Efficient FPGA-based Implementations of
the MIMO-OFDM Physical Layer
Jeoong S. Park, Hong-Jip Jung and Viktor K. Prasanna
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
{jeoongpa, hongjung, prasanna}@usc.edu
Abstract - In this pa per, we present a prototype FPGA
des ign for an efficient physi cal layer implementation of a
MIMO-OFDM technique. We propose a p ipelined architec-
ture using a Fast Fourier Transform that is shared across
modulations for the system. Our experimenta l results show
tha t the propo sed implementation saves at least 30 percent
of the hardware resources, while achieving the same data
rate as known baseline MIMO-OFDM implementations. In
our performance analysis , we show that this da ta rate can
be doubled, with approximately the same resource reduction.
We also identify the role of dynamic reconfigurat ion in
MIMO-OFDM systems.
Keywords: MIMO, OFDM, FPGA
1 Introduction
High data rate wirel ess communication has improved by
a f actor of mi nimum four while migrating from one gener-
ation to next generation [26]. The technology is based on
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The
upcoming standard 802.11n WLAN, however, can achieve
250 Mbits/s by virtue of Multiple Input Multiple Output
OFDM (MIMO-OFDM) technology. This ongoing evo-
lution has accelerated the development of system-on-chip
(SoC) platforms to support the physical layer of those tech-
nologies [3].
The SoC platforms must satisfy two requirements in order
to support this wireless technology [14]. First, the platform
must be able to sati sfy the tremendous data rate. A single
DSP chip cannot currently support 54 Mbits/s [16] . The
second requirement is flexibility. Wireless communication
is obviously less reliable than wired communication. For
example, the IEEE standard 802.11a [1] has various com-
munication modes with possible data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18,
24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbits/s. For the SoC to adapt to dif-
ferent operating conditions and standards, there need to be
not only the real time conversion of mode in a wireless com-
munication protocol, but also a conversion between different
To implement the OFDM or MIMO-OFDM physical layer
on an SoC, many efforts have b een carried out by DSP,
VLSI, FPGA, and communication groups. In [23], an op-
timized DSP implementation of an OFDM transmitter was
developed. Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
chips and test-beds for MIMO-OFDM were proposed in [24].
In [6], a prototype field programmable gate array (FPGA)
implement ation of an OFDM physical layer is shown using
the Xilinx System Generator. Manavi et al. [13] provide
the design and implementation of an OFDM transceiver mo-
dem using the Xilinx Core Generator. Both studies use
FPGA intellectual property components (IP C ores), and
libraries to build most of the kernels. An OFDM wire-
less transceiver for 802.16 WiMAX (Broadband Wireless
Access Technology), using Lattice FPGA and IP Cores
is described in [12]. A test-bed for MIMO-OFDM using
FPGA transceivers and t heir customized hardware boards
is developed in [21]. This test-bed is built using Virtex-II
transceiver boards. The b enefit of reconfigurable architec-
ture for wireless communication is discussed, and its po-
tential is explored through prototyping [14]. I n [5], partial
reconfiguration for Software Defined Radios (SDR) using
the SelectMAP i nterface of the Xilinx Virtex FPGA is pro-
In this paper we propose a new pipelined architecture
for MIMO-OFDM systems. Our architecture improves re-
source utilization, compared with the architectures of [24]
and [21]. We also identify the role of dynamic reconfigura-
tion in MIMO-OFDM systems ( [14], [5] ).
FPGAs supporting reconfigurability with very high per-
formance have recently entered the market [14]. Utilizing
these features can satisfy two requirements of t he wireless
communication physical layer simultaneously. The flexibil-
ity allows the device to change data rate, and increase di-
versity and range as needed. The dynamic (runtime) recon-
figuration approaches offer the opportunity to replace oper-
ating modules at runtime. Thus, dynamic reconfiguration
can result in efficient resource utilization while providing
In this paper, an efficient FPGA design of a MIMO-
OFDM physical layer is presented. We start w ith the design
of an OFDM physical layer that follows the IEEE standard
802.11a. We then devise an efficient pipelined architecture,
and incorporate it into the MIMO-OFDM physical layer.
In our experiments, we compare our pipelined archit ecture
to the baseline MIMO-OFDM physical layer implementa-
tion. The baseline MIMO-OFDM system uses the same
number of fast Fourier transform (FFT) blocks as antennas.
The implementation efficiency of our pipelined architecture,
compared wit h the baseline MIMO- OFDM system, is evalu-
ated using two methods: (1) using just one FFT block, and
(2) using Radix-2 pipelined streaming FFT block, versus
a Radix-4 FFT block used in the baseline MIMO-OFDM
system. Our experiments show that at least 30 percent
of the resources in the baseline MIMO-OFDM system can
be saved using our proposed architecture, while achieving
the same data rate. We also show that this data rate can
be doubled, with approximately the same resource reduc-
tion. Moreover, by exploiting the dynamic reconfiguration,
our MIMO-OFDM system can adapt to various operating