/*~ class.phpmailer.php
| Software: PHPMailer - PHP email class |
| Version: 5.1 |
| Contact: via sourceforge.net support pages (also www.worxware.com) |
| Info: http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net |
| Support: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmailer/ |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Admin: Andy Prevost (project admininistrator) |
| Authors: Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) codeworxtech@users.sourceforge.net |
| : Marcus Bointon (coolbru) coolbru@users.sourceforge.net |
| Founder: Brent R. Matzelle (original founder) |
| Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Andy Prevost. All Rights Reserved. |
| Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Brent R. Matzelle |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) |
| http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT |
| ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| We offer a number of paid services (www.worxware.com): |
| - Web Hosting on highly optimized fast and secure servers |
| - Technology Consulting |
| - Oursourcing (highly qualified programmers and graphic designers) |
* PHPMailer - PHP email transport class
* NOTE: Requires PHP version 5 or later
* @package PHPMailer
* @author Andy Prevost
* @author Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
* @version $Id: class.phpmailer.php 447 2009-05-25 01:36:38Z codeworxtech $
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<') ) exit("Sorry, this version of PHPMailer will only run on PHP version 5 or greater!\n");
class PHPMailer {
* Email priority (1 = High, 3 = Normal, 5 = low).
* @var int
public $Priority = 3;
* Sets the CharSet of the message.
* @var string
public $CharSet = 'iso-8859-1';
* Sets the Content-type of the message.
* @var string
public $ContentType = 'text/plain';
* Sets the Encoding of the message. Options for this are
* "8bit", "7bit", "binary", "base64", and "quoted-printable".
* @var string
public $Encoding = '8bit';
* Holds the most recent mailer error message.
* @var string
public $ErrorInfo = '';
* Sets the From email address for the message.
* @var string
public $From = 'root@localhost';
* Sets the From name of the message.
* @var string
public $FromName = 'Root User';
* Sets the Sender email (Return-Path) of the message. If not empty,
* will be sent via -f to sendmail or as 'MAIL FROM' in smtp mode.
* @var string
public $Sender = '';
* Sets the Subject of the message.
* @var string
public $Subject = '';
* Sets the Body of the message. This can be either an HTML or text body.
* If HTML then run IsHTML(true).
* @var string
public $Body = '';
* Sets the text-only body of the message. This automatically sets the
* email to multipart/alternative. This body can be read by mail
* clients that do not have HTML email capability such as mutt. Clients
* that can read HTML will view the normal Body.
* @var string
public $AltBody = '';
* Sets word wrapping on the body of the message to a given number of
* characters.
* @var int
public $WordWrap = 0;
* Method to send mail: ("mail", "sendmail", or "smtp").
* @var string
public $Mailer = 'mail';
* Sets the path of the sendmail program.
* @var string
public $Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
* Path to PHPMailer plugins. Useful if the SMTP class
* is in a different directory than the PHP include path.
* @var string
public $PluginDir = '';
* Sets the email address that a reading confirmation will be sent.
* @var string
public $ConfirmReadingTo = '';
* Sets the hostname to use in Message-Id and Received headers
* and as default HELO string. If empty, the value returned
* by SERVER_NAME is used or 'localhost.localdomain'.
* @var string
public $Hostname = '';
* Sets the message ID to be used in the Message-Id header.
* If empty, a unique id will be generated.
* @var string
public $MessageID = '';
* Sets the SMTP hosts. All hosts must be separated by a
* semicolon. You can also specify a different port
* for each host by using this format: [hostname:port]
* (e.g. "smtp1.example.com:25;smtp2.example.com").
* Hosts will be tried in order.
* @var string
public $Host = 'localhost';
* Sets the default SMTP server port.
* @var int
public $Port = 25;
* Sets the SMTP HELO of the message (Default is $Hostname).
* @var string
public $Helo = '';
* Sets connection prefix.
* Options are "", "ssl" or "tls"
* @var string
public $SMTPSecure = '';
* Sets SMTP authentication. Utilizes the Username and Password variables.
* @var bool
public $SMTPAuth = false;
* Sets SMTP username.
* @var string
public $Username = '';
* Sets SMTP password.
* @var string
public $Password = '';
* Sets the SMTP server timeout in seconds.
* This function will not work with the win32 version.
* @var int
public $Timeout = 10;
* Sets SMTP class debugging on or off.
* @var bool
public $SMTPDebug = false;
* Prevents the SMTP connection from being closed after each mail
* sending. If this is set to true then to close the connection
* requires an explicit call to SmtpClose().
* @var bool
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;
* Provides the ability to have the TO field process individual
* emails, instead of sending to entire TO addresses
* @var bool
public $SingleTo = false;
* If SingleTo is true, this provides the array to hold the email addresses
* @var bool
public $SingleToArray = array();
* Provides the ability to change the line ending
* @var string
public $LE = "\n";
* Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
* @var string
public $DKIM_selector = 'phpmailer';
* Used with DKIM DNS Resource Record
* optional, in format of email address 'y
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