EhLib 6.3 Build 6.3.168 source included version.
The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi
versions 7, 8 & 9 , Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007,
RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010,
RAD Studio XE-XE5.
Installation Library
Installation Help
Demonstration Programs
Registering and Prices
Other information
About author
Where to start.
Star overview of the library with the main Demo project
(Compiled Demo files are available in the Evaluation version of the library)
Then you can read a summary of the new features and changes
in the file history-eng.html.
More detail about new features can be found in the file -
About EhLib 6.2 Eng.doc
To install a new version of the library in the IDE, use the installation program
in .\Installer\EhLibInstaller.exe
The Library contains several components and objects.
TDBGridEh component
TDBGridEh provides all functionality of TDBGrid
and adds several new features as follows:
Allows to select records, columns and rectangle areas.
Special titles that can correspond to several/all columns.
Footer that is able to show sum/count/other field values.
Automatic column resizing to set grid width equal client width.
Ability to change row and title height.
Allows automatic broken of a single line long title and data row
to a multiline.
Title can act as button and, optionally show a sort marker.
Automatically sortmarking.
Ability to truncate long text with ellipsis.
Lookup list can show several fields.
Incremental search in lookup fields.
Frozen columns.
DateTime picker support for TDateField and TDateTimeField.
Allows to show bitmaps from TImageList depending on field value.
Allows to hide and track horizontal or vertical scrollbars.
Allows to hide columns.
Allows to show 3D frame for frozen, footer and data rows.
Allows to draw memo fields.
Multiline inplace editor.
Proportional scrolling independently of sequenced of dataset.
Automatically show checkboxes for Boolean fields. Allows to show
checkboxes for other type of fields.
Has a procedures to save and restore layout (visible columns, columns
order, columns width, sortmarkers, row height) in/from registry or ini file.
Allows to show hint (ToolTips) for text that don't fit in the cell.
Allows to export data to Text, Csv, HTML, RTF, XLS and internal formats.
Allows to import data from Text and internal formats.
Can sort data in various dataset's.
Can filter data in various dataset's.
When DBGridEh is connected to DataSet of TMemTable type it allows:
To view all data without moving active record.
To display a tree-type structure of TMemTable records.
To form list of values in dropdown list of SubTitle filter automatically.
To create grouping records basing on the selected coulmns.
TDBVertGridEh component
Component to show one record from dataset in Vertical Orientation.
Have a special column to show Field Captions
Can customize inplace editor and data of the cell like in DBGridEh.
TDBLookupComboboxEh component
Provides all functionality of TDBLookupCombobox and adds
several new features as follows:
Can have flat style.
Allows assign values as to KeyValue property just and to
display Text property.
Allows to type (assign) values to Text property not contained in data list
(Style = csDropDownEh).
Allows to hold KeyValue and Text as not affecting to each other values.
Take effect when KeyField, ListField, ListSource, DataField and DataSource
properties is empty.
Drop down list can:
Show titles,
Have sizing grip,
Automaticaly set width as sum of DisplayWidth of the list fields (Width = -1),
Automaticaly drops on user pressed the key.
Edit button can:
Show DropDown, Ellipsis or Bitmap image.
Have specified width.
Have additional events: OnKeyValueChanged, OnButtonClick.
TDBSumList component
This component is intended for totaling sums and amounts of records in a
TDataSet with dynamic changes. Component keeps a list of TDBSum
objects, which contains types of group operations (goSum or goCount)
and name sum field (goCount name of field is unnecessary).
TPrintDBGridEh component
TPrintDBGridEh provides properties and routines for preview and
print of TDBGridEh component with several features:
Ability to expand rows vertically until all text is printed.
Ability to scale grid to fit it to page width.
Ability to print/preview title for grid.
Ability to print/preview page header and page footer where you can
specify macros for current page, current date, current time and/or static
Automatically print/preview multiselected area of TDBGridEh if it area
is not empty.
Ability to print/preview rich text before and after grid.
TPreviewBox component
TPreviewBox lets you create a customizable runtime preview.
TPrinterPreview object
TPrinterPreview lets you to record printable data in buffer for following
output them on screen and to printer. TPrinterPreview have all functions and
properties as in TPrinter object. You can use TPrinterPreview object similarly
of TPrinter except some details. In TPrinter Printer.Canvas.Handle and
Printer.Handle is the same but in TPrinterPreview PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle
represent the metafile in that is recored the data and PrinterPreview.Handle
represent Printer.Handle. That is mean that you have to use
PrinterPreview.Canvas.Handle for draw operation (DrawText, DrawTexteEx, e.t.c.)
and use PrinterPreview.Handle in functions that return information about
printer facilities (GetDeviceCaps, e.t.c.). Global function PrinterPreview
returns default PrinterPreview object and shows data in default preview form.
TDBEditEh component
represents a single or multi-line edit control that can display and edit a field
in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control.
TDBDateTimeEditEh component
represents a single-line date or time edit control that can display and edit
a datetime field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control.
TDBComboBoxEh component
represents a single or multi-line edit control that combines an edit box
with a scrollable list and can display and edit a field in a dataset or can
works as non data-aware combo edit control.
TDBNumberEditEh component
represents a single-line number edit control that can display and edit a numeric
field in a dataset or can works as non data-aware edit control.
