These examples use the [ActiveMQ-CPP]( C++ library,
but unfortunately they don't work with the latest 3.2.4 release, you have to either
wait for a subsequent release of do a source build of the project trunk. Until then,
you will need to
1. [Checkout the ActiveMQ-CPP trunk source code](
2. [Build and Install](
This will vary depending on where you installed your libraries and the compiler
you are using but on my Ubuntu system, I compiled the examples as follows:
gcc Listener.cpp -o listener -I/usr/local/include/activemq-cpp-3.2.4 -I/usr/include/apr-1.0 -lactivemq-cpp -lstdc++
gcc Publisher.cpp -o publisher -I/usr/local/include/activemq-cpp-3.2.4 -I/usr/include/apr-1.0 -lactivemq-cpp -lstdc++
Running the Examples
Note: You may need to update set an environment variable so that the
activemq-cpp shared libraries can be loaded. For example on my Ubuntu
system I had to add the following to my profile:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
In one terminal window run:
In another terminal window run:
You can control to which stomp server the examples try to connect to by
setting the following environment variables:
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收起资源包目录 (523个子文件)
jmx.access 982B
activemq 27KB
activemq.bat 4KB
activemq-admin.bat 4KB
InstallService.bat 2KB
InstallService.bat 2KB
activemq.bat 2KB
activemq.bat 2KB
UninstallService.bat 2KB
UninstallService.bat 2KB
SendMessage.class 8KB
ApplicationContextFilter.class 5KB
WebConsoleStarter.class 4KB
BindingBeanNameUrlHandlerMapping.class 4KB
OsgiConfiguration.class 3KB
MoveMessage.class 3KB
CopyMessage.class 3KB
RetryMessage.class 3KB
DeleteMessage.class 2KB
DeleteJob.class 2KB
PurgeDestination.class 2KB
ResumeDestination.class 2KB
PauseDestination.class 2KB
CreateSubscriber.class 2KB
ApplicationContextFilter$2.class 2KB
ApplicationContextFilter$1.class 2KB
DeleteSubscriber.class 1KB
CreateDestination.class 1KB
DeleteDestination.class 1KB
WebConsoleStarter$OsgiUtil.class 653B
wrapper.conf 7KB
wrapper.conf 7KB
login.config 1KB
Listener.cpp 5KB
Listener.cpp 5KB
Publisher.cpp 4KB
Publisher.cpp 4KB
Listener.cs 3KB
Listener.cs 3KB
Publisher.cs 3KB
Publisher.cs 3KB
NMSTracer.cs 2KB
NMSTracer.cs 2KB
NMSTracer.cs 2KB
NMSTracer.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 2KB
Publisher.csproj 2KB
Listener.csproj 2KB
Publisher.csproj 2KB
Listener.csproj 2KB
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bootstrap.min.responsive.css 8KB
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type-settings.css 3KB
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sorttable.css 1KB
sorttable.css 1KB
prettify.css 1KB
prettify.css 1KB
prettify.css 1KB
chat.css 1KB
unittest.css 822B
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wrapper.dll 75KB
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wrapper.exe 200KB
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spacer.gif 43B
spacer.gif 43B 12KB 12KB
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index.html 7KB
index.html 7KB
index.html 7KB
index.html 6KB
index.html 6KB
500.html 6KB
403.html 6KB
404.html 5KB
user-guide.html 5KB
login.html 4KB
portfolio.html 2KB
send.html 2KB
index.html 942B
favicon.ico 4KB
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