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the Kinect
Write code and create
interesting projects involving
Microsoft’s ground-breaking
voluMetric sensor
Hacking the Kinect
Jeff Kramer, Nicolas Burrus, Florian Echtler,
Daniel Herrera C.,
and Matt Parker
acking the Kinect is your guide to developing software and
creating projects using the Kinect, Microsoft’s groundbreak-
ing volumetric sensor. This book introduces you to the Kinect
hardware and helps you master using the device in your own pro-
grams. You’ll learn how to set up a software environment, stream
data from the Kinect, and write code to interpret that data.
Featured in the book are hands-on projects that you can build
while following along with the material. These hands-on projects
give you invaluable insights into how the Kinect functions and
how you can apply it to create fun and educational applications.
Hacking the Kinect teaches you everything you need to devel-
op a 3D application and get it running. You’ll learn the ins and
outs of point clouds, voxel occupancy maps, depth images, and
other fundamentals of volumetric sensor technology. You’ll come
to understand how to:
Turn to Hacking the Kinect and discover an endless world of cre-
ative possibilities. Whether you’re looking to use the Kinect to
drive 3D interactive artwork, create robots capable of responding
to human motion and gesture, or create applications that users
can manipulate with a wave of their hands, Hacking the Kinect
offers you the knowledge and skills you need to get started.
Hacking the Kinect
US $39.99
Shelve in Computer Hardware/General
User level: Intermediate–Advanced
Also available:
Herrera C.
For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front
matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks
and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
Contents at a Glance
About the Authors...................................................................................................x
About the Technical Reviewer .............................................................................xiii
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................... xiv
Chapter 1: Introducing the Kinect...........................................................................1
Chapter 2: Hardware.............................................................................................11
Chapter 3: Software..............................................................................................41
Chapter 4: Computer Vision..................................................................................65
Chapter 5: Gesture Recognition ............................................................................89
Chapter 6: Voxelization.......................................................................................103
Chapter 7: Point Clouds, Part 1...........................................................................127
Chapter 8: Point Clouds, Part 2...........................................................................151
Chapter 9: Object Modeling and Detection .........................................................173
Chapter 10: Multiple Kinects ..............................................................................207
C H A P T E R 1
Introducing the Kinect
Welcome to Hacking the Kinect. This book will introduce you to the Kinect hardware and help you
master using the device in your own programs. We’re going to be covering a large amount of ground—
everything you’ll need to get a 3-D application running—with an eye toward killer algorithms, with no
unusable filler.
Each chapter will introduce more information about the Kinect itself or about the methods to work
with the data. The data methods will be stretched across two chapters: the first introduces the concept
and giving a basic demonstration of algorithms and use, and the second goes into more depth. In that
second chapter, we will show how to avoid or ameliorate common issues, as well as discuss more
advanced algorithms. All chapters, barring this one, will contain a project—some basic, some advanced.
We expect that you will be able to finish each chapter and immediately apply the concepts into a
project of you own; there is plenty of room for ingenuity with the first commercial depth sensor and
Hardware Requirements and Overview
The Kinect requires the following computer hardware to function correctly. We’ll cover the requirements
more in depth in Chapter 3, but these are the basic requirements:
• A computer with at least one, mostly free, USB 2.0 hub.
• The Kinect takes about 70% of a single hub (not port!) to transmit its data.
• Most systems can achieve this easily, but some palmtops and laptops
cannot. To be certain, flip to Chapter 2, where we give you a quick guide on
how to find out.
• A graphics card capable of handling OpenGL. Most modern computers that have
at least an onboard graphics processor can accomplish this.
• A machine that can handle 20 MB/second of data (multiplied by the number of
Kinects you’re using). Modern computers should be able to handle this easily, but
some netbooks will have trouble.
• A Kinect sensor power supply if your Kinect came with your Xbox 360 console
rather than standalone.
Figure 1-1 shows the Kinect itself. The callouts in the figure identify the major hardware
components of the device. You get two cameras: one infrared and one for standard, visible light. There is
an infrared emitter to provide structured light that the infrared camera uses to calculate the depth
image. The status light is completely user controlled, but it will tell you when the device is plugged into
the USB (but not necessarily powered!) by flashing green.
Status LED
RGB Camera
IR Laser Emitter
IR Camera
Figure 1-1. Kinect hardware at a glance
Installing Drivers
This book focuses on the OpenKinect driver – a totally open source, low level driver for the Kinect. There
are a few other options (OpenNI and the Kinect for Windows SDK), but for reasons to be further
discussed in Chapter 3, we’ll be using OpenKinect. In short, OpenKinect is totally open source, user
supported and low level, therefore extremely fast. The examples in this book will be written in C/C++,
but you can use your favorite programming language; the concepts will definitely carry over.
Note Installation instructions are split into three parts, one for each available OS to install to. Please skip to the
section for the OS that you’re using.
While installing and building OpenKinect drivers from source is fairly straightforward, it can be
complicated for first timers. These steps will take you through how to install on Windows 7 (and should
also work for earlier versions of Windows).
1. Download and install Git (http://git-scm.com). Be sure to select “Run git from
the Windows Command Prompt” and “Check out Windows style, commit
Unix-style line endings”.
2. Open your command prompt; go to the directory where you want your source
folder to be installed, and clone/branch as in Listing 1-1. See the “Git Basics”
sidebar for more information.
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