goto ENY2G; yILhJ: require 'function.php'; goto pTR_Q; uyE4Q: defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); goto yILhJ; ENY2G: ?>
<?php goto uyE4Q; pTR_Q: class Lt_communityModuleSite extends WeModuleSite { public function doMobileShequn() { goto IpGUi; k05Mq: $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Xjw9X; r87nl: $fnmedata = $this->getfnMenus(); goto T6ecd; B9lv7: $sqlcount = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_shequn') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and ishow=1 and qcode <> \'\'' . $where . ' order by id'; goto pD7a2; DHGDj: $bannerEnd1 = pdo_fetch($banner_end_sql1, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto pdPrv; Ihln8: $pagetitle = $setting['title']; goto WgLsA; Eyd7I: return json_encode($list); goto fX3Sp; T0Tg7: $setting = pdo_get('lt_community_setting', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Ihln8; tzzp6: $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], ":city" => $item['excityCode'])); goto XArfm; hldgZ: $alluser = pdo_fetchall($user, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto hYBB9; HSWNR: $fans_info = $account_api->fansQueryInfo($_W['openid']); goto Lienc; pD7a2: $sum = pdo_fetchcolumn($sqlcount, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid']), $column = 0); goto si42k; BBZu1: ibKac: goto EwPW2; Kswl4: if (!(!empty($type) && $type == 'rz')) { goto hGTSN; } goto ouvin; PJ_Yi: global $_W; goto lZJSU; pdPrv: $category = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_category') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid ' . ' order by `rank`', array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto JKn0R; fX3Sp: ALr6S: goto Iu_c1; mX7oW: $op = $_GPC['op'] ? $_GPC['op'] : 'shequn'; goto T0Tg7; XArfm: goto hLL9O; goto vyiTo; En3G7: if (empty($cid)) { goto l3KOE; } goto zN8mJ; EwPW2: if (empty($_GPC['page'])) { goto ALr6S; } goto Eyd7I; DMPRu: $advsql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=1' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto O8W5q; hYBB9: $auser = count($alluser); goto wyL5C; wShMm: $bannerFirst = pdo_fetch($bannersql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto oVPF2; Iu_c1: $bannersql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=0' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto i2e4o; xZuCo: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_shequn') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and ishow=1 and qcode <> \'\'' . $where . ' order by istop desc,rank asc,createtime desc limit ' . $num . ',' . $psize; goto k05Mq; JTgc5: $where = 'and title like \'%' . $keyWords . '%\''; goto m1uHO; AyRHz: foreach ($list as $key => $value) { goto lyF01; puDw3: $text = '已付费'; goto t_Mop; r14IS: i207a: goto puDw3; MSgKX: if (in_array($user['id'], $uidsarr)) { goto i207a; } goto gOxnj; uZkM9: goto uvbMk; goto r14IS; Y22DW: $clas = 'mui-btn-green'; goto qmp9S; N0Clr: $text = 'VIP免费'; goto puUYZ; B5Eua: if ($price != 0 && $value['intotype'] == 1) { goto ffWaZ; } goto vjp4k; eXuo2: cuz6q: goto I3lxr; puUYZ: goto MQ6CP; goto eXuo2; t_Mop: uvbMk: goto PEyJf; gOxnj: $text = '付费'; goto uZkM9; Acwz3: $uids = $value['uids']; goto B5Eua; hzvCc: $list[$key]['text'] = $text; goto tU9ic; uIhu2: goto Eur3n; goto BWWUY; vjp4k: $clas = 'mui-btn-orange'; goto RXyog; uc4PK: vEcp6: goto N0Clr; tC56a: goto MQ6CP; goto uc4PK; BWWUY: ffWaZ: goto Y22DW; tU9ic: Q3DDF: goto RfwwG; I3lxr: $uidsarr = explode(',', $uids); goto MSgKX; W3WBk: $list[$key]['clas'] = $clas; goto hzvCc; RXyog: $text = '加群'; goto uIhu2; qmp9S: if ($user['isvip'] == 1) { goto vEcp6; } goto J801Q; zep3G: $text = '付费'; goto tC56a; a9s3a: Eur3n: goto W3WBk; PEyJf: MQ6CP: goto a9s3a; lyF01: $price = $value['price']; goto Acwz3; J801Q: if (!empty($uid)) { goto cuz6q; } goto zep3G; RfwwG: } goto BBZu1; IMT4j: $allusers = $setting['alluser'] + $auser; goto foS8n; gddWM: $psize = 20; goto B9lv7; sohSh: $this->checkvipendtime(); goto kWrNY; nmnJT: $banner1 = pdo_fetchall($bannersql1, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto cy5Pb; kWwyr: $allqun = pdo_fetchall($qun, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto LxIx6; i2e4o: $banner_end_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=0' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto iuKmv; w2JAj: $type = $_GPC['type']; goto VKLkr; Sq_1o: hGTSN: goto uQDF7; VKLkr: $where = ''; goto gGy2Y; sxdun: $uid = $user['id']; goto SEu5m; O4hk7: $cid = $_GPC['cid']; goto mX7oW; cy5Pb: $bannerFirst1 = pdo_fetch($bannersql1, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto DHGDj; LxIx6: $aqun = count($allqun); goto ETAHk; T6ecd: $medata = $this->getMenus(); goto w2JAj; ouvin: $where .