Hospital Management In C# With Source Code
Posted in C# Projects
Project: Hospital Management in C# with source code
Hospital Management is a simple desktop application developed using C# Language. The Project is based on the concept of managing hospital patients, staff records, and more. Talking about the system, a user has to pass through a login system for using its features. A user can register a patient by entering his/her details such as name, gender, age, contact details, email, and country.
About the Project
This interesting project is in the C# programming language. Talking about the features of this system, it has an admin login system. The admin can manage doctors, patients, nurses, and other staff details. The user can export the list of either doctor, nurses, patients, or part-timers as per the requirements. This project utilizes CRUD operation to carry out its functionality.
Also, the design of this system is pretty simple so that the user won’t get any difficulties while working on it.
How To Run The Project?
project demo
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