TPropStorageEh, TIniPropStorageManEh, TRegPropStorageManEh components
Components realize technology to store component properties to/from settings
storage such as ini files, registry etc.
TMemTableEh component
dataset, which hold data in memory. Its possible consider as an array of
Besides, it:
Supports a special interface, which allows DBGridEh component to view all
data without moving active record.
Allows fetch data from TDataDriverEh object (DataDriver property).
Allows unload change back in DataDriver, operative or postponed (in
dependencies of the CachedUpdates property).
Allows to create a master/detail relations on the client (filtering record)
or on the external source (updating parameters [Params] and requiring data
from DataDriver).
Allows once-only (without the dynamic support) sort data, including
Calculated and Lookup field.
Allows create and fill data in design-time and save data in dfm file of the
Allows keep record in the manner of trees. Each record can have record
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
从网上下载的DBGridEh6.3,发现有几个Bug,我已做修正,使用效果良好,未见异常,现分享给有需要有朋友,直接安装即可。 2015-12-05 Bug修改********************* Bug 1. 点击列头排序后,行已经变了,但是却并不触发DataSet的AfterScroll事件程序 【修正】:在表头排序后自动执行一次DataSet的AfterScroll事件 Bug 2. 在Boolean字段的列中,不管鼠标的左键、右键、中键,都会改变勾状态,如果鼠标左键勾了一行,使用右键呼出快捷菜单进行下一步操作时,所勾选的行就会变成未勾选状态。 【修正】:在父类TCustomDBGridEh的MouseUp事件中,如果所点的列属于Boolean类型,只有鼠标左键才有效,其它鼠标键无效。 具体修改的地方,可使用关键字“2015-12-05”搜索DBGridEh.pas文件。 2015-12-11 Bug修改********************* Bug 3. 在列头过滤行中输入过滤条件时,默认使用模糊查询,但需要在前后加符号“%”才可以,现改为不需要另外加符号“%”也可以执行模糊查询。 【修正】:在设置过滤条件时,如果所输入的过滤条件为“包含”,但前后又没有符号“%”,则自动补上“%” 具体修改的地方,可使用关键字“2015-12-11”搜索DbUtilsEh文件。
DBGridEh 6.3 +修正3个Bug (878个子文件)
EhLibProjGroup100.bdsgroup 2KB
EhLibProjGroup90.bdsgroup 2KB
DclEhLibIBXDataDrivers100.bdsproj 9KB
EhLibBDEDataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibADODataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibIBXDataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibDBXDataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibBDEDataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibADODataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibDBXDataDrivers100.bdsproj 8KB
EhLib100.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLib100.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibADODataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibDBXDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibBDEDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLibIBXDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
EhLib90.bdsproj 8KB
DclEhLib90.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibADODataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibIBXDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibBDEDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
EhLibDBXDataDrivers90.bdsproj 8KB
ViewSourceBIN.bmp 221KB
NetworkWorkgroupTrans.bmp 192KB
tutorial2.bmp 154KB
delphixe.bmp 65KB
EhLibProjGroup70.bpg 2KB
Project1.bpr 5KB
Project2.cfg 494B
Project1.cpp 1KB
default.css 784B
testTree.DB 4KB
EhLibReg.dcr 66KB
pFIBDataDriverEh.dcr 488B
DM1.ddp 51B
Unit1.ddp 51B
Unit1.dfm 380KB
Unit1.dfm 298KB
SQLDriverEditEh.dfm 187KB
Unit1.dfm 187KB
FrameBackgroundImages.dfm 181KB
DBGridEhToolCtrls.dfm 126KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 117KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 117KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 117KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 90KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 90KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 90KB
Unit1.dfm 82KB
Unit1.dfm 80KB
DM1.dfm 79KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 63KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 63KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 63KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 62KB
Unit1.dfm 57KB
Unit1.dfm 56KB
MAIN.dfm 55KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 53KB
Unit1.dfm 52KB
FrameMailBox.dfm 52KB
Unit1.dfm 51KB
Unit1.dfm 51KB
FrameFive.dfm 51KB
FrameFive.dfm 51KB
FrameFour.dfm 51KB
SQLEditFrameEh.dfm 49KB
RichEdEh.dfm 42KB
FrameEditControls.dfm 41KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 41KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 41KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 41KB
FrameVertGrid.dfm 38KB
PropStorageEditEh.dfm 33KB
FrameDropDownForms.dfm 30KB
FrameFour.dfm 30KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 29KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 29KB
PrvFrmEh.dfm 29KB
Unit1.dfm 28KB
Unit1.dfm 27KB
EhLibDesignAbout.dfm 27KB
FrameSearchPanel.dfm 27KB
Unit2.dfm 27KB
Unit3.dfm 27KB
FormAbout.dfm 27KB
DDFVendorsUnit.dfm 26KB
DDFVendorsUnit.dfm 26KB
FrameTwo.dfm 26KB
FrameThree.dfm 26KB
FrameOne.dfm 26KB
about.dfm 26KB
DBVertGridsDesignEditorEh.dfm 23KB
GridEhEd.dfm 23KB
Customers.dfm 21KB
Unit1.dfm 19KB
Unit1.dfm 17KB
Vendors.dfm 17KB
Employee.dfm 17KB
共 878 条
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