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<title>Daleri Structure v1.0</title>
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<h1><a href="index.html">Daleri Structure v1.0</a></h1>
<p><strong>- A free website template -</strong></p>
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<p>Space for advertisements, additional navigation, news headlines or other highlighted content. Easy to remove if not wanted.</p>
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<h2><a href="#">Introducing: Daleri Structure!</a></h2>
<p class="introtext">This is Daleri Structure, a free XHTML/CSS design in the "Daleri" website template series by Andreas Viklund. The template was created with categorized content in mind, and it provides site owners with a number of different ways to organize the site structure.</p>
<p>The main navigation is created with definition lists, and the menu can be expanded to contain more links if needed. You can also use the main menu as an overview or a basic sitemap, and expand the site with subpages using the sidebar buttons or regular link lists. On sites with fewer pages, the definition list menu can be removed and replaced with an ad banner (600px wide) or a large logo. You can also place a horizontal text link menu in the the gray space between the header and the content, just to give another example. Feel free to experiment with the spaces to find your own preferred structure.</p>
<div class="left">
<h3>Template copyright and usage rights</h3>
<p>Like all my <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/templates/">XHTML/CSS templates</a>, this template is completely free to download, free to use and free to modify in any way you may want to - without any limitations or obligations. I kindly ask you to keep the original design credits and the link to my website in the footer since it is a good way to support my template design work, but it is no requirement.</p>
<p>If you find this template useful, then I would recommend visiting <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/">my website</a> every now and then, as you will be able to find more free templates there, along with useful tools and services that make it even easier to build complete, high-quality websites using website templates as starting points.</p>
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<p><img src="images/logo.jpg" width="340" height="182" alt="Sample image" /><br />
Professional template customization services are available. <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/" title="Professional template support and customization">Contact me</a> for rates and availability.</p>
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<div id="sidebar">
<h2>Your own structure...</h2>
<p>Space for presentation, advertisements or extras - or maybe additional navigation links? You decide!</p>
<h2>Sample button menu</h2>
<ul class="sidemenu">
<li><a href="#">First page</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Second page</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Third page with subpages</a>
<li><a href="#">First subpage</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Second subpage</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Fourth page</a></li>
<h2>Sample links</h2>
<li><a href="http://andreasviklund.com/templates/">Free website templates</a></li>
<li><a href="http://andreasviklund.com/wordpress-themes/">WordPress themes</a></li>
<li><a href="http://andreasviklund.com/contact/">Your link here?</a></li>
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<p>© 2010 <a href="http://www.moobnn.com">模板在线</a> <a href="http://guantaow.taobao.com" target="_blank">厚朴网络 淘宝店</a><br />
Template design from <a href="http://www.moobnn.com/">moobnn.com</a></p>
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<p>Sample footer menu: <a href="#">Link 1</a> | <a href="#">Link 2</a> | <a href="#">Link 3</a></p>
<p class="hide"><a href="#top">Return to top</a></p>
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"黑色个人博客模板02_黑色二栏博客背景.rar" 提供的是一个以黑色为主题的个人博客设计模板,其中包含了一个具有两侧栏布局的背景。这种模板通常用于创建个性化的在线日志或个人网站,它以深色为主色调,能够营造出独特且低调的视觉效果。
"html 毕业论文"暗示这个模板可能特别适用于那些正在撰写毕业论文的学生。在学术环境中,个人博客可以用来展示研究工作、分享研究成果或者作为个人学术资料的入口。使用这样的HTML模板,学生可以快速构建一个专业且有个人风格的在线平台,以辅助他们的学术交流和展示。
1. **daleri-structure.css** - 这是一个CSS(层叠样式表)文件,负责定义模板的样式和布局。CSS与HTML分离,使得设计更易于管理和维护。"daleri-structure"可能是指模板的特定设计风格,包括颜色、字体、边距、布局等。
2. **bodybg.gif** - 这是一个背景图像文件,可能是用于博客主体部分的背景。GIF是一种支持动画的图像格式,但也常用于存储单帧透明图像,可能在这份模板中提供了黑色背景的某些视觉效果。
3. **index.html** - 这是网站的主页文件。在HTML结构中,"index"通常是默认加载的页面,用户在访问网站时首先看到的就是这个文件。
4. **logo.jpg** - 这是网站的标志或LOGO图片,用于识别和品牌建设。LOGO通常位于页面的显著位置,如页头,帮助用户快速识别网站。
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