Release 14.7 - par P.20131013 (nt)
Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Mar 30 10:44:15 2022
INFO: The IO information is provided in three file formats as part of the Place and Route (PAR) process. These formats are:
1. The <design name>_pad.txt file (this file) designed to provide information on IO usage in a human readable ASCII text format viewable through common text editors.
2. The <design namd>_pad.csv file for use with spreadsheet programs such as MS Excel. This file can also be read by PACE to communicate post PAR IO information.
3. The <design name>.pad file designed for parsing by customers. It uses the "|" as a data field separator.
INPUT FILE: yhx_map.ncd
OUTPUT FILE: yhx_pad.txt
PART TYPE: xc6slx16
PACKAGE: csg324
Pinout by Pin Number:
|Pin Number|Signal Name|Pin Usage|Pin Name |Direction|IO Standard|IO Bank Number|Drive (mA)|Slew Rate|Termination|IOB Delay|Voltage |Constraint|IO Register|Signal Integrity|
|A1 | | |GND | | | | | | | | | | | |
|A2 | |IOBS |IO_L2N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A3 | |IOBS |IO_L4N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A4 | |IOBS |IO_L5N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A5 | |IOBS |IO_L6N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A6 | |IOBS |IO_L8N_VREF_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A7 | |IOBS |IO_L10N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A8 | |IOBS |IO_L33N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A9 | |IOBS |IO_L35N_GCLK16_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A10 |q<0> |IOB |IO_L37N_GCLK12_0 |OUTPUT |LVCMOS33 |0 |12 |SLOW | | | |LOCATED |NO |NONE |
|A11 |q<2> |IOB |IO_L39N_0 |OUTPUT |LVCMOS33 |0 |12 |SLOW | | | |LOCATED |NO |NONE |
|A12 | |IOBS |IO_L41N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A13 | |IOBS |IO_L50N_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A14 |stop |IOB |IO_L62N_VREF_0 |INPUT |LVCMOS33 |0 | | | |NONE | |LOCATED |NO |NONE |
|A15 | |IOBS |IO_L64N_SCP4_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A16 | |IOBS |IO_L66N_SCP0_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|A17 | | |TCK | | | | | | | | | | | |
|A18 | | |GND | | | | | | | | | | | |
|B1 | | |VCCAUX | | | | | | | |2.5 | | | |
|B2 | |IOBM |IO_L2P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B3 | |IOBM |IO_L4P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B4 | |IOBM |IO_L5P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B5 | | |VCCO_0 | | |0 | | | | |3.30 | | | |
|B6 | |IOBM |IO_L8P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B7 | | |GND | | | | | | | | | | | |
|B8 | |IOBM |IO_L33P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B9 | |IOBM |IO_L35P_GCLK17_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B10 | | |VCCO_0 | | |0 | | | | |3.30 | | | |
|B11 |q<3> |IOB |IO_L39P_0 |OUTPUT |LVCMOS33 |0 |12 |SLOW | | | |LOCATED |NO |NONE |
|B12 | |IOBM |IO_L41P_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | | | | | | |
|B13 | | |GND | | | | | | | | | | | |
|B14 |right |IOB |IO_L62P_0 |INPUT |LVCMOS33 |0 | | | |NONE | |LOCATED |NO |NONE |
|B15 | | |VCCO_0 | | |0 | | | | |3.30 | | | |
|B16 | |IOBM |IO_L66P_SCP1_0 |UNUSED | |0 | | | |
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
约翰逊计数器的正常时序输出的数码符合相邻两个数码之间只有一位码元不同的特点, 四位双向约翰逊计数器的输出数码如表 2.2 所示。 表 2.2 四位双向约翰逊计数器的输出数码 态序 数码 正向 反向 0 0000 ↓ ↑ 1 1000 2 1100 3 1110 4 1111 5 0111 6 0011 7 0001 根据设计要求,完成后的电路原理图如图 2.12 所示。SR4CLED、FJKC、OBUF、IBUF、 INV 和逻辑门都是从系统原理图模块库中调出的元件模块,其中 OBUF、IBUF 不具备逻辑 功能,其它模块的功能可通过软件帮助快速了解,调用帮助的方法在本节后文中有介绍。整 个设计一共有 8 个端口:1 个时钟输入端 CLK;3 个控制输入端:左移控制端 LEFT、右移 控制端 RIGHT 和停止控制端 STOP,控制信号都是低电平有效;4 个计数输出端 Q3 至 Q0。
Verilog约翰逊计数器程序设计与仿真 (147个子文件)
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work.sdbl 12KB
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