Manages the boot and driver options that are stored in NVRAM.
bcfg driver|boot [dump [-v]] [add # file "desc"] [addp # file "desc"][addh # handle "desc"] [rm #] [mv # #] [-opt # [[filename]|["data"]] | [KeyData <ScanCode UnicodeChar>]]
driver Display or modify the driver option list.
boot Display or modify the boot option list.
dump Display the option list.
-v Display the option list with extra info including the optional data.
add Add an option. The # is the number of options to add in hexadecimal. The file name of the UEFI application/driver for the option. The quoted parameter is the description of the option being added.
addh Add an option that refers to the driver specified by handle. The # is the number of options to add, in hexadecimal. The handle is the driver handle, in hexadecimal. The device path for the option is retrieved from the handle. The quoted parameter is the description of the option being added.
addp Add an option that refers to a specific file. Only the portion of the device path starting with the hard drive partition is placed in the option. The # is the number of options to add, in hexadecimal. The quoted parameter is the description of the option being added.
rm Remove an option. The parameter lists the number of the options to remove in hexadecimal.
mv Move an option. The first numeric parameter is the number of the option to move in hexadecimal. The second numeric parameter is the new number of the option being moved.
-opt Display/modify the optional data associated with a driver or boot option. Followed either by the file name of the file which contains the binary data to be associated with the driver or boot option optional data or else the quotedelimited data which will be associated with the driver or boot option optional data.
KeyData The packed value associated with a hot-key. This is the equivalent of the EFI_KEY_DATA value in the UEFI specification.
ScanCode This is the UEFI-defined Scan code portion of the EFI_INPUT_KEY struction. This value is directly associated with the preceding KeyData value and there may be 1 to 4 entries per the UEFI specification. When one instance of this parameter has a non-zero value, the paired UnicodeChar value will have a zero-based value.
UnicodeChar This is the Unicode value for the character associated with the preceding KeyData value. There may be 1 to 4 entries per the UEFI specification. When one instance of this parameter has a non-zero value, the paired ScanCode value will have a zero-based value.
Manages the boot and driver options stored in NVRAM. This command can display the Boot#### or Driver#### environment variables by using the dump option. The add option can be used to add a new Boot#### or Driver#### environment variable. The rm option can be used to delete a Boot#### or Driver#### environment variable, and finally, then mv option can be used to reorder the Boot#### and Driver#### environment variables. The add, rm, and mv options also update the BootOrder or DriverOrder environment variables as appropriate.
To display driver options:
Shell> bcfg driver dump
To display boot options:
Shell> bcfg boot dump
To display verbosely of boot options:
Shell> bcfg boot dump -v
To add a driver option #5
Shell> bcfg driver add 5 mydriver.efi "My Driver"
To add a boot option #3
Shell> bcfg boot add 3 osloader.efi "My OS"
To remove boot option #3
Shell> bcfg boot rm 3
To move boot option #3 to boot option #7
Shell> bcfg boot mv 3 7
To assign a CTRL-B hot-key to boot option #3.
Shell> bcfg boot -opt 3 0x40000200 0 0x42
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