throughout the movements investigated. However, significant
time-dependent correlations can be shown to exist between
muscle channels during most natural movements, suggesting
a complex interplay and coordination between muscles in
time-varying fashion. It is widely accepted that the sEMG
signals recorded from natural behaviors, such as reaching, as
opposed to isometric contractions, are nonstationary. Clin-
ically, reaching movements are considered to consist of an
initial phase, under “open loop” control, where feedback is less
critical, and a “closed loop” control phase, where feedback
is important [6]. In particular, in people with diseases of the
cerebellar hemispheres, initial portions of reaching movements
are smooth, but an intention tremor becomes prominent towards
the end of movements. The time-varying and nonstationary
properties implied by open-loop and closed-loop phases of
reaching suggests that techniques assuming stationarity (e.g.
coherence, linear component analysis) may result in mis-
leading interpretations. To address these concerns, a common
quasi-static approach is to incorporate a sliding time window
into the original signal models, such that the stationarity as-
sumption is valid in a piecewise sense. However, the selection
of an appropriate (possibly time-varying) window length is
a nontrivial task, and it can have a significant effect on the
analysis results [7].
Based on the aforementioned observations, in this paper
we propose combining hidden Markov models (HMMs) and
multivariate autoregressive mAR models into an HMM-mAR
framework for modeling nonstationary multivariate sEMG
time series and determining dynamic muscle activity patterns
during reaching movements. HMM-mAR is advantageous for
modeling sEMG data for a number of reasons. First, an mAR
model allows full representation of multivariate sEMG signals,
so it naturally captures the dependency relationships between
different channels. The results can be explored further to reveal
muscle associations and synergies. Furthermore, given that
the data are nonstationary and we have no prior knowledge on
when the mAR models may change, incorporating HMM pro-
vides a probabilistically tractable and robust way of modeling
the dynamic changes of state (i.e., different mAR models) [8].
HMM-mAR, also known as AR model with Markov regime,
has been widely used in econometrics, target tracking, and
statistical signal processing [9], but has not been commonly ap-
plied to biophysiological data. Cassidy and Brown [10] applied
HMM-mAR to electrophysiological signals for the purpose
of spectral estimation. In the present paper, we extend prior
approaches to investigate the suitability of HMM-mAR for
sEMG signals and study dynamic interactions among muscles
during reaching.
In addition, we also explore different forms of sEMG data
for further analysis. A sEMG signal can be considered as a
zero-mean, band-limited, and wide-sense stationary stochastic
process (referred to as “carrier data” here) modulated by the
EMG amplitude [11], and it has been suggested that carrier data
can be approximately modeled as a Gaussian process. As it is
assumed that the amplitude data represent muscle activity from
numerous individual muscle fibers, a common, traditional prac-
tice in the EMG literature is to focus on the amplitude of the
sEMG signal, which can be obtained by rectifying and low-pass
filtering the raw sEMG signal, in effect discarding the carrier
data. Recently, an increasing number of studies have been re-
ported working on raw, unrectified sEMG signals. For instance,
linear ICA was applied to noisy raw sEMG data and revealed
meaningful interactions between muscles [4]. In [12], a mul-
tivariate autoregressive (mAR) model was explored to model
multichannel raw sEMG signals. To the best of our knowledge,
no previous studies have focused on the carrier data of sEMG
signals, yet our very recent study suggests that the carrier data
may also be informative [13]. In this paper, to have a better un-
derstanding of sEMG and its nature, we will use a fundamen-
tally different approach and model different forms of the sEMG
signals: raw sEMG, amplitude data and carrier data.
In real biomedical applications, it is commonly required to
extrapolate results from few subjects to an entire population
in order to explore, for example, changes in reaching move-
ments after stroke. The analysis requires methods to meaning-
fully integrate results from individual subjects and rigorously
compare the results across groups. To address this intersubject
variability issue, we employ statistical analysis to investigate
consistent muscle collaboration patterns across subjects within
a given subject group.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
• Presents an HMM-mAR framework for modeling the
muscle activities during reaching movements using sEMG
• Constructs muscle networks and suggests that structural
features appear robust to intersubject variability; and
• Investigates the results of model-fitting when the proposed
analysis is performed on raw, amplitude and carrier data of
sEMG signals.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe
the proposed HMM-mAR framework and discuss different
forms of sEMG signals. A classification scheme is proposed
for classifying sEMG signals collected from healthy and stroke
subjects. The classification results are discussed in Section III.
In this section, we first describe the HMM-mAR framework,
whose state parameters, including mAR coefficients, are esti-
mated using the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. We
then introduce the amplitude-modulated model of sEMG signal.
Finally, we describe the process of constructing muscle net-
works and propose a classification scheme based on the learned
HMM-mAR model. For the remainder of the paper, we use bold
letters to represent vectors and matrices.
A. HMM-mAR Model
We propose modeling the multichannel sEMG data
using a hidden Markov-model multivariate autoregressive
(HMM-mAR) process. An HMM-mAR model can be consid-
ered as a variant of a regular mAR model. The key difference
is that in HMM-mAR, the model parameters, including mAR
coefficients and noise covariance, are no longer time-invariant,
but are modulated by an unobserved Markov chain. In other
words, the HMM-mAR model switches between different
“submodels,” each of which has its own set of parameters, and
thus the resulting time series is piecewise stationary. A good