The application wizard has created this easyview application for
you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft
Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that
make up your easyview application.
This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an application wizard.
It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and
information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the
application wizard.
This is the main header file for the application. It includes other
project specific headers and declares the CeasyviewApp application class.
This is the main application source file that contains the application
class CeasyviewApp.
This is the project's main resource file listing of all of the Microsoft Windows
resources that the project uses when compiling for the Pocket PC platform, or a
platform that supports the same user interface model. It includes the icons,
bitmaps, and cursors that are stored in the RES subdirectory. This file can be
directly edited in Microsoft Visual C++. Your project resources are in
1033. When the .rc file is persisted, the defines in the data section
are persisted as the hexadecimal version of the numeric value they are defined to
rather than the friendly name of the define.
This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft
Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by
the resource editor in this file.
This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This
icon is included by the main resource file.
For the main frame window:
The project includes a standard MFC interface.
MainFrm.h, MainFrm.cpp
These files contain the frame class CMainFrame, which is derived from
CFrameWnd and controls all SDI frame features.
This bitmap file is used to create tiled images for the command bar.
The initial command bar is constructed in the CMainFrame class.
Edit this cmdbar bitmap along with the array in MainFrm.cpp
to add more command bar buttons.
Other standard files:
StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp
These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file
named easyview.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj.
This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs.
Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file.
Other notes:
The application wizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you
should add to or customize.
If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is in a
language other than the operating system's current language, you will need
to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC80XXX.DLL to your application
directory ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation. For example,
MFC80DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you don't do this,
some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the language of the
operating system.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
08年最后更新。。。。。。。【EasyControl控件有问题】 增加三维透视、旋转和俯仰显示; 增加标注的自动避让绘制; 增加快速绘制图层,用于实现GPS信号的实时刷新 增加了地标管理功能BookmarkManager 增加了最短路径搜索算法 支持寻路 增加了点填充面符号PointFillSymbol类型,并完善了符号设计器; 改进了屏幕刷新方式,解决了恼人的刷新闪烁问题;
Tabby's EasyMap2.0源代码 (470个子文件)
easyviewppc.aps 59KB
clean.bat 2KB
bitmap2.bmp 4KB
Toolbar.bmp 2KB
Cmdbar.bmp 886B
EasyControlCtl.bmp 238B
EasyDesktop.bpr 16KB
shpopen.c 73KB
shpopen.c 60KB
dbfopen.c 38KB
dbfopen.c 37KB
shp2esd.cfg 398B
SymbolUI.cfg 398B
SymbolEditor.cfg 398B
RendererUI.cfg 398B
easybrowse.cfg 398B
NavigationDemo.cfg 398B
dibapi.cpp 177KB
UnitFormMain.cpp 132KB
GeoMap.cpp 118KB
SimpleSymbol.cpp 109KB
SimpleSymbol.cpp 99KB
EasyControlCtl.cpp 87KB
SlimLayer.cpp 81KB
SlimLayer.cpp 79KB
EasyClasses.cpp 79KB
Geometry.cpp 76KB
Geometry.cpp 76KB
GeoMap.cpp 58KB
ChildView.cpp 55KB
ElementLayer.cpp 50KB
ElementLayer.cpp 50KB
SupportClasses.cpp 47KB
SupportClasses.cpp 47KB
FromE00.cpp 42KB
ScreenDisplay.cpp 39KB
MultiSymbol.cpp 38KB
MultiSymbol.cpp 38KB
ScreenDisplay.cpp 37KB
ShapeLayer.cpp 37KB
DrawGeometry.cpp 33KB
ShapeLayer.cpp 33KB
DrawGeometry.cpp 33KB
DisplayTransformation.cpp 30KB
DisplayTransformation.cpp 30KB
MathLib.cpp 29KB
MathLib.cpp 29KB
NetTopoBase.cpp 28KB
NetTopoBase.cpp 28KB
CellQuadTree.cpp 26KB
CellQuadTree.cpp 26KB
Fields.cpp 24KB
Fields.cpp 24KB
ShapeAux.cpp 22KB
ShapeAux.cpp 22KB
LabelLayer.cpp 22KB
LabelLayer.cpp 20KB
LayerAgent.cpp 19KB
LayerAgent.cpp 19KB
FileMapStream.cpp 17KB
FileMapStream.cpp 17KB
GroupLayer.cpp 17KB
GroupLayer.cpp 17KB
CellNonupleTree.cpp 17KB
CellNonupleTree.cpp 17KB
childview.cpp 13KB
StringFuncs.cpp 13KB
CqOctree.cpp 12KB
MiniDisplay.cpp 12KB
MiniDisplay.cpp 12KB
SimpleFileStream.cpp 12KB
SimpleFileStream.cpp 12KB
GeometryLabel.cpp 12KB
GeometryLabel.cpp 12KB
UnitFormLabelManager.cpp 11KB
BitmapLayer.cpp 10KB
easylib.cpp 10KB
easylib.cpp 10KB
GeometryTracker.cpp 9KB
GeometryTracker.cpp 9KB
MemoryStream.cpp 9KB
MemoryStream.cpp 9KB
Plot3D.cpp 9KB
Plot3D.cpp 9KB
UnitFormSlimQueryResult.cpp 9KB
StringFuncs.cpp 8KB
easylibdll.cpp 8KB
easylibdll.cpp 8KB
SymbolLib.cpp 7KB
UnitFormEditBar.cpp 7KB
CustomEditLayer.cpp 6KB
SymbolLib.cpp 6KB
CustomEditLayer.cpp 6KB
UnitFormSlimAttrib.cpp 6KB
ActiveView.cpp 4KB
ActiveView.cpp 4KB
easyview.cpp 4KB
MyTreeCtrl.cpp 4KB
UnitFormImportShape.cpp 4KB
Persist.cpp 4KB
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