% REINS.M (RE-INSertion of offspring in population replacing parents)
% This function reinserts offspring in the population.
% Syntax: [Chrom, ObjVCh] = reins(Chrom, SelCh, SUBPOP, InsOpt, ObjVCh, ObjVSel)
% Input parameters:
% Chrom - Matrix containing the individuals (parents) of the current
% population. Each row corresponds to one individual.
% SelCh - Matrix containing the offspring of the current
% population. Each row corresponds to one individual.
% SUBPOP - (optional) Number of subpopulations
% if omitted or NaN, 1 subpopulation is assumed
% InsOpt - (optional) Vector containing the insertion method parameters
% ExOpt(1): Select - number indicating kind of insertion
% 0 - uniform insertion
% 1 - fitness-based insertion
% if omitted or NaN, 0 is assumed
% ExOpt(2): INSR - Rate of offspring to be inserted per
% subpopulation (% of subpopulation)
% if omitted or NaN, 1.0 (100%) is assumed
% ObjVCh - (optional) Column vector containing the objective values
% of the individuals (parents - Chrom) in the current
% population, needed for fitness-based insertion
% saves recalculation of objective values for population
% ObjVSel - (optional) Column vector containing the objective values
% of the offspring (SelCh) in the current population, needed for
% partial insertion of offspring,
% saves recalculation of objective values for population
% Output parameters:
% Chrom - Matrix containing the individuals of the current
% population after reinsertion.
% ObjVCh - if ObjVCh and ObjVSel are input parameter, than column
% vector containing the objective values of the individuals
% of the current generation after reinsertion.
% Author: Hartmut Pohlheim
% History: 10.03.94 file created
% 19.03.94 parameter checking improved
function [Chrom, ObjVCh] = reins(Chrom, SelCh, SUBPOP, InsOpt, ObjVCh, ObjVSel);
% Check parameter consistency
if nargin < 2, error('Not enough input parameter'); end
if (nargout == 2 & nargin < 6), error('Input parameter missing: ObjVCh and/or ObjVSel'); end
[NindP, NvarP] = size(Chrom);
[NindO, NvarO] = size(SelCh);
if nargin == 2, SUBPOP = 1; end
if nargin > 2,
if isempty(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1;
elseif isnan(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1;
elseif length(SUBPOP) ~= 1, error('SUBPOP must be a scalar'); end
if (NindP/SUBPOP) ~= fix(NindP/SUBPOP), error('Chrom and SUBPOP disagree'); end
if (NindO/SUBPOP) ~= fix(NindO/SUBPOP), error('SelCh and SUBPOP disagree'); end
NIND = NindP/SUBPOP; % Compute number of individuals per subpopulation
NSEL = NindO/SUBPOP; % Compute number of offspring per subpopulation
IsObjVCh = 0; IsObjVSel = 0;
if nargin > 4,
[mO, nO] = size(ObjVCh);
if nO ~= 1, error('ObjVCh must be a column vector'); end
if NindP ~= mO, error('Chrom and ObjVCh disagree'); end
IsObjVCh = 1;
if nargin > 5,
[mO, nO] = size(ObjVSel);
if nO ~= 1, error('ObjVSel must be a column vector'); end
if NindO ~= mO, error('SelCh and ObjVSel disagree'); end
IsObjVSel = 1;
if nargin < 4, INSR = 1.0; Select = 0; end
if nargin >= 4,
if isempty(InsOpt), INSR = 1.0; Select = 0;
elseif isnan(InsOpt), INSR = 1.0; Select = 0;
INSR = NaN; Select = NaN;
if (length(InsOpt) > 2), error('Parameter InsOpt too long'); end
if (length(InsOpt) >= 1), Select = InsOpt(1); end
if (length(InsOpt) >= 2), INSR = InsOpt(2); end
if isnan(Select), Select = 0; end
if isnan(INSR), INSR =1.0; end
if (INSR < 0 | INSR > 1), error('Parameter for insertion rate must be a scalar in [0, 1]'); end
if (INSR < 1 & IsObjVSel ~= 1), error('For selection of offspring ObjVSel is needed'); end
if (Select ~= 0 & Select ~= 1), error('Parameter for selection method must be 0 or 1'); end
if (Select == 1 & IsObjVCh == 0), error('ObjVCh for fitness-based exchange needed'); end
if INSR == 0, return; end
NIns = min(max(floor(INSR*NSEL+.5),1),NIND); % Number of offspring to insert
% perform insertion for each subpopulation
for irun = 1:SUBPOP,
% Calculate positions in old subpopulation, where offspring are inserted
if Select == 1, % fitness-based reinsertion
[Dummy, ChIx] = sort(-ObjVCh((irun-1)*NIND+1:irun*NIND));
else % uniform reinsertion
[Dummy, ChIx] = sort(rand(NIND,1));
PopIx = ChIx((1:NIns)')+ (irun-1)*NIND;
% Calculate position of Nins-% best offspring
if (NIns < NSEL), % select best offspring
[Dummy,OffIx] = sort(ObjVSel((irun-1)*NSEL+1:irun*NSEL));
OffIx = (1:NIns)';
SelIx = OffIx((1:NIns)')+(irun-1)*NSEL;
% Insert offspring in subpopulation -> new subpopulation
Chrom(PopIx,:) = SelCh(SelIx,:);
if (IsObjVCh == 1 & IsObjVSel == 1), ObjVCh(PopIx) = ObjVSel(SelIx); end
% End of function
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