<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl">
The ZedGraphControl class provides a UserControl interface to the
<see cref="N:ZedGraph"/> class library. This allows ZedGraph to be installed
as a control in the Visual Studio toolbox. You can use the control by simply
dragging it onto a form in the Visual Studio form editor. All graph
attributes are accessible via the <see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.GraphPane"/>
<author> John Champion revised by Jerry Vos </author>
<version> $Revision: 3.84 $ $Date: 2007/07/30 05:53:03 $ </version>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.GetImage">
Gets the graph pane's current image.
<seealso cref="T:System.Drawing.Bitmap"/>
<exception cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphException">
When the control has been disposed before this call.
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_MouseDown(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)">
Handle a MouseDown event in the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/>
<param name="sender">A reference to the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/></param>
<param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance</param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.SetCursor">
Set the cursor according to the current mouse location.
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.SetCursor(System.Drawing.Point)">
Set the cursor according to the current mouse location.
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_KeyUp(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)">
Handle a KeyUp event
<param name="sender">The <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/> in which the KeyUp occurred.</param>
<param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs"/> instance.</param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_KeyDown(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)">
Handle the Key Events so ZedGraph can Escape out of a panning or zooming operation.
<param name="sender"></param>
<param name="e"></param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_MouseUp(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)">
Handle a MouseUp event in the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/>
<param name="sender">A reference to the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/></param>
<param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance</param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.MakeValueLabel(ZedGraph.Axis,System.Double,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
Make a string label that corresponds to a user scale value.
<param name="axis">The axis from which to obtain the scale value. This determines
if it's a date value, linear, log, etc.</param>
<param name="val">The value to be made into a label</param>
<param name="iPt">The ordinal position of the value</param>
<param name="isOverrideOrdinal">true to override the ordinal settings of the axis,
and prefer the actual value instead.</param>
<returns>The string label.</returns>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_MouseMove(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)">
protected method for handling MouseMove events to display tooltips over
individual datapoints.
<param name="sender">
A reference to the control that has the MouseMove event.
<param name="e">
A MouseEventArgs object.
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZedGraphControl_MouseWheel(System.Object,System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)">
Handle a MouseWheel event in the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/>
<param name="sender">A reference to the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl"/></param>
<param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance</param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZoomPane(ZedGraph.GraphPane,System.Double,System.Drawing.PointF,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Zoom a specified pane in or out according to the specified zoom fraction.
The zoom will occur on the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.XAxis"/>, <see cref="T:ZedGraph.YAxis"/>, and
<see cref="T:ZedGraph.Y2Axis"/> only if the corresponding flag, <see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.IsEnableHZoom"/> or
<see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.IsEnableVZoom"/>, is true. Note that if there are multiple Y or Y2 axes, all of
them will be zoomed.
<param name="pane">The <see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.GraphPane"/> instance to be zoomed.</param>
<param name="zoomFraction">The fraction by which to zoom, less than 1 to zoom in, greater than
1 to zoom out. For example, 0.9 will zoom in such that the scale is 90% of what it was
<param name="centerPt">The screen position about which the zoom will be centered. This
value is only used if <see paramref="isZoomOnCenter"/> is true.
<param name="isZoomOnCenter">true to cause the zoom to be centered on the point
<see paramref="centerPt"/>, false to center on the <see cref="P:ZedGraph.Chart.Rect"/>.
<param name="isRefresh">true to force a refresh of the control, false to leave it unrefreshed</param>
<member name="M:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZoomPane(ZedGraph.GraphPane,System.Double,System.Drawing.PointF,System.Boolean)">
Zoom a specified pane in or out according to the specified zoom fraction.
The zoom will occur on the <see cref="T:ZedGraph.XAxis"/>, <see cref="T:ZedGraph.YAxis"/>, and
<see cref="T:ZedGraph.Y2Axis"/> only if the corresponding flag, <see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.IsEnableHZoom"/> or
<see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.IsEnableVZoom"/>, is true. Note that if there are multiple Y or Y2 axes, all of
them will be zoomed.
<param name="pane">The <see cref="P:ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.GraphPane"/> instance to be zoomed.</param>
<param name="zoomFraction">The fraction by which to zoom, less than 1 to zoom in, greater than
1 to zoom out. For example, 0.9 will zoom in such that the scale is 90% of what it was
<param name="centerPt">The screen position about which the zoom