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RComponent.WinForm for .NET is a comprehensive Graphical User Interface suite of controls and components for the .NET Framework platform, There are 107 controls or components in the suite , It has as its main goal to alleviate a lot of the limitations of the standard controls in the WindowsForms namespace. As such, it enhances many of the default controls with needed features. It also has its fair share of controls totally written from scratch when the standard controls were too limited to obtain a feature or there was simply not equivalent available. The result was controls that look good, are flexible, powerful and which also are free from the limitation, compatibility issues and just simply age that the native controls inherently have and thus are better suited for further enhancements that can accommodate the most demanding requirement.Whether you\'re looking to easily add awesome power and control to your WinForms apps, or show the world you know what good UI is all about, RComponent.WinForm for .NET has what you need. Keep reading to find out more and explore the many ways that this suite can make your life easier and your users happier.
The suite of controls and components can be perfectly usable from any .NET compliant language. The public interface of all controls follow most conventions of the .NET Framework so that using the controls in the suite feels like just using any of the standard .NET controls.
The suite of controls and components come with an installation routine but does not force you into using the GAC. It is for you the developer to decide whether you want to use the assembly from a local location or if you want to register the library into the Global Assemlby Cache.
The suite of controls and components in a single .NET assembly. All consists of 100% .NET managed code.
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