Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino(PACKT,2ed,2015)
Revolutionize the way you interact with your home and become part of the rapidly growing group of hobbyists and enthusiasts by combining the powerful Raspberry Pi with an Arduino board. Starting with an introduction to the Raspberry Pi and Arduino boards you will set up your very own home automation system through a series of exciting projects, making your life a lot easier. Build a thermostat, a Raspberry Pi control device, a parcel delivery detector, and a water and damp detector, and then move on to more complex projects including a motor mechanism to control your curtains. By the end of this practical guide, you will be a confident user who can program, set up, and run a wide range of applications using both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.
- lixinecu2016-07-09本书把微控制器和微处理器完美结合起来,从低端到高端,领悟电子信息科学的美
- cicna2018-04-08非常感谢,已经下载学习
- Evan6522332142016-06-18非常感谢,已经下载学习
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