# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
# include property in project.properties.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
1:fragment+raidoButton 实现点击radioButton 切换视图 2:fragment+viewpager 通过对滑动事件的监听、切换视图 3:在2的基础上,进行viewpager嵌套。 并获取不同的监听事件 4:在3的基础上,自定义listview 并获取相应的监听事件 (PS:更大层面上适合初学者学习和了解)
fragment+Viewpager 嵌套 (185个子文件)
resources.ap_ 977KB
javaabtext_radioButton.apk 1.17MB
jarlist.cache 120B
viewPage_Fragment.class 4KB
freament_jieyue.class 3KB
radio_Fragment.class 3KB
adaterListView.class 3KB
freament_hudong.class 3KB
R$drawable.class 2KB
CentenActivity.class 2KB
viewPage_Fragment$onclickBottomMennu.class 2KB
viewPage_Fragment$1.class 2KB
R$id.class 1KB
freament_hudong$freament_SonHudong.class 1KB
FragmentAdapter.class 1KB
freament_hudong$1.class 1KB
MainActivity.class 1KB
R$string.class 964B
freament_wode.class 928B
Son_Freament_two.class 919B
Son_Freament.class 907B
R.class 897B
R$layout.class 889B
MainActivity$1.class 855B
adaterListView$initView.class 761B
R$color.class 731B
R$menu.class 544B
R$dimen.class 509B
R$style.class 479B
R$attr.class 388B
BuildConfig.class 377B
.classpath 541B
classes.dex 634KB
android-support-v4.jar 543KB
android-support-v4-9fddfe6561c14b8b16c483e4f0a375ee.jar 206KB
android-support-v4-af92cda1f8801da26ea21db8106971e3.jar 206KB
annotations-6437a56358c598718046c467791848f3.jar 943B
R.java 9KB
viewPage_Fragment.java 5KB
radio_Fragment.java 3KB
freament_hudong.java 2KB
adaterListView.java 2KB
freament_jieyue.java 2KB
CentenActivity.java 1KB
Son_Freament.java 709B
freament_wode.java 663B
Son_Freament_two.java 660B
MainActivity.java 642B
FragmentAdapter.java 599B
BuildConfig.java 176B
a2.jpg 88KB
a1.jpg 81KB
a3.jpg 63KB
firstpage.9.png 494KB
firstpage.9.png 348KB
menu_background.png 284KB
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ic_launcher.png 24KB
main_activtiy_add_normal.png 23KB
shadow.9.png 22KB
shadow.9.png 18KB
ic_launcher.png 17KB
ic_launcher.png 12KB
ic_launcher.png 9KB
ic_launcher.png 9KB
ic_launcher.png 9KB
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icon_2_b.png 4KB
icon_5_a.png 4KB
icon_3_a.png 4KB
icon_2_a.png 4KB
ic_launcher.png 4KB
title_function_bg.9.png 3KB
ic_launcher.png 3KB
return_icon.png 3KB
tab_settings_pressed.png 3KB
tab_settings_pressed.png 3KB
title_bar_menu_on.png 3KB
title_bar_menu.png 3KB
title_function_bg.9.png 3KB
tab_find_frd_pressed.png 2KB
tab_find_frd_pressed.png 2KB
tab_address_pressed.png 2KB
tab_address_pressed.png 2KB
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tab_weixin_pressed.png 2KB
tab_weixin_pressed.png 2KB
icon_1_b.png 2KB
icon_1_a.png 2KB
icon_profile.png 2KB
frame.png 2KB
title_btn_function.png 2KB
title_btn_function.png 2KB
共 185 条
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