WSUS Offline Update 9.1
Author: Torsten Wittrock (mailto:twittrock@wsusoffline.net)
Publications Version 3.0
English article: "DIY Service Pack - Installing Windows updates without an internet connection" (http://www.heise-security.co.uk/articles/80682)
German article: "Selfmade Service Pack - Windows-Updates ohne Internet-Verbindung installieren" (c't 23/06, S. 202ff; http://www.heise.de/kiosk/archiv/ct/06/23/202)
Publications Version 4.0
German article: "Patch-Konserven - Selbstgeschn�rte Service Packs f�r Windows und Office" (c't 22/07, S. 212ff; http://www.heise.de/kiosk/archiv/ct/2007/22/212; http://www.heise.de/software/download/special/ct_offline_update/8_1)
Publications Version 6.0
German article: "Linux patcht Windows" (c't 12/09, S. 162; http://www.heise.de/kiosk/archiv/ct/2009/12/162)
Versions' history:
Version 3.0 -- 25.10.06
- Dynamic integration of new updates using wsusscan.cab
- Dynamic installation of new updates using Windows Update Agent
Version 3.01 -- 31.10.06
- Fix: "%~dps0 problem" on Windows 2000 systems
- Fix: msxml* patches' parameters
- Fix: msxsl error handling
Version 3.02 -- 23.11.06
- Fix: Error code 1641 (ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED) lead to false error messages
- Fix: Missing log file variable caused script failures in standalone runs
- Fix: ie6download.exe hung if IE7 was installed
- Fix: msxml* patches' parameters (2)
- Fix: Relative paths in AutoIt-Scripts were not found using the "run as" functionality
- Fix: Error handling of prerequisites' installations
- Fix: Installation errors lead to aborts
- Fix: %TEMP% paths containing special characters caused errors
- Implementation of Internet Explorer version determination changed to registry query
- ExtractUpdatesFromWSUSAndCreateISOImages.cmd understands /proxy parameter now
- XSLT filters and ExtractUpdatesFromWSUS.vbs get updates for .NET and "Step-by-Step-Interactive-Training" now
- Structural avoidance of endless reboot/recall loops
- Download window title informs about progress
- Script version and computer name will be logged
Version 3.03 -- 16.02.07
- Support for new catalog file wsusscn2.cab
- Fix: Download required administrative privileges
- Fix: Download did not start when startup entries for %ComSpec% contained "cd" directives
- Fix: Update did not start when UpdateStarterGUI.exe was launched from paths containing special characters
- Fix: Timeout for ie6download.exe increased
- Fix: CleanupRecall.cmd only worked if WSUSUpdateAdmin was logged on
Version 3.04 -- 22.03.07
- INSTALLATION HINT: Please delete existing 'exclude-list-*.txt' files of previous versions in the directory 'exclude' (not 'client\exclude') before unpacking!
- Mandatory installation of service pack 2 on Windows Server 2003 systems
- Patches may explicitly excluded from download (already used for w2k3 sp1 in exclude-list-w2k3.txt)
- Fix: State of service 'automatic updates' is checked before trying to list missing updates
- Fix: Windows update agent version caused error 0x80247002 in ListMissingUpdateIds.vbs
- Fix: WSUSUpdateAdmin autologon password could differ from password in user management if CreateUpdateAdminAndEnableAutoLogon.vbs was called twice
Version 3.11 -- 05.05.07
- Dutch language support added (Thanks to Lars van Jeurissen)
- Spanish language support added (Thanks to Javier Mar�n)
- French language support added (Thanks to Tim Endres)
- Portuguese language support added (Thanks to Berit Jensen)
- Brazilian language support added (Thanks to Stefan J�hnke)
- DownloadStarterGUI.exe saves settings now
- UpdateStarterGUI.exe checks availability of Windows Script Host now
- DoUpdate.cmd and UpdateStarterGUI.exe support /nobackup parameter now (installs updates without saving uninstallation info)
- Dynamic determination of Windows Update Agent URLs using wuredist.cab
- Implementation of administrators' group determination changed to support multiple languages (Thanks to Bert Schinkel-Momsen)
- DVD ISO image creation options diversified to support multiple languages and platforms
- CreateISOImage.cmd understands /outputpath parameter now
- Fix: Version checks reviewed and corrected for statically defined installations (WUA, MSI, WSH and IE)
- Fix: Check for command extensions' availability reviewed and corrected (Thanks to Stefan Westermann)
Version 3.12 -- 01.06.07
- INSTALLATION HINT: You may delete cmd\ie6download.* since it's not used any longer
- Static exclude of updates integrated into most recent service packs (Thanks to "Martin0815" and Klaus Rund)
- Direct download of IE6 installation components (Thanks to Nils Winkler alias "derniwi")
- XSLT filters get updates for IE7 now
- ISO creation filters corrected
- Fix: Enhanced support for %TEMP% paths containing special characters (Thanks to J. Witschel alias "blind-fish")
Version 3.2 -- 11.06.07
- Optional installation of IE7 on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems
- Language support added for Italian, Russian, Polish, Greek, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish
- Fix: /nobackup switch did not apply to Windows Installer (MSI) installation
- Fix: IE6 installation configuration files contained invalid entries for non-german systems
Version 3.21 -- 11.07.07
- Fix: Determination of user's privileges did not work for all languages (Thanks to Bernd Beckmann)
- Fix: Windows activation state will be checked before attempting IE7 installation (Thanks to "Jens_1")
Version 3.22 -- 13.08.07
- Fix: Microsoft removed WindowsXP-Windows2000-Script56-KB917344-x86-<language>.exe files
- Fix: ISO volume ids violated ISO9660 standard (Thanks to "Raketen angetriebene Granate")
Version 4.0 -- 12.10.07
- INSTALLATION HINT: Unpack to new structure - move existing update directories under client\ from old to new structure - ready!
