=== Responsive Menu Pro ===
Contributors: peterfeatherstone
Tags: responsive, menu, navigation, mobile, hamburger
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 5.4.2
Stable tag: 3.1.30
Requires PHP: 5.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Highly customisable Responsive Menu plugin with 150+ options. No coding knowledge needed to design it exactly as you want.
== Description ==
Highly customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress. With over 150 customisable options you get a combination of 22,500 options! No coding experience or knowledge is needed with an easy to use interface you can get it looking exactly as you want with minimal fuss.
**See it in action:**
PHP 5.5+
**Full Knowledgebase and dedicated support forum:**
**Fully unit tested:**
100% unit test coverage with tests included in the plugin so you can run them yourself for peace of mind
**Basic Functionality:**
* Change every text, background and border colour
* Set the fonts, font sizes and text alignment you want to use
* Set which side and where you want the button to show
* Set which side the menu appears from (left, right, top or bottom)
* Use background image for the menu
* Choice of menu animations (slide over the top or push the content)
* Choice of which Menu to use
* Choice of screen size at which the menu will be shown
* Choice of CSS elements to hide when menu is showing
* Choice of Sub-menu depth to display down to
* Choice of Animation Types & Speeds for the Menu & Button
* Integrated search (fully customisable)
* Ability to disable and re-order the different components
* Ability to fix the button to the top or to let it scroll with the page
* Ability to upload logos, sub-arrow images etc.
* Ability to include Scripts externally, minified and in footer
* Ability to import and export options in a click of a button
* Ability to add custom HTML components
* Ability to choose custom menu triggers
* WPML/Polylang Support
* RTL Support
* Plus much, much more!
**Advanced & Pro Functionality:**
* Preview your changes before implementing
* Animate the menu items when menu is opened
* FontIcon Support for individual menu items
* 15 button animation effects
* Colour opacity for all colours
* Custom overlay colour and opacity
* Integrated header bar
* Let the plugin provide and style your main menu as well as hamburger menu
For more reasons to go Pro, please visit [this page](https://responsive.menu#why-go-pro).
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj6ba0tGKPg]
== Installation ==
1. Upload `responsive-menu` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress
3. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area
1. Login to your WordPress admin area
2. Search for `Responsive Menu`
3. Click install `Responsive Menu`
4. Activate through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress or when asked during installation
5. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
To view our FAQ, please go to [https://responsive.menu/faq/](https://responsive.menu/faq/).
== Screenshots ==
1. Animated Screencast
2. Example Front End Menu Button
3. Front End Expanded Menu with Background Image
4. Alternative Example Front End Expanded Menu with Background Image
5. Alternative Example Front End Expanded Menu with Background Image
6. Alternative Example Front End Expanded Menu with Background Image
7. Admin Initial Setup Section
8. Admin Container Section
9. Admin Menu Section
10. Admin Sub Menus Section
11. Admin Button Section
12. Admin Technical Section
13. Admin Advanced Section
14. Admin Header Bar Section
15. Admin Desktop Menu Section
== Changelog ==
= 3.1.24 (14th Aug 2019) =
* Allow support for PHP 5.5 again.
* Downgrade Twig back to 1.33.0 as it doesn't play nicely with other plugins.
= 3.1.23 (13th Aug 2019) =
* Added option to hide the original desktop theme menu.
* Drop support for PHP 5.5
* Update Twig to 1.42.2
* Fix bug with pre IE10 javascript when disabling background scrolling.
= 3.1.22 (30th May 2019) =
* Expand Exclude Pages option to include all post types.
= 3.1.21 (19th May 2019) =
* Added Exclude Pages option.
= 3.1.20 (16th May 2019) =
* Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5.2
* Minor bug fixes.
= 3.1.19 (1st April 2019) =
* Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5.1.1
* Updated noscroll js file.
= 3.1.18 (19th January 2019) =
* Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5
* Improve logic around click to expand sub-menu items.
* Updated noscroll js file.
= 3.1.17 (21st September 2018) =
* Improve logic around word wrap.
* Change approach to disabling background scrolling.
* Improvements to smooth scrolling across different URLs.
* Added menu title text alignment option.
= 3.1.16 (15th August 2018) =
* Added ability to upload and use themes.
= 3.1.15 (26th July 2018) =
* Fixed Sub Menu line height bug.
* Removed Min Admin Guide.
* Upgrade to FontAwesome 5.2 (Pro)
* Fix search placeholder colour issue (Pro)
* Added options to hide on mobile or desktop devices (Pro)
= 3.1.14 (30th March 2018) =
* Added line height options for all menu items.
