This is a guide for installing previously downloaded support software.
Table of Contents
1. Copy downloaded software
2. Interactive Installation
a. Windows
b. Linux
c. Mac
3. Silent Installation
a. Windows
b. Linux
c. Mac
1. Copy downloaded software
Copy this entire folder to a shared network drive or removable media and then access the
copied folder from the computer on which you want to run the installation.
2. Interactive Installation
The interactive installer will start MATLAB and then the installer in a separate window. The
executable takes a single argument; the path to the location of the previously downloaded
files. All available support packages in the specified download folder are presented.
In a command prompt, type the following:
a. Windows
cd DRIVE:\<MATLAB_PATH>\bin\win64
install_supportsoftware.exe -archives <path_to_download_folder> [-matlabroot DRIVE:\MATLAB_PATH]
For example:
cd C:\MATLAB\R2018b\bin\win64
install_supportsoftware.exe -archives C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2018b\
b. Linux
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/glnxa64
./ -matlabroot <MATLAB_PATH> -archives <path_to_download_folder>
For example:
cd /opt/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/glnxa64
./ -matlabroot /opt/MATLAB/R2018b -archives /home/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b
b. Mac
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/maci64
./ -matlabroot <MATLAB_PATH> -archives <path_to_download_folder>
For example:
cd /Applications/
./ -matlabroot /Applications/ -archives /Users/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b
3. Silent Installation
NOTE: The silent installation of support packages is only available in MATLAB releases R2018a
and newer. For MATLAB releases before R2018a, see the interactive installation instructions.
The silent installer executable takes two arguments; a path to the location of the previously
downloaded files and the location of the input file. The input file is used to specify the
support packages that are to be installed.
In a command prompt, type the following:
a. Windows
cd DRIVE:\<MATLAB_PATH>\bin\win64
SupportSoftwareInstaller.exe -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>\ssi_input.txt
For example:
cd C:\MATLAB\R2018b\bin\win64
SupportSoftwareInstaller.exe -downloadfolder C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2018b -inputfile C:\Users\jsmith\Downloads\MathWorks\SupportPackages\R2018b\ssi_input.txt
b. Linux
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/glnxa64
./SupportSoftwareInstaller -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>/ssi_input.txt
For example:
cd /opt/MATLAB/R2018b/bin/glnxa64
./ -downloadfolder /home/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b -inputfile /home/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b/ssi_input.txt
c. Mac
cd <MATLAB_PATH>/bin/maci64
./ -downloadfolder <path_to_download_folder> -inputfile <path_to_input_file>/ssi_input.txt
For example:
cd /Applications/
./ -downloadfolder /Users/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b -inputfile /Users/jdoe/Downloads/MathWorks/SupportPackages/R2018b/ssi_input.txt