With the development and expansion of e-commerce, various e-commerce
platforms have also emerged. Online shopping is a way for consumers to "shop"
at home, without being limited by the place and time of buying things. Get a lot of
commodity information, at the same time can buy local goods; However, with the
development of online shopping market, shopping apps based on non-e-commerce
software with a large number of users have gradually developed and grown, and
the most recognized shopping software is based on WeChat.
This paper USES relevant database knowledge and WeChat development
related knowledge to design and develop a suitable for WeChat shopping store. In
this system, the business can realize the different classification of different goods,
background management to generate orders and manage orders, add goods or
delete goods, comprehensive user recommendation products, guess you like.
Users can also register, login, browse goods, favorites or put into the shopping
cart, new product query and WeChat payment functions.
Although the system basically completed the expected results, but due to
time constraints, there are some functions such as UI interface, network
interaction, etc., need to be further optimized.
Key Words: applet of WeChat; MySQL; WeChat developer tools; shopping
center; H5