Applying Support Packs and Plug-ins
Applying Support Packs
From time to time SAP does modifications to the various objects of its R/3 software
and makes the modifications available to the customers in form of support packs and
Customers are required to check for the latest updates on the changes being made
by SAP to its software and accordingly apply them at their installations. The support
packs and CRTs are made available by SAP on their Marketplace site
(earlier known as SAPNet) . (You will require an login id and
password to get into this site).
The following is procedure to show you step-by-step process of applying different
support packages into your system.
It is always advisable to first verify the SPAM/SAINT version in the system. Check in for the latest version of SPAM/SAINT. If you do not have
the latest SPAM/SAINT version then download the latest SPAM/SAINT package.
There are certain support packages, which require certain level of SPAM/SAINT. For
such packages, you first have to update the SPAM/SAINT
SPAM/SAINT update and support packs are applied thru Transaction code SPAM.
The SPAM/SAINT update and support packs files are .CAR files, which need to be
Supports packs for Applications area (i.e. changes made to the objects of various
functional modules of SAP) are also know as HOTPACKS
BASIS Support Packs make changes to the BASIS system.
HR Support Packs make changes to the HR Module. Earlier it was known as Legal
Change Patches (LCPs)
Similarly we also have ABAP/4 Support Packs for the changes made to the ABAP/4.
Most of these support packs are in the form of .CAR files, which are available in SAP
Marketplace ( You have to download the support packages
required for your system from the Internet or from the SAPServX server.
The following procedure is a step-by-step procedure for applying these Support
1. Download the required .CAR files from SAPNet or SAPServX server
2. Put them in a temporary directory either in /usr/sap/trans/tmp or any other
folder which you can create (say, patch)
3. Change to the directory /usr/sap/trans (UNIX) or \usr\sap\trans (NT)
4. Use the command CAR -xvf <path the of the CAR file including the .CAR
5. The command CAR is case sensitive
6. The command CAR will decompress the CAR file and put two files (with
extensions .ATT and .PAT in the /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory.
7. Logon to the SAP system in client 000 as user DDIC