package test;
import banking5.Account;
import banking5.Bank;
import banking5.CheckingAccount;
import banking5.Customer;
import banking5.SavingAccount;
* This class creates the program to test the banking classes.
* It creates a new Bank, sets the Customer (with an initial balance),
* and performs a series of transactions with the Account object.
public class TestBanking_5 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bank bank = new Bank();
Customer customer;
Account account;
// Create bank customers and their accounts
System.out.println("Creating the customer Jane Smith.");
bank.addCustomer("Jane", "Simms");
// code
.println("Creating her Savings Account with a 500.00 balance and 3% interest.");
// code
bank.getCustomer(0).setAccount(new SavingAccount(500, 0.03));
System.out.println("Creating the customer Owen Bryant.");
// code
bank.addCustomer("Owen", "Bryant");
customer = bank.getCustomer(1);
.println("Creating his Checking Account with a 500.00 balance and no overdraft protection.");
// code
customer.setAccount(new CheckingAccount(500));
System.out.println("Creating the customer Tim Soley.");
bank.addCustomer("Tim", "Soley");
customer = bank.getCustomer(2);
.println("Creating his Checking Account with a 500.00 balance and 500.00 in overdraft protection.");
// code
customer.setAccount(new CheckingAccount(500, 500));
System.out.println("Creating the customer Maria Soley.");
// code
bank.addCustomer("Maria", "Soley");
customer = bank.getCustomer(3);
.println("Maria shares her Checking Account with her husband Tim.");
// Demonstrate behavior of various account types
// Test a standard Savings Account
.println("Retrieving the customer Jane Smith with her savings account.");
customer = bank.getCustomer(0);
account = customer.getAccount();
// Perform some account transactions
System.out.println("Withdraw 150.00: " + account.withdraw(150.00));
System.out.println("Deposit 22.50: " + account.deposit(22.50));
System.out.println("Withdraw 47.62: " + account.withdraw(47.62));
System.out.println("Withdraw 400.00: " + account.withdraw(400.00));
// Print out the final account balance
System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName() + ", "
+ customer.getFirstName() + "] has a balance of "
+ account.getBalance());
// Test a Checking Account w/o overdraft protection
.println("Retrieving the customer Owen Bryant with his checking account with no overdraft protection.");
customer = bank.getCustomer(1);
account = customer.getAccount();
// Perform some account transactions
System.out.println("Withdraw 150.00: " + account.withdraw(150.00));
System.out.println("Deposit 22.50: " + account.deposit(22.50));
System.out.println("Withdraw 47.62: " + account.withdraw(47.62));
System.out.println("Withdraw 400.00: " + account.withdraw(400.00));
// Print out the final account balance
System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName() + ", "
+ customer.getFirstName() + "] has a balance of "
+ account.getBalance());
// Test a Checking Account with overdraft protection
.println("Retrieving the customer Tim Soley with his checking account that has overdraft protection.");
customer = bank.getCustomer(2);
account = customer.getAccount();
// Perform some account transactions
System.out.println("Withdraw 150.00: " + account.withdraw(150.00));
System.out.println("Deposit 22.50: " + account.deposit(22.50));
System.out.println("Withdraw 47.62: " + account.withdraw(47.62));
System.out.println("Withdraw 400.00: " + account.withdraw(400.00));
// Print out the final account balance
System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName() + ", "
+ customer.getFirstName() + "] has a balance of "
+ account.getBalance());
// Test a Checking Account with overdraft protection
.println("Retrieving the customer Maria Soley with her joint checking account with husband Tim.");
customer = bank.getCustomer(3);
account = customer.getAccount();
// Perform some account transactions
System.out.println("Deposit 150.00: " + account.deposit(150.00));
System.out.println("Withdraw 750.00: " + account.withdraw(750.00));
// Print out the final account balance
System.out.println("Customer [" + customer.getLastName() + ", "
+ customer.getFirstName() + "] has a balance of "
+ account.getBalance());
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