Changes in version 3.0.4 (2010-08-16)
* support for Hibernate Core 3.6, Hibernate Validator 4.1, EclipseLink 2.1, EHCache 2.2
* OSGi manifest version range accepts EHCache 2.x as well
* added "contentLength()" method to Resource abstraction
* URL-based Resource variants introspect "last-modified" and "content-length" response headers
* refined "exists()" check for UrlResource (HEAD request) and ClassPathResource (URL resolution)
* ConversionService is able to deal with empty collections and nested collections (fixed regression)
* ConversionService properly handles nested Resource arrays in Map values (fixed regression)
* ConversionService does not accidentally use copy constructor for same type
* fixed double ConversionFailedException nesting for ObjectToObjectConverter invocations
* BeanWrapper preserves annotation information for individual array/list/map elements
* Spring's constructor resolution consistently finds non-public multi-arg constructors
* SpEL passes full collection type context (generics, annotations) to ConversionService
* SpEL 'select last' operator now works consistently with maps
* BeanWrapper/DataBinder's "autoGrowNestedPaths" works for Maps as well
* fixed concurrency issue in TypedStringValue, showing for nested typed Maps in prototype beans
* fixed WeakReferenceMonitor to never stop its monitoring thread if an entry has been registered
* fixed CronTrigger to correctly parse month parts expressed as numbers (1-12 instead of 0-11)
* TaskExecutorFactoryBean (as used by task:executor) exposes full ThreadPoolTaskExecutor type
* JmsResourceHolder does not ignore IllegalStateException from locally synchronized transaction
* fixed JMS CachingConnectionFactory to correctly cache a producer without fixed destination as well
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer triggers Session commit even if no message has been received
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer supports client id setting even for non-shared Connections
* Spring's MessageEndpointFactory classes are now JCA 1.6 compliant as well
* AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter supports "bindingType" bean property, overriding @BindingType
* AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter supports "webServiceFeatures" bean property on JAX-WS 2.2
* JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean takes "wsdlDocumentUrl", "namespaceUri" etc defaults from @WebService
* Jaxb2Marshaller's "marshallerProperties" Map accepts any value type
* SpringTemplateLoader for FreeMarker supports last-modified timestamp through Resource abstraction
* HibernateJpaDialect correctly closes borrowed connections even for nested JDBC executions
* DefaultJdoDialect supports JDO 3.0 query timeout facility (as supported by DataNucleus 2.1)
* transaction names based on method id from most specific method (target class instead of interface)
* added "validationMessageSource" to LocalValidatorFactoryBean, for Spring-based validation messages
* Spring field error arguments include actually declared annotation attributes in alphabetical order
* JSR-303 Pattern message resolvable through Spring MessageSource (despite special characters)
* DispatcherServlet applies default view name translation to error views as well
* mvc:annotation-driven reliably detects JSR-303 and JAXB2 in an OSGi environment as well
* @MVC handler methods reliably resolve MultipartRequest arguments with HiddenHttpMethodFilter
* fixed @PathVariable regression in combination with ConversionService usage on DataBinder
* @CookieValue returns decoded cookie value in a Servlet environment (analogous to @RequestParam)
* MVC HandlerExceptionResolvers prevent caching for exception views if preventResponseCaching=true
* @ExceptionHandler works for inherited method and CGLIB proxies on Portlet controllers as well
* Portlet @MVC's implicit render model will be updated at the end of the event phase
* Portlet AbstractController consistently uses session mutex if "synchronizeOnSession" is active
* PortletWrappingController supports Portlet 2.0 resource and event requests as well
* fixed JSP EvalTag to render null result as empty String instead of "null" String
* JSP EvalTag resolves "@myBeanName" references in expressions against the WebApplicationContext
* added support for static resource serving: ResourceHttpRequestHandler, mvc:resources
* revised DispatcherServlet's last-modified handling to properly work with scoped controllers
Changes in version 3.0.3 (2010-06-15)
* Spring autodetects JodaTime 1.3 or higher (as required), ignoring older JodaTime versions
* clarified that Spring's Jackson support requires Jackson 1.3 or higher
* JPA 2.0 support tested and supported with Hibernate 3.5.2 and OpenJPA 2.0.0 GA as well
* revised VFS support for Spring's component scanning to work on JBoss AS 6.0.0 M3 as well
* fixed URIEditor's URI construction to consider fragment as well
* added default InputSourceEditor for SAX InputSource construction with a URL String as system id
* CachedIntrospectionResults only caches GenericTypeAwarePropertyDescriptors if fully safe
* revised BeanWrapper's exception wrapping to consistently handle ConversionExceptions
* DefaultListableBeanFactory checks for alias circle on registerAlias (avoiding endless loop)
* ConversionService is able to apply Converters to interface-based array elements
* ConversionService fully supports conversion from String to MediaType now (through 'valueOf')
* revised exception handling in ObjectToObjectConverter, avoiding InvocationTargetExceptions
* a context ConversionService is able to override an ApplicationContext's resource editors
* refined LifecycleProcessor exception handling, properly wrapping a start exception from a bean
* revised DefaultLifecycleProcessor's handling of circular dependencies to avoid stack overflow
* fixed constructor argument caching for prototypes with multiple constructor matches
* specific detection of CGLIB subclasses in order to properly handle CGLIB interfaces
* registerDependentBean resolves to the canonical bean name in order to handle alias references
* fixed registerResolvableDependency mechanism to correctly handle non-serializable factory objects
* added "expose-proxy" attribute to aop namespace (enforcing AopContext proxy exposure with CGLIB)
* revised AbstractInterceptorDrivenBeanDefinitionDecorator for further alignment with auto-proxying
* BeanDefinitionVisitor/PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer finds and resolves values in arrays as well
* property placeholders can deal with nested expressions which happen to use the same suffix
* SpEL's Elvis operator is able to deal with #{${myProp}?:defaultValue} case if myProp is empty
* introduced EmbeddedValueResolverAware callback interface for convenient placeholder resolution
* @Transactional qualifier value matches against @Qualifier annotations on @Bean methods as well
* setTransactionIsolation on JDBC Connection only called when actually necessary (for PostgreSQL)
* added limit for parsed SQL cache to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate (default is 256; configurable)
* CachingConnectionFactory detects destination equality for WebSphere MQ as well (using toString)
* DefaultPersistenceUnitManager's getPersistenceUnitInfo method has 2.5 compatible signature again
* DefaultMessageListenerContainer reacts to maxConcurrentConsumers reduction for long-lived tasks
* added "idleConsumerLimit" bean property to DefaultMessageListenerContainer (default is 1)
* AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor consistently adds @Async processing as first Advisor in the chain
* ScheduledTaskRegistrar (as used for @Scheduled processing) properly shuts down its default executor
* CronTrigger defensively protects itself against accidental re-fires if a task runs too early
* MailSendException includes all messages as failed messages in case of a connect failure
* added support for JAX-WS 2.1 WebServiceFeatures to JaxWsPortClientInterceptor/PortProxyFactoryBean
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