【英语】副词分类详解 (2).doc
【英语】副词分类详解(2) 在英语学习中,副词是一类非常重要的词汇,它们用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子,表达时间、地点、程度、方式等各种概念。副词的种类多样,包括时间副词、地点副词、程度副词、方式副词等。下面我们将通过一些例题来详细讲解不同类型的副词及其用法。 1. 时间副词: 这类副词用于表示动作发生的时间,如:now, then, yesterday, tomorrow, always, often, sometimes, regularly等。例如,在句子"The incomes of skilled workers went up. Meanwhile, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall."中,"meanwhile"就是一个时间副词,表示两件事情同时发生。 2. 地点副词: 地点副词用于表明动作发生的地点,如:here, there, everywhere, nowhere, upstairs, downstairs等。例如:"She’s added a few characters and changed some names but essentially this is a true story."中的"essentially"虽然不是地点副词,但可以看作是表示本质或核心的抽象地点副词。 3. 程度副词: 这类副词用来表示动作的程度,如:very, extremely, slightly, barely, much, a little等。在句子"Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas, which is quite worrying."中,"disturbingly"就是程度副词,强调污染的程度令人不安。 4. 方式副词: 方式副词描述动作的方式,如:quickly, slowly, quietly, suddenly, carefully等。例如:"Qianshui", which originally means diving water, refers to someone who only views the postings across the website but never makes any comments. "中的"originally"表示原来的意思,描述了"潜水"这个词的来源和方式。 5. 对比副词: 对比副词如:moreover, therefore, however, whereas, instead等,用于比较或对比两个不同的情况。如:"Last night Mr. Crook didn’t come back at the usual time. Instead, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight."这里的"instead"表示与通常行为的对比,即他没有按时回家,而是去聚会了。 6. 频率副词: 表示动作频率的副词,如:often, usually, occasionally, frequently, seldom等。在对话中,"— Do you often come here to have a walk? — No, only occasionally, because we are much too busy.","occasionally"就表示偶尔发生的动作。 通过以上例子,我们可以看到副词在句子中的重要作用,它们帮助我们更精确地表达意思,使语言更具表现力。掌握好各类副词的用法,对于提升英语听说读写能力至关重要。在学习中,可以通过做题和阅读实践来不断积累和理解副词的用法,提升语言的运用能力。
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