* Added title to Search element to meet WCAG accessibility requirements.
* Improvements for admin option filtering.
* Added Height and Width options to Title Image.
* Added customisable options for sub-menus.
* Allow translation of search placeholder text.
* Fixed bug with Adjust Header Bar option.
* [PRO] Added inner Header Bar HTML element for easier customisation.
* [PRO] Option to close menu on page scroll.
* [PRO] Option to smooth scroll same page links.
= 3.1.13 (19th January 2018) =
* Move custom data to the uploads folder.
= 3.1.12 (17th January 2018) =
* Added option to control sub-menu speed.
* Added "Minus" button animation.
* Added option to adjust the page to account for the Header Bar.
* Added image height options for Header Bar.
* Updated FontAwesome version to get latest icons.
* Fix for Slide effect on Desktop Menu.
= 3.1.11 (28th November 2017) =
* Hotfix to remove annoying pro overlay
= 3.1.10 (28th November 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Remove annoying pro overlay
* Fix for double scrollbars on disable background scrolling - Pro
= 3.1.9 (17th November 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Fix for drop-downs not saving their information.
* Fix for Desktop Menu with 3rd level drop-down items.
* Fix for Touch Gestures stopping the Search box being selectable.
* Fix for Touch Gestures stopping menu scrolling.
* Center Desktop Menu option added. - Pro
= 3.1.8 (26th October 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Added a new dark admin theme
* Updated the old light admin theme
* Added a "hide pro options" button to remove some of the clutter
* Improved UI interface
* Made the Word Wrap option a free feature
* Change database option value type to LONGTEXT to accept longer values
* Fixed bug with Enable Gestures option - Pro
* Complete overhaul of the Desktop Menu options including Mega Menus and more - Pro
* Added vw and vh sizing units - Pro
= 3.1.7 (22nd September 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Added depth padding side option
* Enabled touch gestures - Pro Only
* Fixed fade animation hiding the single menu bug - Pro Only
= 3.1.6 (28th July 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Added more translatable options to PolyLang and WPML
* Added option to turn sub-menu descriptions on
= 3.1.5 (22nd July 2017) =
* **Requires PHP 5.4**
* Added ability to use description in menu items
* Added option for button open title
* Added ability to have the menu automatically opened on page load - Pro Only
* Added ability to use keyboard shortcuts to close the menu - Pro
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"【WordPress插件】2022年最新版完整功能demo+插件v3.1.31 Responsive Menu Pro - Highly Customisable Responsive Menu for WordPress 响应菜单Pro - WordPress的高度可自定义的响应菜单" ---------- 泰森云每天更新发布最新WordPress主题、HTML主题、WordPress插件、shopify主题、opencart主题、PHP项目源码、安卓项目源码、ios项目源码,更有超10000个资源可供选择,如有需要请站内联系。
【WordPress插件】2022年最新版完整功能demo+插件v3.1.31.zip (823个子文件)
twig.c 35KB
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index.html 17B
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index.html 11B
index.html 11B
index.html 11B
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composer.json 126B
composer.lock 3KB
config.m4 221B
README.md 444B
phar-sample.phar 7KB
Core.php 52KB
Environment.php 50KB
TemplateTest.php 30KB
ExpressionParser.php 29KB
Template.php 24KB
EnvironmentTest.php 22KB
Check.php 20KB
Lexer.php 17KB
Module.php 15KB
ExpressionParserTest.php 15KB
AdminController.php 14KB
SandboxTest.php 14KB
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Parser.php 13KB
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CoreTest.php 11KB
Error.php 11KB
Call.php 11KB
OptionsCollection.php 10KB
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Walker.php 10KB
FilesystemTest.php 9KB
Filesystem.php 8KB
Optimizer.php 8KB
IntegrationTestCase.php 8KB
ForTest.php 8KB
FrontController.php 7KB
ErrorTest.php 7KB
MigrationTest.php 7KB
IntegrationTest.php 7KB
Compiler.php 7KB
Node.php 7KB
FilterTest.php 6KB
ModuleTest.php 6KB
ParserTest.php 6KB
CallTest.php 6KB
twig.php 6KB
Token.php 6KB
responsive-menu-pro.php 5KB
FilesystemTest.php 5KB
TokenStream.php 5KB
OptimizerTest.php 5KB
Validator.php 5KB
Escaper.php 5KB
SafeAnalysis.php 5KB
FunctionTest.php 5KB
scripts.php 5KB
Chain.php 4KB
For.php 4KB
AbstractTest.php 4KB
ChainTest.php 4KB
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