NNIA Toolbox README Maoguo Gong and Licheng Jiao Version 1.0 April 10, 2006
NNIA toolbox for Matlab 7.0 designed by Maoguo Gong and Licheng Jiao includes NNIA for solving multiobjective function optimization problems. This package contains a MATLAB implementation of the Multiobjective Optimization algorithms as described in:
Maoguo Gong, Licheng Jiao, Haifeng Du, Liefeng Bo. Multiobjective Immune Algorithm with Nondominated Neighbor-based Selection. Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press, 2007, in press.
avialable from http://see.xidian.edu.cn/iiip/mggong/publication.htm
To use it copy all five files
{EMOinstruction.m, getbud.m, NNIA.m, OVcom.m, and README_NNIA.txt}
to a directory in your MATLAB path or the current directory in your MATLAB environment. Then, in MATLAB just type
to get an illustrative example or
help NNIA;
to get help on the usage of the ToolBox.
For questions, comments & services please contact gong@ieee.org or mggong@mail.xidian.edu.cn. This package and potential updates are available from http://see.xidian.edu.cn/iiip/mggong/.
Finally, NNIA Toolbox is copyrighted by Maoguo Gong. All rights reserved. License is granted to copy, to use, and to make and to use derivative works for research purposes, provided that the Maoguo Gong copyright notice and this license notice is included in all copies and any derivatives works and in all related documentation. Maoguo Gong grants no other licenses expressed or implied and the licensee acknowleges that Maoguo Gong has no liability for licensee's use or for any derivative works made by licensee. This software is provided as is. Maoguo Gong disclaims and licensee agrees that all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, any liability for damages resulting from the software or its use is expressly disclaimed, including consequential or any other indirect damages, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or strict liability, even if Maoguo Gong is advised of the possibility of such damages. Enjoy!
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