-------------------Your System-------------------
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz
Memory: 1063366656 Bytes
System: Windows XP Service Pack 3
SystemID: 5.1
Metrics: 1440 × 900
Language: Chinese
#2010-07-19 15:37:25# -----------AdreamSoft PDF to Word Start Version:[]-------------
#2010-07-19 15:37:26# Input Format(.pdf,1.7), Output Format(,)
#2010-07-19 15:37:26# INFORMATION: nsWSBD::TEnumObjectImp::Reset : 870 >> found 6 type of document adapter!
#2010-07-19 15:37:26# EnumCtrl count:6
#2010-07-19 15:37:26# FileType:.pdf Vertion:1.7
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#2010-07-19 15:37:26# InKey:1114369 OutKey:0
#2010-07-19 15:37:26# FOutDocObj Create Faild
#2010-07-19 15:38:39# -------------------AdreamSoft PDF to Word End.------------------------
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# -----------AdreamSoft PDF to Word Start Version:[]-------------
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# Input Format(.pdf,1.7), Output Format(,)
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# INFORMATION: nsWSBD::TEnumObjectImp::Reset : 870 >> found 6 type of document adapter!
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# EnumCtrl count:6
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# FileType:.pdf Vertion:1.7
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#2010-07-19 15:38:44# InKey:1114369 OutKey:0
#2010-07-19 15:38:44# FOutDocObj Create Faild
#2010-07-19 15:38:51# -------------------AdreamSoft PDF to Word End.------------------------
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# -----------AdreamSoft PDF to Word Start Version:[]-------------
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# Input Format(.pdf,1.7), Output Format(,)
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# INFORMATION: nsWSBD::TEnumObjectImp::Reset : 870 >> found 6 type of document adapter!
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# EnumCtrl count:6
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# FileType:.pdf Vertion:1.7
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#2010-07-19 15:40:25# FileType:.docx Vertion:word2007
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#2010-07-19 15:40:25# InKey:1114369 OutKey:0
#2010-07-19 15:40:25# FOutDocObj Create Faild
#2010-07-19 15:42:44# -------------------AdreamSoft PDF to Word End.------------------------
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# -----------AdreamSoft PDF to Word Start Version:[]-------------
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# Input Format(.pdf,1.7), Output Format(,)
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# INFORMATION: nsWSBD::TEnumObjectImp::Reset : 870 >> found 6 type of document adapter!
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# EnumCtrl count:6
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# FileType:.pdf Vertion:1.7
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#2010-07-19 19:13:27# FileType:.docx Vertion:word2007
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# FileType:.doc Vertion:word2003
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# FileType:.doc Vertion:word2002
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#2010-07-19 19:13:27# InKey:1114369 OutKey:0
#2010-07-19 19:13:27# FOutDocObj Create Faild
#2010-07-19 19:13:44# -------------------AdreamSoft PDF to Word End.------------------------
#2011-09-15 10:46:52# -----------AdreamSoft PDF to Word Start Version:[]-------------
#2011-09-15 10:46:53# Input Format(.pdf,1.7), Output Format(.doc,word2003)
#2011-09-15 10:46:53# INFORMATION: nsWSBD::TEnumObjectImp::Reset : 870 >> found 6 type of document adapter!
#2011-09-15 10:46:53# EnumCtrl count:6
#2011-09-15 10:46:53# FileType:.pdf Vertion:1.7
#2011-09-15 10:46:53# �
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