=== This is nginx for Windows, an event driven, non-blocking high performance full
featured webserver based on nginx.
SPDY, multiple workers, ASLR and DEP compliant, embedded WAF, embedded Lua are just
a few features to mention. ===
Note: Should you need support or report anything please use the nginx forums at
http://forum.nginx.org/ or post an issue at https://forums.ecsystems.nl/ or by email
support@ecsystems.nl (where we maintain the package builds)
CVE: any security issues such as vulnerabilities should be reported by email
support@ecsystems.nl (start the subject line with "CVE:"), a security engineer
ticket will be created and dealt with a.s.a.p.
Builds can be found here:
Follow releases https://twitter.com/nginx4Windows
- ldap / ntlm
- allow multiple instances to run on the same machine
- More non-blocking Lua, event based DLL add-on�s like pagespeed, SharePoint, asp/dotnet.
- Full 64 bit builds.
- IO event and thread separation (50% completed).
- Distributed IO and CPU event processing (we have a working proto type).
Feature list (* nginx_basic only):
=* All current nginx features (see with nginx.exe -V) (subject to Windows compatibility)
=* Consistent with original nginx code (subject to Windows compatibility)
=* FD_SETSIZE = 32768 (modded kernel), allows one worker to handle c250k+
(with optimization registry file)
=* Multiple workers supported ! use no more than 2 workers for 1 core (cpu)
=* SPDY 3.1
= LuaJIT compiled in (lua-nginx-module)
= Streaming with nginx-rtmp-module
= Naxsi WAF - Web Application Firewall
= Array-var-nginx-module
= HttpSubsModule
= echo-nginx-module
= ngx_http_lower_upper_case
= headers-more-nginx-module
= set-misc-nginx-module
= ngx_http_auth_ldap (experimental)
=* Additional custom 503 error handler via 513
= lua-upstream-nginx-module (Manipulate upstream dynamically)
=* Select-boost
=* Fully ASLR and DEP compliant for shared memory
= encrypted-session-nginx-module
= Nginx-limit-traffic-rate-module
= RDNS (reverse DNS lookup for incoming connection)
= AJP - tomcat backend support
= form-input-nginx-module
= ngxLuaDB, the drizzle and dynamic loaded module solution
= ngx_upstream_jdomain
= cache_purge
= nginx-http-concat
= nginx-module-vts (Virtual host traffic status)
Commercial subscription only modules:
= nginx-vod-module (On-the-fly repackaging of MP4 files to DASH, HDS, HLS, MSS)
These native builds run on Windows XP SP3 and higher, both 32 and 64 bit.
*** Default installation instructions;
* New: unzip this version with folder structure
* Old: overwrite with this version
* Check nginx.conf, nginx-org.conf and nginx-win.conf
* Windows optimization registry file: check your current values BEFORE setting the new ones
*** Integrated installation instructions;
We have thought about building an installer but it seems far easier to lean on existing
combined packages which have nginx for Windows included, mind you these packages use
the official (limited) windows build by nginx but it is extremely easy to replace nginx.exe
with our version. For the most easiest replacement overwrite nginx.exe with nginx_basic.exe
from our package. If you want Lua and all the other advanced functions overwrite nginx.exe
with nginx.exe, place lua51.dll in the same folder as nginx.exe from our package and don't
forget to install vcredist_x86.exe or vcredist_x64.exe.
Example integrated packages are:
A word of warning: keep in mind that integrated packages need to be kept up to date, that
means php, mysql, etc. all need to be upgraded whenever possible.
*** Anyway, we've made something :) see Install_nginx_php_services.zip on site.
Upgrade Assessment Matrix
I am using Security Stability Performance Existing_Features New_Features
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx WhiteRabbit None None None Medium Medium
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx WhiteRabbit None None None Medium Low
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx WhiteRabbit Medium None None Low None
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon None None None Low Medium
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon None None None Low Medium
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon Low Low None Low Low
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon None None None Low None
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon None None None Low High
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon Medium None None None None
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
nginx Gryphon - - - - -
------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------------- ------------
20:43 19-3-2015 nginx Gryphon
Based on nginx 1.7.11 (19-3-2015, last changeset 6024:199c0dd313ea) with;
+ Openssl-1.0.1m (CVE-2015-0204, CVE-2015-0286, CVE-2015-0287, CVE-2015-0289,
CVE-2015-0292, CVE-2015-0293, CVE-2015-0209, CVE-2015-0288)
* In some cases the nginx processes won't stop normally when it's service is
stopped (workers are still busy), it is advised to add this line:
TASKKILL /F /IM "nginx*"
at the end of your 'ngx_stop.cmd' file to make sure no workers are left
behind before a new master and workers are started
+ Source changes back ported
+ Source changes add-on's: no changes
+ Changes for nginx_basic: Source changes back ported
* Scheduled release: no (openssl fixes)
* Additional specifications: see 'Feature list'
* This is a non scheduled release of the last in the Gryphon series
22:02 14-3-2015 nginx Gryphon
Based on nginx 1.7.11 (14-3-2015, last changeset 6005:d84f0abd4a53) with;
+ nginx-module-vts (Virtual host traffic status)
adding monitoring for your NOC (network operations center)
see /conf/vhts
see our updated 'nginx for Windows - documentation 1.1.pdf' chapter 13
+ set-misc-nginx-module v0.28 (upgraded 10-3-2015)
+ echo-nginx-module v0.57 (upgraded 8-3-2015)
+ lua-nginx-module v0.9.16 (upgraded 10-3-2015)
* nginx for Windows is safe against SSL FREAK attack
+ new best practice ssl_ciphers example (nginx-win.conf)
+ 'include' in upstream http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/ticket/635
+ nginx-auth-ldap (upgraded 2-3-2015)
+ Inter Worker Communication Protocol to support multiple workers with EBLB
IWCP updated to v0.3 (if you like to keep up to date with IWCP/EBLB for
other OS's then follow nginx for Windows releases, all Lua code should
be cross OS compatible)
see our updated 'nginx for Windows - documentation 1.1.pdf' chapter 10
with EBLB and IWCP in action, what it can do for you, including examples
+ EBLB (Elastic Backend Load Balancer), see /conf/EBLB
+ Source changes back ported
+ Source changes add-on's back ported
+ Changes for nginx_basic: Source changes back ported
* Scheduled release: yes
* Additional specifications: see 'Feature list'
* This is the last of the Gryphon
- 粉丝: 451
- 资源: 177
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