My program consists of 6 functions:
1. dn.m - the main function of the program
2. load_data.m - Load the training or learning image names
3. dn_create.m - Create a DN network with n*n neurons in Y area
4. dn_train.m - Compute the response of each Y neuron and update the weights and ages
5. dn_test.m - Compute the response of each Z neuron and find the winner, whose label is the class number which the test_image belongs to
6. plot_weight.m - Visualize the weights XY,YZ and ZY, and also the ages of Y and Z neurons
The steps to run this program is as follows:
1. Open the function dn.m
2. Update the path in line 24 and 25 according to the actual locations of the these two folers(训练图像和测试图像位置)
3. Enter the parameter epoch_num (迭代次数,默认为1)and n(y层神经元数,默认为10)in line 16 and 17, then click "run"
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
包含发育神经网络模型matlab代码+训练数据集+训练效果图表,网络为最初的发育网络初始版本,有兴趣的小伙伴可以在这个版本的基础上进行创新改进研究, Developmental neural network model + MATLAB code + training dataset + training effect chart, suitable for scientific researchers, the network is the initial version of developmental neural network, interested partners can improve and innovate research on this basis.
发育神经网络模型+matlab代码+训练数据集+训练效果图表 (221个子文件)
HW3_report.docx 300KB
stem_xy_10.fig 3.63MB
stem_xy_6.fig 1.09MB
stem_zy_10.fig 18KB
stem_zy_6.fig 6KB
stem_yz_10.fig 4KB
stem_yz_6.fig 4KB
stem_z_10.fig 2KB
stem_z_6.fig 2KB
stem_y_10.fig 2KB
stem_y_6.fig 2KB
Y-age.jpg 40KB
stem_y_age.jpg 30KB
Z-age.jpg 19KB
stem_z_age.jpg 14KB
background2.jpg 3KB
Ashley3.jpg 2KB
bcgr.jpg 2KB
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Chris6.jpg 2KB
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Cody4.jpg 2KB
David4.jpg 2KB
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Tima5.jpg 2KB
Jenna7.jpg 2KB
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