MySQLdb User's Guide
.. contents::
MySQLdb is an thread-compatible interface to the popular MySQL
database server that provides the Python database API.
The ``README`` file has complete installation instructions.
If you want to write applications which are portable across databases,
use MySQLdb_, and avoid using this module directly. ``_mysql``
provides an interface which mostly implements the MySQL C API. For
more information, see the `MySQL documentation`_. The documentation
for this module is intentionally weak because you probably should use
the higher-level MySQLdb module. If you really need it, use the
standard MySQL docs and transliterate as necessary.
.. _`MySQL documentation`: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/
MySQL C API translation
The MySQL C API has been wrapped in an object-oriented way. The only
MySQL data structures which are implemented are the ``MYSQL``
(database connection handle) and ``MYSQL_RES`` (result handle)
types. In general, any function which takes ``MYSQL *mysql`` as an
argument is now a method of the connection object, and any function
which takes ``MYSQL_RES *result`` as an argument is a method of the
result object. Functions requiring none of the MySQL data structures
are implemented as functions in the module. Functions requiring one of
the other MySQL data structures are generally not implemented.
Deprecated functions are not implemented. In all cases, the ``mysql_``
prefix is dropped from the name. Most of the ``conn`` methods listed
are also available as MySQLdb Connection object methods. Their use is
MySQL C API function mapping
=================================== ==================================
C API ``_mysql``
=================================== ==================================
``mysql_affected_rows()`` ``conn.affected_rows()``
``mysql_autocommit()`` ``conn.autocommit()``
``mysql_character_set_name()`` ``conn.character_set_name()``
``mysql_close()`` ``conn.close()``
``mysql_commit()`` ``conn.commit()``
``mysql_connect()`` ``_mysql.connect()``
``mysql_data_seek()`` ``result.data_seek()``
``mysql_debug()`` ``_mysql.debug()``
``mysql_dump_debug_info`` ``conn.dump_debug_info()``
``mysql_escape_string()`` ``_mysql.escape_string()``
``mysql_fetch_row()`` ``result.fetch_row()``
``mysql_get_character_set_info()`` ``conn.get_character_set_info()``
``mysql_get_client_info()`` ``_mysql.get_client_info()``
``mysql_get_host_info()`` ``conn.get_host_info()``
``mysql_get_proto_info()`` ``conn.get_proto_info()``
``mysql_get_server_info()`` ``conn.get_server_info()``
``mysql_info()`` ``conn.info()``
``mysql_insert_id()`` ``conn.insert_id()``
``mysql_num_fields()`` ``result.num_fields()``
``mysql_num_rows()`` ``result.num_rows()``
``mysql_options()`` various options to ``_mysql.connect()``
``mysql_ping()`` ``conn.ping()``
``mysql_query()`` ``conn.query()``
``mysql_real_connect()`` ``_mysql.connect()``
``mysql_real_query()`` ``conn.query()``
``mysql_real_escape_string()`` ``conn.escape_string()``
``mysql_rollback()`` ``conn.rollback()``
``mysql_row_seek()`` ``result.row_seek()``
``mysql_row_tell()`` ``result.row_tell()``
``mysql_select_db()`` ``conn.select_db()``
``mysql_set_character_set()`` ``conn.set_character_set()``
``mysql_ssl_set()`` ``ssl`` option to ``_mysql.connect()``
``mysql_stat()`` ``conn.stat()``
``mysql_store_result()`` ``conn.store_result()``
``mysql_thread_id()`` ``conn.thread_id()``
``mysql_thread_safe_client()`` ``conn.thread_safe_client()``
``mysql_use_result()`` ``conn.use_result()``
``mysql_warning_count()`` ``conn.warning_count()``
``CLIENT_*`` ``MySQLdb.constants.CLIENT.*``
``CR_*`` ``MySQLdb.constants.CR.*``
``ER_*`` ``MySQLdb.constants.ER.*``
``FIELD_TYPE_*`` ``MySQLdb.constants.FIELD_TYPE.*``
``FLAG_*`` ``MySQLdb.constants.FLAG.*``
=================================== ==================================
Some _mysql examples
Okay, so you want to use ``_mysql`` anyway. Here are some examples.
The simplest possible database connection is::
import _mysql
This creates a connection to the MySQL server running on the local
machine using the standard UNIX socket (or named pipe on Windows),
your login name (from the USER environment variable), no password, and
does not ``USE`` a database. Chances are you need to supply more
This creates a connection to the MySQL server running on the local
machine via a UNIX socket (or named pipe), the user name "joebob", the
password "moonpie", and selects the initial database "thangs".
We haven't even begun to touch upon all the parameters ``connect()``
can take. For this reason, I prefer to use keyword parameters::
This does exactly what the last example did, but is arguably easier to
read. But since the default host is "localhost", and if your login
name really was "joebob", you could shorten it to this::
UNIX sockets and named pipes don't work over a network, so if you
specify a host other than localhost, TCP will be used, and you can
specify an odd port if you need to (the default port is 3306)::
If you really had to, you could connect to the local host with TCP by
specifying the full host name, or
Generally speaking, putting passwords in your code is not such a good
This does what the previous example does, but gets the username and
password and other parameters from ~/.my.cnf (UNIX-like systems). Read
about `option files`_ for more details.
.. _`option files`: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Option_files.html
So now you have an open connection as ``db`` and want to do a
query. Well, there are no cursors in MySQL, and no parameter
substitution, so you have to pass a complete query string to
db.query("""SELECT spam, eggs, sausage FROM breakfast
WHERE price < 5""")
There's no return value from this, but exceptions can be raised. The
exceptions are defined in a separate module, ``_mysql_exceptions``,
but ``_mysql`` exports them. Read DB API specification PEP-249_ to
find out what they are, or you can use the catch-all ``MySQLError``.
.. _PEP-249: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0249.html
At this point your query has been executed and you need to get the
results. You have two options::
# ...or...
Both methods return a result object. What's the difference?
``store_result()`` returns the entire result set to the client
immediately. If your result set is really large, this could be a
problem. One way around this is to add a ``LIMIT`` clause to your
query, to limit the number of rows returned. The other is to use
``use_result()``, which keeps the result set in the server and sends
it row-by-row when you fetch. This does, however, tie up server
resources, and it ties up the connection: You cannot do any more
queries until you have fetched **all** the rows. Generally I
recommend using ``store_result()`` unless your result set is really
huge and you can't use ``LIMIT`` for some reason.
Now, for actually getting real results::
>>> r.fetch_row()
This might look a little odd. The firs