=== Media File Renamer - Auto & Manual Rename (Pro) ===
Contributors: TigrouMeow
Tags: rename, file, media, move, seo, files, renamer, optimize, library, slug, change, modify
Donate link: https://meowapps.com/donation/
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 5.9.2
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable tag: 5.3.8
Renames your media files for better SEO and a nicer filesystem (automatically or manually).
== Description ==
Renames your media files for better SEO and a nicer filesystem (automatically or manually). For more information, please visit the official website: [Media File Renamer](https://meowapps.com/plugin/media-file-renamer/).
=== HOW IT WORKS ===
Media File Renamer, by default, automatically renames the filenames of your Media entries based on their titles. You can trigger this, or you can let it happen every time you modify titles. You can also rename the files manually. The references to those files will be also updated (posts, pages, custom types, metadata, etc...). You can use the Media Library, or the Media Edit screen.
However, it is highly recommended to use the pretty and very dynamic Renamer Dashboard. If you like to work fast and well, you will really love working with this modern dashboard.
[youtube https://youtu.be/XPbKE8pq0i0]
Please have a look at the [tutorial](https://meowapps.com/media-file-renamer-tutorial/).
It works with a lot of features of WordPress and other plugins, such as Retina files, WebP, rescaled image (since WP 5.3), PDF Thumbnails, UTF8 files, optimized images, various encodings, etc. There are too many handled and specific cases to be listed here, but we are doing our best to keep up with everything :) There are a few pagebuilders which encrypt the data they use, and therefore, the references to some renamed images might be lost: Avia Layout Builder, for example.
More features are added in the [Pro Version](https://meowapps.com/plugin/media-file-renamer/), such as:
- Transliteration (replace various accents, emoticons, umlauts, cyrillic, diacritics, by their ASCII equivalent)
- Automatic renaming based on the attached posts, products (and other post types), or ALT text
- Anonymizer (rename the files with anonymous files)
- Move files to another directory
- Metadata syncing (ALT text, title, etc)
- Numbered files (to allow similar filenames to be renamed)
- Force Rename (if your install is broken, this will help you to re-link your media entries to your files)
Renaming (or moving) files is a dangerous process. Before doing anything in bulk, try renaming your files on by one, then check if the references (in your pages) have been updated properly. The renaming can't cover all use cases, as some plugins are unfortunately using unconventional ways to encode the usage of the files. Therefore, **it is absolutely necessary to backup your files and database** in order to enjoy this plugin at its full extent.
If your website seems broken after a few renames, try to **clear your cache**. The cached HTML is often using the old references. You can also enable the Undo feature and try to rollback to the previous filenames. If references aren't updated properly, please write a nice post (not an angry one) in the support threads :) I am trying my best to cover more and more use cases. Please have a look here: [Questions & Issues](https://meowapps.com/media-file-renamer-faq-issues/).
If you only need an editable field in order to modify the filename, please try [Phoenix Media Rename](https://wordpress.org/plugins/phoenix-media-rename). It's simpler, and just does that. And yes, we are friends and we collaborate! :)
The plugin can be tweaked in many ways, there are many actions and filters available. Through them, for example, you can customize the automatic renaming to your liking. There is also a little API that you can call. More about this [here](https://meowapps.com/media-file-renamer-faq/).
== Installation ==
1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu.
3. Try it with one file first! :)
== Upgrade Notice ==
1. Replace the plugin with the new one.
2. Nothing else is required! :)
== Screenshots ==
1. Type in the name of your media, that is all.
2. Special screen for bulk actions.
3. This needs to be renamed.
4. The little lock and unlock icons.
5. Options for the automatic renaming (there are more options than just this).
== Changelog ==
= 5.3.8 (2022/03/29) =
* Fix: Support for WebP.
* Fix: Anonymize (MD5) on upload now works fine.
* Fix: Decode HTML entities (in the meta, title) when renaming is based on it.
* Update: I am trying to enhance the UI (the rename field and the actions) depending on the size of the browser. I'll try to make this better and better, but don't hesitate to give me some feedback.
* Note 1: I released a new plugin! ð It's simply called Database Cleaner. It's probably already the most powerful cleaner for DB, so please give it a try: [Database Cleaner](https://wordpress.org/plugins/database-cleaner/).
* Note 2: This plugin is a lot of work. If you like it, please write a little review [by clicking here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/media-file-renamer/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). Thank you ð
= 5.3.6 (2022/02/01) =
* Update: Fresh build and support for WordPress 5.9.
= 5.3.5 (2021/11/10) =
* Fix: Renaming of WebP uploaded directly to WordPress.
* Add: The possibility of locking files automatically after a manual rename (which was always the case previously), and/or after a automatic rename (that was not possible previously). With this last option, users having trouble to "Rename All" will be given the choice to do it on any kind of server. You will find those options in the Advanced tab.
* Add: "Delay" option, to give a break and a reset to the server between asynchronous requests! Default to 100ms. That will avoid the server to time out, or to slow down on purpose.
= 5.3.3 (2021/11/09) =
* Fix: Avoid renaming when the URLs (before/after) are empty.
* Add: New option to update URLs in the excerpts (no need to use it for most users).
* Update: Avoid double call to the mfrh_url_renamed (seemed to be completely useless).
* Update: Added a new 'size' argument to the mfrh_url_renamed action.
* Update: Optimized queries.
* Add: We can change the page (in the dashboard) by typing it.
= 5.3.2 (2021/10/16) =
* Add: AVIF support.
* Fix: Avoid the double renaming when different registered sizes actually use the same file.
= 5.3.0 (2021/10/09) =
* Add: Better Force Rename.
* Add: Featured Images Only option.
* Fix: Auto-attach feature wasn't working properly with Featured Image when attached to Product.
= 5.2.9 (2021/09/23) =
* Add: Manual Sanitize Option. If the option is checked, the rename feature uses the new_filename function. If not, use the filename user input as it is.
= 5.2.8 (2021/09/07) =
* Add: Option to clean the plugin data on uninstall.
* Add: Manual Rename now goes through the cleaning flow to make sure everything is clean and nice.
= 5.2.7 (2021/09/03) =
* Fix: Security update: access controls to the REST API and the options enforced.
* Updated: Dependencies update.
* Note: The plugin has no known bugs for a while, and I am now happy to work on littke extra features :) By the way, if you like it, please review the plugin [by clicking here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/media-file-renamer/reviews/?rate=5#new-post). Thank you!
= 5.2.5 (2021/08/25) =
* Fix: Search feature was not always working well.
* Update: Better technical architecture.
= 5.2.4 (2021/06/13) =
* Add: Remember the number of entries per page (dashboard).
* Fix: Limit the length of the manual filename.
= 5.2.3 (2021/05/29) =
* Fix: The 'Move' feature now also works with the original image (in case it has been scaled by WP).
= 5.2.2 (2021/05/18) =
* Fix: Better Windows support.
= 5.2.0 (202
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"【WordPress插件】2022年最新版完整功能demo+插件v5.3.6 Media File Renamer Pro 媒体文件Renamer Pro" ---------- 泰森云每天更新发布最新WordPress主题、HTML主题、WordPress插件、shopify主题、opencart主题、PHP项目源码、安卓项目源码、ios项目源码,更有超10000个资源可供选择,如有需要请站内联系。
【WordPress插件】2022年最新版完整功能demo+插件v5.3.6.zip (41个子文件)
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