Book Description Learn how to harness the power of delta-sigma data converters Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters brings readers a clear understanding of the principles of delta-sigma (ΔΣ) converter operation—analog to digital and digital to analog. It introduces the best computer-aided analysis and design techniques available. With an understanding of the great versatility of the ΔΣ converter, readers can apply their new knowledge to a wide variety of applications, including digital telephony, digital audio, wireless and wired communications, medical electronics, and industrial and scientific instrumentation. The authors make the material accessible to all design engineers by focusing on developing an understanding of the physical operation rather than getting mired in complex mathematical treatments and derivations. Written for entry-level readers, the publication has a natural flow that begins with basic concepts, enabling the readers to develop a solid foundation for the book's more complex material. The text, therefore, starts with a general introduction to the ΔΣ converter, including a brief historical overview to place it in context. Next, the publication introduces the first-order ΔΣ modulator, covering oversampling, noise-shaping, decimation filtering and other key concepts. Then, using the first-order modulator as a foundation, second and higher-order modulators are presented and analyzed. Finally, the authors delve into implementation considerations and present several design examples using the Delta-Sigma Toolbox. Everything needed to facilitate quick comprehension and help readers apply their newly learned principles is provided: Simplified methods to understand complicated concepts such as spectral estimation and switched noise References that lead to in-depth analysis of specialized topics Figures and charts that illustrate complex design issues Conclusion section at the end of each chapter that highlights the key points Reference manual for the Delta-Sigma Toolbox, along with numerous practical examples that illustrate the use of the Toolbox This is essential reading for all design engineers who want to learn and fully harness the powerful capabilities of ΔΣ data converters. Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students will find the book's logical organization and clear style, coupled with numerous practical examples, a great entry into the field. 《理解Delta Sigma数据转换器》这本书系统地介绍了Delta Sigma(ΔΣ)数据转换器的工作原理和设计方法,是设计工程师了解和掌握这一技术的重要资料。ΔΣ转换器主要包含模数转换器(ADC)和数模转换器(DAC)两类,它们在电信、音频、无线/有线通信、医疗电子、工业和科学测量等领域具有广泛应用。Delta Sigma转换器的关键在于过采样、噪声整形、抽取滤波等技术的应用,可以通过这些技术提高信号转换的准确度和降低信号转换过程中的噪声干扰。 在Delta Sigma转换器的研究中,首先会了解到它的发展历史、性能和架构趋势。之后,书中详细介绍了第一阶、第二阶以及更高阶Delta Sigma调制器的原理和设计。第一阶调制器是所有Delta Sigma调制器设计的基础,它包括了过采样、噪声整形和抽取滤波等核心概念。随后,基于第一阶调制器的设计,书中进一步探讨了更高阶的调制器结构,这些调制器在噪声整形方面具有更好的性能。 书中还介绍了一系列计算机辅助设计和分析技术,这对于设计工程师来说是非常实用的。这些技术可以帮助工程师在设计Delta Sigma转换器时,更快地理解设计中的复杂概念,并有效地将理论知识应用到实践中。 Delta Sigma转换器设计的一个重要部分是模拟前端部分,它对转换器的性能有着决定性的影响。书中探讨了量化噪声、有限运算放大器增益效应、非线性系统视角下的死区效应等问题,这些都是在设计Delta Sigma转换器时需要特别关注的问题。 抽取滤波器是Delta Sigma ADC和DAC的关键组成部分,它主要用于降低数字信号处理的采样率。书中提供了Sinc滤波器和各种不同架构的Sinc滤波器的深入分析,以及在不同阶数的Delta Sigma调制器设计中抽取滤波器的应用。 书中还涵盖了Delta Sigma转换器的稳定性和有限运算放大器增益对稳定性的影响。对于高阶调制器,书中特别讨论了稳定性考虑因素,并提供了优化噪声传递函数(NTF)零点和极点的方法,以及环路滤波器架构的设计,如连续时间反馈(CTFB)和离散时间反馈(DTFB)结构。 在设计示例方面,作者使用了Delta-Sigma Toolbox提供了一些设计案例,以帮助读者加深理解,并将所学知识应用到实践中。这本书为设计工程师提供了一套完整的Delta Sigma转换器设计流程,并通过实际设计案例分析加深读者对设计过程的理解。 《理解Delta Sigma数据转换器》适合对数据转换技术感兴趣的工程师、研究生以及想要深入了解Delta Sigma转换器设计原理的读者。本书从基础知识开始,逐步深入到更复杂的理论,使得读者即使在没有深厚数学功底的情况下,也能够理解Delta Sigma转换器的工作原理。书中使用大量的图解和实例,帮助读者更快地消化吸收复杂的技术概念,并将其应用到实际的设计工作中。 总而言之,《理解Delta Sigma数据转换器》是一本集理论知识与实际应用于一体的优秀参考书籍,它为读者提供了一个全面了解和掌握Delta Sigma数据转换器设计的平台。通过阅读这本书,读者不仅可以获得宝贵的理论知识,还能通过实际案例学习如何在实际工作中应用这些知识。
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