= ' and cert=1 '; goto Sq_1o; foS8n: include $this->template($op); goto p0Qh3; ETAHk: $user = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_user') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid' . ' order by id'; goto hldgZ; kWrNY: $this->bindfid(); goto r87nl; si42k: $pager = pagination($sum, $pindex, $psize); goto qvezE; SEu5m: $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); goto gddWM; zN8mJ: $where .= " and find_in_set('{$cid}',cid) "; goto wt12G; Ecz9N: if ($setting['is_show'] == 0 || empty($item['excityCode'])) { goto a7bLp; } goto xKrMY; JRubo: $qun = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_shequn') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid' . ' order by id'; goto kWwyr; IpGUi: global $_GPC; goto PJ_Yi; wyL5C: $allquns = $setting['allqun'] + $aqun; goto IMT4j; uQDF7: $user = pdo_get('lt_community_user', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], "openid" => $_W['openid'])); goto sxdun; ndHpm: $banner_end_sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=2' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto nmnJT; Xjw9X: hLL9O: goto AyRHz; qvezE: $num = ($pindex - 1) * $psize; goto Ecz9N; wt12G: l3KOE: goto Kswl4; m1uHO: vMexV: goto En3G7; gGy2Y: if (empty($keyWords)) { goto vMexV; } goto JTgc5; WgLsA: $description = $setting['description']; goto bBIDY; JKn0R: $notice = pdo_fetchall('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_notice') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid ' . ' order by id', array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto JRubo; oVPF2: $bannerEnd = pdo_fetch($banner_end_sql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto DMPRu; lZJSU: $account_api = WeAccount::create(); goto HSWNR; xKrMY: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_shequn') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and ishow=1 and city=:city and qcode <> \'\'' . $where . ' order by istop desc,rank asc,createtime desc limit ' . $num . ',' . $psize; goto tzzp6; vyiTo: a7bLp: goto xZuCo; yLidN: $keyWords = $_GPC['keyWords']; goto O4hk7; itQ_9: $shequns = pdo_getall('lt_community_shequn', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto yLidN; Ne0Ab: $bannersql1 = 'SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('lt_community_banner') . ' where uniacid=:uniacid and type=2' . ' order by `rank` desc'; goto ndHpm; bBIDY: $shareLink = $_W['siteroot'] . 'app/' . substr($this->createMobileUrl('transfer', array("active" => $op)), 2); goto sohSh; O8W5q: $adv = pdo_fetchall($advsql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Ne0Ab; iuKmv: $banner = pdo_fetchall($bannersql, array(":uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto wShMm; Lienc: $item = pdo_get('lt_community_user', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'], "openid" => $_W['openid'])); goto itQ_9; p0Qh3: } public function doMobileGoder() { goto Y0MSZ; SjupB: $payjifen = $goods['goods_price'] * $number; goto IO9Fd; u7E12: $ujifen = $user['jifen']; goto IGxCz; Oq_mS: $cphone = $_GPC['cphone']; goto TNRjL; re1jm: XZoz_: goto z_vIC; WGzVb: XQ13j: goto bUJAh; RAirX: goto Of1JC; goto WGzVb; Y0MSZ: global $_W, $_GPC; goto CKToM; z_vIC: include $this->template('goder'); goto Qutza; z1tdT: $number = $_GPC['number']; goto XucDv; tUiQu: $type = $_GPC['type']; goto nY4mO; flZOJ: FikRv: goto joaQe; Yxnbf: $pagetitle = $setting['title']; goto AvDN1; qB9Kk: $commission = pdo_get('lt_community_commission', array("uniacid" => $_W['uniacid'])); goto Yxnbf; YumAR: if (!empty($result)) { goto FikRv; } goto kSkH0; np50e: message('请先登录个人中心', $this->createMobileUrl('user'), 'error'); goto X3j2l; XPHrT: $prices = round($ljifen * $jimo