# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit project.properties
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.
# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified
# in ${sdk.dir}/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt
# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard
# include property in project.properties.
# For more details, see
# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html
# Add any project specific keep options here:
# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following
# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface
# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
# public *;
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Android IPC (172个子文件)
IBookManager.aidl 347B
IBookManager.aidl 347B
IBookManager.aidl 347B
IBinderPool.aidl 247B
IBinderPool.aidl 247B
IBinderPool.aidl 247B
IOnNewBookArrivedListener.aidl 154B
IOnNewBookArrivedListener.aidl 154B
IOnNewBookArrivedListener.aidl 154B
ISecurityCenter.aidl 141B
ISecurityCenter.aidl 141B
ISecurityCenter.aidl 141B
ICompute.aidl 88B
ICompute.aidl 88B
ICompute.aidl 88B
Book.aidl 57B
Book.aidl 57B
Book.aidl 57B
Book.aidl 49B
Book.aidl 49B
Book.aidl 49B
resources.ap_ 46KB
AndroidIpc.apk 405KB
jarlist.cache 120B
TCPClientActivity.class 6KB
BookProvider.class 5KB
BookManagerActivity.class 4KB
BookManagerService.class 4KB
BookManagerService$1.class 3KB
BinderPool.class 3KB
BookManagerActivity$3.class 3KB
TCPServerService.class 3KB
IBookManager$Stub$Proxy.class 3KB
IBookManager$Stub.class 3KB
BinderPoolActivity.class 3KB
ProviderActivity.class 3KB
BookManagerImpl.class 3KB
User.class 3KB
BookManagerImpl$Proxy.class 2KB
IOnNewBookArrivedListener$Stub.class 2KB
ISecurityCenter$Stub.class 2KB
BinderPool$1.class 2KB
MessengerActivity$1.class 2KB
BookManagerService$ServiceWorker.class 2KB
ISecurityCenter$Stub$Proxy.class 2KB
MainActivity$2.class 2KB
SecondActivity$2.class 2KB
MessengerService$MessengerHandler.class 2KB
IBinderPool$Stub.class 2KB
MyUtils.class 2KB
ICompute$Stub.class 2KB
SecondActivity.class 2KB
TCPServerService$TcpServer.class 2KB
Book.class 2KB
IOnNewBookArrivedListener$Stub$Proxy.class 2KB
MessengerActivity.class 2KB
BookManagerActivity$2.class 2KB
MainActivity.class 2KB
IBinderPool$Stub$Proxy.class 2KB
ICompute$Stub$Proxy.class 2KB
MyApplication.class 2KB
Book.class 2KB
DbOpenHelper.class 2KB
TCPClientActivity$1.class 1KB
ThirdActivity.class 1KB
MainActivity$1.class 1KB
BinderPool$2.class 1KB
MessengerActivity$MessengerHandler.class 1KB
BookManager$1.class 1KB
SecondActivity$1.class 1KB
ThirdActivity$1.class 1KB
BookManagerActivity$1.class 1KB
Book$1.class 1KB
TCPServerService$TcpServer$1.class 1KB
BookManagerActivity$4.class 1KB
User$1.class 1KB
Book$1.class 1KB
BookManager.class 1KB
BookManagerActivity$5.class 1KB
BinderPoolService.class 1KB
MyConstants.class 1KB
SecurityCenterImpl.class 1KB
BinderPool$BinderPoolImpl.class 987B
MessengerService.class 897B
BinderPoolActivity$1.class 758B
R$string.class 722B
TCPClientActivity$2.class 706B
R$layout.class 691B
MyApplication$1.class 648B
IBookManager.class 623B
R.class 618B
IBookManager.class 606B
ComputeImpl.class 584B
Manifest$permission.class 561B
R$style.class 561B
R$id.class 540B
R$drawable.class 432B
ISecurityCenter.class 404B
UserManager.class 404B
IOnNewBookArrivedListener.class 397B
共 172 条
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