Oracle JDBC Drivers release production Readme.txt
What Is New In This Release ?
Universal Connection Pool
In this release the Oracle Implicit Connection Cache feature is
deprecated. Users are strongly encouraged to use the new Universal
Connection Pool instead. The UCP has all of the features of the
ICC, plus much more. The UCP is available in a separate jar file,
Column Security
When a table is XDS (eXtensible Data Security) enabled, some
objects (or rows) may be invisible to the user depending on the
security constraints. Moreover, an object (or row) can be visible
but some of its attributes (or columns) may not be. Starting in
11gR2, the JDBC drivers support these new security attributes and
let you determine whether a particular column has some security
attributes and whether a column value is null because it's hidden
or because it's actually null.
Secure Lob
Additional support for the Oracle Database 11.1 Secure LOB feature.
Lob prefetch
Improves the performance of some LOB read operations by fetching
the initial bytes or chars of the LOB along with the locator. For
very small LOBs, less than a few thousand bytes, the entire LOB
value may be fetched. This improves the performance of reads on
very small lobs and reads of the initial bytes or chars on all
Network Connection Pool
The network connection pool allows multiple java.sql.Connection
objects to share a limited number of network level channels. Each
Connection is associated with a single database session. The
Connection object communicates with the session over a network
channel. When the network connection pool is enabled, network
channels are shared among multiple Connection/session pairs. In
some situations this can reduce the resources consumed on both the
client and server and improve performance and scalability.
XMLType Queue Support in AQ
Oracle Database 11gR1 JDBC introduced high performance access to
Oracle Advanced Queueing. This release extends this support by
providing high performance access to queues that use SQL XMLType.
Notification Grouping in AQ and DCN
Notification Grouping is a new feature of JDBC Notification which
was included in Database 11gR1 and which includes AQ Notification
as well as Database Change Notification. You can now ask the
database to group notifications for example every 60 seconds. When
using Notification Grouping, you are given the option to either
get only the last notification or a summary of them.
TimeZone Patching
Improved support for time zones that are not directly supported by
the client Java environment.
Reduced Memory Footprint
In 10gR1 we rearchitected the drivers to improve performance at
the cost of increasing memory footprint, especially when using the
(highly recommended!) statement cache. We achieved our goal of
improving performance, but the increase in memory footprint has
sometimes proved problematic. The 11gR1 release retained the
performance improvements and reduced the memory footprint for
most users. The 11gR2 release provides some tuning options for
that subset of users that need them. This is users with large
numbers of connections and large statement caches. See the JavaDoc
worry about this unless you are running out of heap.
Driver Versions
These are the driver versions in the 11R2 release:
- JDBC Thin Driver 11R2
100% Java client-side JDBC driver for use in client applications,
middle-tier servers and applets.
- JDBC OCI Driver 11R2
Client-side JDBC driver for use on a machine where OCI 11R2
is installed.
- JDBC Thin Server-side Driver 11R2
JDBC driver for use in Java program in the database to access
remote Oracle databases.
- JDBC Server-side Internal Driver 11R2
Server-side JDBC driver for use by Java Stored procedures. This
driver used to be called the "JDBC Kprb Driver".
For complete documentation, please refer to "JDBC Developer's Guide
and Reference".
Contents Of This Release
For all platforms:
[ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib contains:
- ojdbc5.jar
Classes for use with JDK 1.5. It contains the JDBC driver
classes, except classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and
Collection types.
- ojdbc5_g.jar
Same as ojdbc5.jar, except that classes were compiled with
"javac -g" and contain tracing code.
- ojdbc5dms.jar
Same as ojdbc5.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
support DMS and limited java.util.logging calls.
- ojdbc5dms_g.jar
Same as ojdbc5_g.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
support DMS.
- ojdbc6.jar
Classes for use with JDK 1.6. It contains the JDBC driver classes
except classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and Collection
- ojdbc6_g.jar
Same as ojdbc6.jar except compiled with "javac -g" and contains
tracing code.
- ojdbc6dms.jar
Same as ojdbc6.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
support DMS and limited java.util.logging calls.
- ojdbc6dms_g.jar
Same as ojdbc6_g.jar except that it contains instrumentation to
support DMS.
