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Mathematical Methods for Physicists 7th Edition
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Mathematical Methods for Physicists 7th Edition by George B. Arfken, Hans J. Weber and Frank E. Harris
A Comprehensive Guide
George B. Arfken
Miami University
Oxford, OH
Hans J. Weber
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Frank E. Harris
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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This, the seventh edition of Mathematical Methods for Physicists, maintains the tradition
set by the six previous editions and continues to have as its objective the presentation of all
the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as
students and beginning researchers. While the organization of this edition differs in some
respects from that of its predecessors, the presentation style remains the same: Proofs are
sketched for almost all the mathematical relations introduced in the book, and they are
accompanied by examples that illustrate how the mathematics applies to real-world physics
problems. Large numbers of exercises provide opportunities for the student to develop skill
in the use of the mathematical concepts and also show a wide variety of contexts in which
the mathematics is of practical use in physics.
As in the previous editions, the mathematical proofs are not what a mathematician would
consider rigorous, but they nevertheless convey the essence of the ideas involved, and also
provide some understanding of the conditions and limitations associated with the rela-
tionships under study. No attempt has been made to maximize generality or minimize the
conditions necessary to establish the mathematical formulas, but in general the reader is
warned of limitations that are likely to be relevant to use of the mathematics in physics
The mathematics presented in this book is of no use if it cannot be applied with some skill,
and the development of that skill cannot be acquired passively, e.g., by simply reading the
text and understanding what is written, or even by listening attentively to presentations
by your instructor. Your passive understanding needs to be supplemented by experience
in using the concepts, in deciding how to convert expressions into useful forms, and in
developing strategies for solving problems. A considerable body of background knowledge
xii Preface
needs to be built up so as to have relevant mathematical tools at hand and to gain experi-
ence in their use. This can only happen through the solving of problems, and it is for this
reason that the text includes nearly 1400 exercises, many with answers (but not methods
of solution). If you are using this book for self-study, or if your instructor does not assign
a considerable number of problems, you would be well advised to work on the exercises
until you are able to solve a reasonable fraction of them.
This book can help you to learn about mathematical methods that are important in
physics, as well as serve as a reference throughout and beyond your time as a student.
It has been updated to make it relevant for many years to come.
This seventh edition is a substantial and detailed revision of its predecessor; every word of
the text has been examined and its appropriacy and that of its placement has been consid-
ered. The main features of the revision are: (1) An improved order of topics so as to reduce
the need to use concepts before they have been presented and discussed. (2) An introduc-
tory chapter containing material that well-prepared students might be presumed to know
and which will be relied on (without much comment) in later chapters, thereby reducing
redundancy in the text; this organizational feature also permits students with weaker back-
grounds to get themselves ready for the rest of the book. (3) A strengthened presentation of
topics whose importance and relevance has increased in recent years; in this category are
the chapters on vector spaces, Green’s functions, and angular momentum, and the inclu-
sion of the dilogarithm among the special functions treated. (4) More detailed discussion
of complex integration to enable the development of increased skill in using this extremely
important tool. (5) Improvement in the correlation of exercises with the exposition in the
text, and the addition of 271 new exercises where they were deemed needed. (6) Addition
of a few steps to derivations that students found difficult to follow. We do not subscribe
to the precept that “advanced” means “compressed” or “difficult.” Wherever the need has
been recognized, material has been rewritten to enhance clarity and ease of understanding.
In order to accommodate new and expanded features, it was necessary to remove or
reduce in emphasis some topics with significant constituencies. For the most part, the
material thereby deleted remains available to instructors and their students by virtue of
its inclusion in the on-line supplementary material for this text. On-line only are chapters
on Mathieu functions, on nonlinear methods and chaos, and a new chapter on periodic sys-
tems. These are complete and newly revised chapters, with examples and exercises, and
are fully ready for use by students and their instuctors. Because there seems to be a sig-
nificant population of instructors who wish to use material on infinite series in much the
same organizational pattern as in the sixth edition, that material (largely the same as in
the print edition, but not all in one place) has been collected into an on-line infinite series
chapter that provides this material in a single unit. The on-line material can be accessed at
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