2012) noted that the iterates
of accelerated gradient schemes proposed by Nesterov (1983; 2013) exhibit a periodic behavior if
momentum is overused. The period of the oscillations is proportional to the square root of the local
condition number of the (smooth convex) objective function. The authors showed that fixed warm
restarts of the algorithm with a period proportional to the conditional number achieves the optimal
linear convergence rate of the original accelerated gradient scheme. Since the condition number is
an unknown parameter and its value may vary during the search, they proposed two adaptive warm
restart techniques (O’Donoghue & Candes, 2012):
• The function scheme restarts whenever the objective function increases.
• The gradient scheme restarts whenever the angle between the momentum term and the
negative gradient is obtuse, i.e, when the momentum seems to be taking us in a bad direc-
tion, as measured by the negative gradient at that point. This scheme resembles the one of
Powell (1977) for the conjugate gradient method.
O’Donoghue & Candes (2012) showed (and it was confirmed in a set of follow-up works) that these
simple schemes provide an acceleration on smooth functions and can be adjusted to accelerate state-
of-the-art methods such as FISTA on nonsmooth functions.
Smith (2015; 2016) recently introduced cyclical learning rates for deep learning, his approach is
closely-related to our approach in its spirit and formulation but does not focus on restarts.
Yang & Lin (2015) showed that Stochastic subGradient Descent with restarts can achieve a linear
convergence rate for a class of non-smooth and non-strongly convex optimization problems where
the epigraph of the objective function is a polyhedron. In contrast to our work, they never increase
the learning rate to perform restarts but decrease it geometrically at each epoch. To perform restarts,
they periodically reset the current solution to the averaged solution from the previous epoch.