Iocomp Components 4.x
Register with the KeyCode: (spread with care or they will be blacklisted!)
8B54FDFE1F (V4 ActiveX/VCL Ultra Pack Site/OEM License)
AB54FE7224 (V4 .Net WinForms Ultra Pack Site/OEM License)
If you are installing the ActiveX/VCL components:
Now disconnect you PC from the net to avoid the online registration (isn�t a good idea to send your IP to Iocomp Inc.) Insert fake data.
The wizard will try 3 times to connect to Simply click Retry.
Then click OK. You can now restore your net connection.
If you choose to install the support for OPC Features replace \Windows\System32\iOPC2.dll with the cracked one.
The installed dll is only a trial version that doesn�t allow any registration, so no S/N.
\\ DarkRapt0r
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