=== Pods CMS ===
Contributors: logikal16, sc0ttkclark, jchristopher, clarinetlord
Donate link: http://podscms.org/
Tags: pods, cms, cck, custom post types, content types, relationships, database, framework, drupal
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.0.1
Stable tag: trunk
Pods is a CMS framework for creating and managing your own content types.
== Description ==
Pods is a CMS framework for creating and managing your own content types.
= Create your own content types =
A pod, or content type, is a named group of input fields. The Pods plugin lets you create your own content types. Instead of with custom post types, each content type gets its own table.
Create a variety of different input fields, including text, paragraph text, date, number, file upload, and relationship (called "pick") fields. Pick fields are extremely useful if you want to create relationships among your data. One example is if you want to relate an "event" item with one or more "speaker" items.
= Easily display your content =
There are several ways to get Pods data to show up throughout your site:
* Add Pod Pages from within the admin area. Pod Pages support PHP and Wildcard URLs. For example, the Pod Page "events/*" will be the default handler for all pages beginning with "events/". This allows you to have a single page to handle a myriad of different items.
* Add PHP code directly into your WP template files, or wherever else PHP is supported.
* Use shortcode to display lists of Pod items or details of a Pod item within WP Pages or Posts.
* The Pods API allows you to retrieve raw data from and save data to the database.
= Migrate! =
Pods includes a Package Manager, which allows you to import/export your database structure. You can select which features you want to "package up" and export it for easy migration. Pods also includes an easy to use PHP API to manage all types of Pod-related data for complex operations.
= Introduction to the Pods CMS Framework =
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/15086927]
== Changelog ==
= 1.9.4 - October 20, 2010 =
* Bugfix: Pod Pages - Only match Pod Page URIs that match current depth (specifically when using wildcards)
* Bugfix: $groupby referenced but not used - and $orderby should be allowed to be empty (gives error if it is)
* Bugfix: Allow Pod Pages on domains other than contained in wpurl
* Bugfix: Pod :: get_dropdown_values wp_taxonomy Filter Query fix
= - October 4, 2010 =
* Bugfix / Added: Pod :: findRecords - Add param for groupby since where is now surrounded in ( ) - resolving the issue introduced in 1.9.3
* Bugfix: Pod :: findRecords - Filtering should run through $search variable instead of $where
= 1.9.3 - October 1, 2010 =
* Bugfix: PodAPI :: csv_to_php - Field Name not un-escaped like Field Values (quotes)
* Bugfix: Pod :: findRecords - $limit / $where / etc should only run if $sql is empty
* Bugfix: Pod :: findRecords - $where (if not empty) should be surrounded in parethesis
* Bugfix: mysql_real_escape_string - Needs an identifier to avoid PHP warnings
* Bugfix: $this->page should be no lower than 1
* Bugfix: PodAPI::load_pod_item - Undefined Property fix
* Bugfix: Manage Pods - JS Error with .length on null var
* Bugfix: Manage Content - Browse / Edit tabs + Filtering fixes
* Bugfix: Pod::publicForm - CSS .hidden not targeted in stylesheet
* Bugfix: PodInit :: body_class - Pulling REQUEST_URI instead of Pod Page URI
* Bugfix: PodInit :: init - htaccess check not necessary, not all users will use Pod Pages
= - September 23, 2010 =
* Bugfix: Older method of array('datatype'=>'x','columns'=>array('name','other_col'),'name'=>$name,'other_col'=>$other_col) with save_pod_item now work when saving (to allow an easier upgrade path for those using already built code that utilize it)
= - September 23, 2010 =
* Bugfix: Adding / Editing items weren't saving properly
= 1.9.2 - September 23, 2010 =
This will be the last Feature release for Pods 1.9.x -- All future releases of 1.9.x will be strictly Bug Fix only until Pods 2.0
* Added: Ability to use filters / actions to add new Column Types to Pods
* Added: Filters - pods_admin_menu_name / pods_admin_menu_label / pods_admin_submenu_name / pods_admin_submenu_label / pods_rel_lookup / pods_get_dropdown_values / pods_findrecords_the_join / pods_findrecords_join / pods_showform_save_button_atts / pods_showform_save_button / pods_column_dbtypes / pods_column_types
* Added: Actions - pods_pre_pod_helper / pods_pre_pod_helper_$helper / pods_post_pod_helper / pods_post_pod_helper_$helper / pods_pre_showtemplate / pods_pre_showtemplate_$tpl / pods_post_showtemplate / pods_post_showtemplate_$tpl / pods_pre_input_field / pods_pre_input_field_$name / pods_pre_input_field_type_$coltype / pods_input_field_type_$coltype / pods_post_input_field / pods_post_input_field_$name / pods_post_input_field_type_$coltype / pods_pre_form / pods_pre_form_{Pod::datatype} / pods_post_form / pods_post_form_{Pod::datatype}
* Added: Automatic File Column Upgrade during DB Update from Pods < 1.7.6
* Added: Pod::findRecords($params) can now be used where $params is an key/value array containing 'select' (t.*, p.id AS pod_id, p.created, p.modified), 'where' (null), 'join' (empty), 'orderby' (t.id DESC), 'limit' (15), 'page' (Pod::page), 'search' (Pod::search), and 'sql' (null) for future proofing variable expansion
* Added: save_pod_item has a new var in $params to be used - bypass_helpers (default: true) which can be set to false to not run any pre/post save helpers
* Improved: Parent / Child Theme integration uses core WP functions to lookup templates
* Improved: pods_access now uses current_user_can for 'administrator' role check, converts $method to upper case, also looks for a capability of pods_administrator for full access
* Improved: DB Update code revised
* Improved: Using $wpdb->tablename format for WP Core table names in all code
* Improved: PodAPI::import now checks if the $data is an array of items or if it's a single-item array
* Improved: Input fields have name attribute * Added to them (except multi-select pick field which works off of a div and the file upload field)
* Bugfix: File Upload field checks version of WP to get correct button height
* Bugfix: PodAPI::import and pick values work correctly now
* Bugfix: PodAPI::save_pod_item works with tbl_row_id parameter correctly now
* Bugfix: PodAPI::reset_pod works correctly now
* Bugfix: PodAPI::drop_pod_item works with tbl_row_id parameter correctly now
* Bugfix: pods_url_variable now removes the hash (#) part of the url - On a side note, avoid use of pods_url_variable(-1) and other negative numbers as it is not always the level you expect in wildcard Pod Pages
* Bugfix: Revised AJAX-based drop_pod_item access check, you can now drop an item if a user has pod_$podname access but NOT manage_content access (previously denied)
* Bugfix: Date Input offset uses this.input.position() instead of this.input.offset() now
* Bugfix: Pod Page Template select gets/saves page.php correctly now when page.php doesn't have a Template Name
* Bugfix: File Browser display CSS fix
* Deprecated: Instead of using wp_users you should use $wpdb->users (along with other Core WP table names)
= 1.9.1 - August 13, 2010 =
* Added: Support for Multisite Environment URLs and Super Admin role
* Added: Filters for Manage Tabs (to allow Pods UI to enhance these areas)
* Added: page.php now appears as "Page (WP Default)" in the Page Template list if page.php has no "Template Name" and exists in the theme (previously did not show up)
* Added: $is_new_item to save_pod_item() in PodAPI for use in Pre-save and Post-save Helpers -- $is_new_item = true if adding an item, $is_new_item = false if editing an item
* Bugfix: drop_pod() in PodAPI function reference fix
* Bugfix: validate_package() in PodAPI assumed array, now it checks if the $data is an array
= 1.9.0 - July 29,