Built initially for scientific computing, Python quickly found its place in finance. Its flexibility and robustness can be easily incorporated into applications for mathematical studies, research, and software development. With this book, you will learn about all the tools you need to successfully perform research studies and modeling, improve your trading strategies, and effectively manage risks. You will explore the various tools and techniques used in solving complex problems commonly faced in finance. You will learn how to price financial instruments such as stocks, options, interest rate derivatives, and futures using computational methods. Also, you will learn how you can perform data analytics on market indexes and use NoSQL to store tick data.
- wind_cloud12222017-09-11很不错的书籍,介绍了好多工具的使用
- kerwinpc2018-03-02非常好,谢谢分享
- Ali2016-09-22不错的金融分析书籍。
- 粉丝: 108
- 资源: 1187
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