Programming is an art. Although traditional art imitates life, programming simulates life. Every abstract concept in programming, and to a great extent in the fi eld of computer science, has its roots in our daily life. For example, humans and possibly all other living forms were multiprocessing long before the term entered into computer science lingo. Th erefore, any concept in programming can in fact be illustrated through examples from our dayto-day life. Such an approach not only enables the student to assimilate and internalize the concept presented in a programming situation but also provides a solid foundation for the very process of programming, namely, the simulation of the real world. Unfortunately, textbooks currently on the market do not exploit this fact through examples or meaningful discussions. Th us, for many students, an abstract concept remains abstract. Th is is especially true in the case of object-oriented programming. Th e “wow moment” one gets by seeing programming as a simulation of the real-world situation is never realized. Th is book on Java programming teaches object-oriented design and programming principles in a completely integrated and incremental fashion. Th is book allows the reader to experience the world we live in as object-oriented. From the very outset the reader will realize that everything in this world is an object. Every concept of object-oriented design is fi rst illustrated through real-life analogy. Corresponding Java language constructs are introduced in an integrated fashion to demonstrate the programming required to simulate the real-world situation. Instead of compartmentalizing all the object-oriented concepts into one chapter, this book takes an incremental approach. Th e pedagogy of this book mirrors the classroom style the author has developed over the years as a teacher of computer science. In particular, every programming concept is introduced through simple examples followed by short programming examples. Case studies at the end of each chapter illustrate various design issues as well as the usefulness of many new concepts encountered in that chapter. Java has emerged as the primary language for soft ware development. From a soft ware engineering perspective, object-oriented design has established itself as the industry standard. Th us, more and more teaching institutions are moving toward a CS1 course that teaches Java programming and object-oriented design principles. A common approach followed in many textbooks on the market is to introduce object-oriented concepts from the very beginning and ignore many traditional programming techniques completely. Th e objective of this book is to present object-oriented programming and design without compromising the training one needs on traditional programming constructs and structures.
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