Note: The dms versions of the jar files are the same as
standard jar files, except that they contain additional code
to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. They contain a
limited amount of tracing code. These can only be used
when dms.jar is in the classpath. dms.jar is provided as part of
Oracle Application Server releases. As a result the dms versions
of the jar files can only be used in an Oracle Application Server
[ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/doc/javadoc.tar contains the JDBC Javadoc
for the public API of the public classes of Oracle JDBC. This
JavaDoc is the primary reference for Oracle JDBC API extensions. The
Oracle JDBC Development Guide contains high level discussion of
Oracle extensions. The details are in this JavaDoc. The JavaDoc is
every bit as authorative as the Dev Guide.
[ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/demo/demo.tar contains sample JDBC programs.
NLS classes for use with JDK 1.5, and 1.6. It contains
classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and Collection types.
This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files. In
Oracle 10g R1 it was duplicated in [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib. We
have removed the duplicate copy and you should now get it from
its proper location.
For the Windows platform:
[ORACLE_HOME]\bin directory contains ocijdbc11.dll and
heteroxa11.dll, which are the libraries used by the JDBC OCI
For non-Windows platforms:
[ORACLE_HOME]/lib directory contains,, and, which
are the shared libraries used by the JDBC OCI driver.
NLS Extension Jar File (for client-side only)
The JDBC Server-side Internal Driver provides complete NLS support.
It does not require any NLS extension jar file. Discussions in this
section only apply to the Oracle JDBC Thin and JDBC OCI drivers.
The basic jar files (ojdbc5.jar and ojdbc6.jar) contain all the
necessary classes to provide complete NLS support for:
- Oracle Character sets for CHAR/VARCHAR/LONGVARCHAR/CLOB type data
that is not retrieved or inserted as a data member of an Oracle
Object or Col
orcal 11G客户端安装包本人已用4年
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Oracle 11g是Oracle公司推出的数据库管理系统的一个重要版本,主要服务于企业级的数据存储和管理。作为客户端,它提供了一套工具和库,允许开发者和DBA(数据库管理员)连接到Oracle服务器,进行数据查询、管理和维护。在这个“Oracle 11g客户端安装包”中,我们通常会找到以下关键组件:
1. **Oracle Net Services**:这是客户端与服务器通信的核心组件,包括SQL*Net,它负责网络协议转换和路由,确保不同平台间的客户端和服务器能有效通信。
2. **Oracle SQL Developer**:一个强大的数据库开发工具,支持创建、编辑、调试SQL和PL/SQL代码,管理数据库对象,以及执行数据迁移任务。
3. **Oracle Instant Client**:轻量级的客户端组件,仅包含运行Oracle应用程序所需的最小功能集,如OCI(Oracle Call Interface)和JDBC驱动,使得无需完整安装客户端就能连接Oracle数据库。
4. **Oracle Database Gateways**:这些组件允许Oracle客户端连接到非Oracle系统,如DB2、SQL Server或AS/400等。
5. **OEM(Oracle Enterprise Manager)客户端工具**:如Database Control和Cloud Control,用于监控、诊断和管理Oracle数据库服务器。
6. **PL/SQL Developer**:虽然不是Oracle官方工具,但可能包含在某些第三方打包中,是一个用于编写、测试和调试PL/SQL代码的IDE。
7. **OCI Libraries**:Oracle Call Interface库,供开发人员在C、C++或其他支持的语言中调用Oracle功能。
8. **JDBC驱动**:Java Database Connectivity驱动,允许Java应用程序连接到Oracle数据库。
9. **ODBC驱动**:Open Database Connectivity驱动,让非Java应用也能连接Oracle。
安装Oracle 11g客户端时,需要确保系统满足最低硬件和软件要求,例如操作系统兼容性(例如Windows 32位系统,对应提供的"win32_11gR2_client"),足够的磁盘空间,以及正确的环境变量设置。安装过程中,通常会遇到选择安装类型(典型、定制),选择组件,配置网络参数(如TNS_ADMIN,监听器配置)等步骤。
使用Oracle 11g客户端,用户可以进行SQL查询,执行DML操作(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE),创建和管理数据库对象(表、视图、索引),执行备份和恢复,以及性能监控和优化。对于DBA来说,客户端工具还提供了强大的故障排查和诊断功能,如V$视图、AWR(Automatic Workload Repository)报告等。
“Oracle 11g客户端安装包”是一个全面的工具集,为各种级别的用户提供了访问和管理Oracle数据库的能力,不论他们是开发者、DBA还是普通用户。其稳定性和丰富的功能使其在业界备受信赖,历经多年仍然被广泛使用。
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