=== MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension ===
Plugin Name: MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension
Plugin URI: https://mainwp.com
Description: MainWP Vulnerability Checker extension brings you information about vulnerable plugins on your Child Sites so you can act accordingly.
Version: 4.1
Author: MainWP
Author URI: https://mainwp.com
== Installation ==
1. Please install plugin "MainWP Dashboard" and active it before install Extract Urls Extension plugin (get the MainWP Dashboard plugin from url:https://mainwp.com/)
2. Upload the `mainwp-vulnerability-checker-extension` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Screenshots ==
1. Enable or Disable extension on the "Extensions" page in the dashboard
== Changelog ==
= 4.1 - 7-14-2021 =
* Added: MainWP NVD API
= - 9-10-2020 =
* Updated: MainWP Dashboard 4.1 compatiblity
= 4.0.3 - 4-13-2020 =
* Fixed: multiple typos
= 4.0.2 - 6-3-2020 =
* Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues
* Added: option to disable automated checks
* Preventative: security improvements
= 4.0.1 - 10-1-2019 =
* Added: option to save WPVulnDB Token
* Added: saveState property to the sites list
* Added: colReorder property to the sites list
* Added: horizontal scroll to the sites list
* Updated: support for WPVulnDB API v3
* Updated: multiple cosmetic updates
= 4.0 - 8-27-2019 =
* Updated: extension UI/UX redesign
* Updated: support for the MainWP 4.0
= 1.5 - 10-18-2018 =
* Fixed: an issue with triggering scheduled checks via an external cron job
= 1.4 - 6-29-2018 =
* Updated: plugin/theme update button will not show if there is no update available
= 1.3 - 4-19-2018 =
* Fixed: an issue with empty response from WPVulnDB server
= 1.2 - 1-26-2018 =
* Fixed: an issue with a missing hook parameter
= 1.1 - 12-15-2017 =
* Fixed: an issue with the extension activation
* Fixed: an issue with forcing the sites recheck process
* Added: French translation
= 1.0 - 2-24-2017 =
* First version
- 粉丝: 1561
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