- Support added for Microsoft Windows Vista (Thanks to Bert Schinkel-Momsen)
- Support added for Microsoft Office 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007
- Updates which are not listed in wsusscn2.cab any longer will be removed automatically
- Service Packs (statically defined updates) may be excluded from download
- CopyToTarget.cmd added to ease USB device preparation
- Generator and Installer GUIs will be displayed in German on German systems
- Compiler options "GUICloseOnESC", "TrayAutoPause" and "TrayIconHide" set in AutoIt scripts (Thanks to Manfred Kurth)
- UPX packing of compiled AutoIt scripts disabled to avoid false anti-virus software alerts
- ISO and USB filters for Windows XP and Server 2003 exclude ie6.0sp1*.* and oe6.0sp1*.* files (Thanks to "eiffel")
- Language specific ISO and USB filters will be generated at runtime
- MD5 checksum of ZIP package will be published
- Fix:
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收藏 2.18MB ZIP 举报
Windows全系列产品补丁下载工具。包括最新的Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(x86/x64),Server 2003/2008(R2)/2012(R2)(x86/x64),Office 2003-2013(x86/x64)补丁下载,智能判断已安装补丁,并且能制作ISO镜像,方便离线安装,再也不用装完系统打一整天的补丁了!
Windows全平台离线更新下载工具 (707个子文件)
UpdateGenerator.au3 238KB
UpdateInstaller.au3 61KB
DoUpdate.cmd 81KB
DownloadUpdates.cmd 70KB
CreateISOImage.cmd 10KB
SetTargetEnvVars.cmd 8KB
CopyToTarget.cmd 8KB
InstallOSUpdate.cmd 7KB
InstallOfficeUpdate.cmd 7KB
ListUpdatesToInstall.cmd 7KB
PrepareRecall.cmd 5KB
CleanupRecall.cmd 5KB
ActivateAria2Downloads.cmd 4KB
CheckTRCerts.cmd 4KB
RemoveCustomLanguageSupport.cmd 4KB
RemoveOffice2010x64Support.cmd 3KB
RemoveGermanLanguageSupport.cmd 3KB
AddCustomLanguageSupport.cmd 2KB
InstallListedUpdates.cmd 2KB
AddOffice2010x64Support.cmd 2KB
TouchMSITree.cmd 2KB
CheckOUVersion.cmd 2KB
ActivateAllLanguageServicePacks.cmd 2KB
ActivateFiveLanguageServicePacks.cmd 2KB
RecallStub.cmd 1KB
ListUpdateFile.cmd 1KB
SafeRmDir.cmd 1KB
PrepareShowLogFile.cmd 864B
Update.cmd 52B
InstallCustomSoftware.cmdt 0B
FinalizationHook.cmdt 0B
InitializationHook.cmdt 0B
InitializationHook.cmdt 0B
FinalizationHook.cmdt 0B
hashdeep64.exe 965KB
UpdateGenerator.exe 921KB
UpdateInstaller.exe 894KB
hashdeep.exe 782KB
wget.exe 229KB
unzip.exe 200KB
IfAdmin.exe 37KB
commonparts.inc 4KB
Autorun.inf 39B
UpdateInstaller.ini 543B
UpdateOU.new 4KB
DownloadUpdates.sh 32KB
CreateISOImage.sh 4KB
history.txt 85KB
license.txt 34KB
faq-deu.txt 26KB
faq-enu.txt 24KB
ExcludeList-wxp-x86.txt 22KB
ExcludeList-w2k3-x86.txt 18KB
ExcludeList-w2k3-x64.txt 18KB
ExcludeList-w60-x64.txt 13KB
ExcludeList-w60-x86.txt 13KB
ExcludeList-w61-x64.txt 10KB
ExcludeList-w61-x86.txt 10KB
coverage.txt 4KB
Info-Zip-License.txt 3KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w61-x64-glb.txt 3KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w61-x86-glb.txt 3KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w60-x64-5lg.txt 1KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w60-x64-glb.txt 1KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w60-x86-5lg.txt 1KB
StaticDownloadLinks-w60-x86-glb.txt 1KB
ExcludeList.txt 761B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-fra.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-ita.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-nld.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-jpn.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-deu.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-ptb.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-enu.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-rus.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-chs.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x86-esn.txt 653B
StaticDownloadLinks-w2k3-x64-jpn.txt 649B
StaticDownloadLinks-cpp-x86-glb.txt 611B
StaticDownloadLinks-cpp-x64-glb.txt 611B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-sve.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-kor.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-ita.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-plk.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-esn.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-ptg.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-rus.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-deu.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-jpn.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-dan.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-fin.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-cht.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-nld.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-csy.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-trk.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-ptb.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-ell.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-nor.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-chs.txt 609B
StaticDownloadLinks-wxp-x86-fra.txt 609B
共 707 条
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- 刀途厄病苦2018-01-22不好用,下载太慢了
- shuo1882019-03-14还不错,可以满足我的需求。
- 幻世微尘2017-05-14英文的呢,而且操作不是很便捷呢。
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