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Working Draft Project
American National T13/2015-D
Revision 2
August 3, 2009
Information technology -
ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2)
This is a draft proposed American National Standard of Accredited Standards Committee INCITS. As such this is
not a completed standard. The T13 Technical Committee may modify this document as a result of comments
received during public review and its approval as a standard. Use of the information contained here in is at your
own risk.
Permission is granted to members of INCITS, its technical committees, and their associated task groups to
reproduce this document for the purposes of INCITS standardization activities without further permission,
provided this notice is included. All other rights are reserved. Any commercial or for-profit replication or
republication is prohibited.
T13 Technical Editor: Curtis E. Stevens
Western Digital Technologies, Inc.
20511 Lake Forest Dr.
Lake Forest, Ca. 92630
Email: Curtis.Stevens@wdc.com
Reference number
ISO/IEC xxxx-xxx:200x
ANSI INCITS xxx-200x
T13/2015-D Revision 2 August 3, 2009
ii Working Draft ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2)
Points of Contact
T13 Chair T13 Vice-Chair
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Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Seagate Technology
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American National Standard
for Information Technology
August 3, 2009 T13/2015-D Revision 2
Working Draft ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2) iii
Information Technology Industry Council
Approved mm.dd.yy
American National Standards Institute, Inc.
This standard specifies the AT Attachment command set used to communicate between host systems and
storage devices. This provides a common command set for systems manufacturers, system integrators,
software suppliers, and suppliers of storage devices. The AT Attachment command set includes the PACKET
feature set implemented by devices commonly known as ATAPI devices. This standard maintains a high degree
of compatibility with the AT Attachment Interface with Packet Interface - 7 (ATA/ATAPI-7) volume 1 (see ANSI
INCITS 397-2004).
T13/2015-D Revision 2 August 3, 2009
iv Working Draft ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2)
Published by
American National Standards Institute
11 W. 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
Copyright © 2007 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI).
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may by reproduced in any
form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200,
Washington, DC 20005.
Printed in the United States of America
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Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and
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The patent statement goes here.
If no patents have been disclosed place the statement in 5.5.2 shall be used.
If any patents have been disclosed place the statement in 5.5.3 shall be used.
August 3, 2009 T13/2015-D Revision 2
Working Draft ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2) v
Document Status
Document e07172 is the issues list for this draft. e07172 contains a list of the issues associated with the
document, an issue number that remains assigned to the issue for the life of document development, a resolution
to the issue, an owner for the issue, and a disposition for the issue. All major changes associated with this draft
are first documented in e07172 and given a number. This includes proposals which are targeted for inclusion
into this draft. This text which is highlighted in green may affect backward compatibility.
Revision History (part 1 of 5)
Rev Date Description
0 September 16, 2008 1) Initial revision created from ATA8-ACSr6a
1 December 17, 2008 1) Added ACS2 column to historical tables in Annex B
2) Removed asterisks from command matrix in Annex B and changed
footnote to reference ATA8-ACS.
3) Implemented issue #34 - changed all ranges to be “..” instead of x-y, x to
y, and x - y.
4) Implemented issue #50 - incorporated e08122r1. Made a wording
changes because ACS refers to log address names, not the
address/page numbers.
5) Implemented issue #8 - incorporated e07154r6, Data Set Management.
Resources Assigned: IDENTIFY DEVICE data word 169, DCO
IDENTIFY/SET word 21 bit 10, and Opcode 06h.
6) Implement issue #18 - incorporate e07123r4, Request Sense for ATA.
Resources Assigned: IDENTIFY DEVICE data words 119 and 120 bit 6,
SET FEATURES subcommand C3h, and Opcode 0Bh. Marked this
feature set as prohibited for ATAPI devices. Although the proposal
marked the device field reserved, the legacy definition was inserted.
Marked this as executable in the security table
7) Implement issue #52 - Incorporate e08130r1, OEM ID String. Resources
assigned: IDENTIFY DEVICE data words 170..173
8) Implemented issue #61. Added SCT Read Long to the definition of read
9) Implemented issue #30 - incorporate e08106r10. This updated the
Device Statistics overview and provides a statistics directory.
10) Implemented issue #24 - Incorporate e08128r1. This adds an acronym
list. Stole heading name and text from SAS2r14d.
11) Implemented issue #63 - Add the definition of User Data. The definition
of User Data Area should follow in a later revision.
12) Implemented issue #60 - The READ PIO and READ DMA error tables
appear to be the same. This was the result of adding ICRC to PIO
13) Implement issue #29 - Incorporate e08108r2. This adds CFast Device
as a new device type.
14) Implemented issue #11 - Incorporate e06182r8. This adds Free Fall
device statistics as page 2.
15) Updated the General Statistics page 1 to follow the template used for
Free Fall. Assigned log address 04 page 02h for Free Fall statistics.
16) Implemented issue #9 - Incorporate e06180r10. This adds general
usage statistics. Took a meeting vote which passed 7:0:5 to add this to
page 1 (general statistics). Active/Idle Power Loss Events were
described in the text and removed from the table. Change rotating
media usage statics to rotating media statistics. Assigned log address
04h page 03h for rotating media statistics.
17) Implemented issue #10 - Incorporate e06181r12. Assigned log address
4 page 03h for General Error Statistics
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