This is the README of the SNMP++ 2.x versions from HP for reference:
SNMP++ 2.6 For HP UNIX Source Code and Examples:
Included within this package can be found the source code and
examples for SNMP++ / HPUX. The following represents the directories which
are included within the compressed tar file and their contents.
For more details on the API , please refer to the API specification.
This library is a complete implementation of SNMP++ and does not
require other SNMP libraries to be present.
Required Tools:
HPUX 9.0 / 10.0
HPUX C++ Compiler
readme.txt ( this file)
|------ src ( .cpp files and Makefile for building libraries )
|------ include ( .h files for API and building libraries )
|------ consoleExamples ( a variety of console apps, .cpp and Makefile included )
|------ XExample ( a simple X11 Motif example with source and Makefile )
src Directory Contents:
Makefile - make file for HPUX build
address.cpp - Address class source
asn1.cpp - ASN1 encoding and decoding code. Based on CMU code.
collect.cpp - Collection class source
counter.cpp - Counter32 class source
ctr64.cpp - Counter64 class source
eventlist.cpp - UX event handler source
gauge.cpp - Gauge32 class source
integer.cpp - Integer32 class source
ipresolv.cpp - UX Ip address resolver source
msec.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
msgqueue.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
notifyqueue.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
octet.cpp - Octet String class source
oid.cpp - Oid class source
oidname.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
pdu.cpp - Pdu class source
snmpmsg.cpp - SNMP Message class source
target.cpp - SnmpTarget class source
test_app.cpp - test application source
timetick.cpp - TimeTicks class source
userdefined.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
usertimeout.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
uxsnmp.cpp - UX internal implementation support class
vb.cpp - Variable Binding class source
include Directory Contents:
address.h - Address classes definitions
asn1.h - interfaces for ASN1 libraries
collect.h - Collection class definitions
counter.h - Counter32 class definitions
ctr64.h - Counter64 class definitions
eventlist.h - UX internal implementation support class
gauge.h - Gauge32 class definition
integer.h - Integer32 class definition
ipresolv.h - UX internal implementation support class
msec.h - UX internal implementation support class
msgqueue.h - UX internal implementation support class
notifyqueue.h - UX internal implementation support class
octet.h - Octet String class definition
oid.h - Oid class definition
oid_def.h - UX internal implementation support class
pdu.h - Pdu class definitions
smi.h - SMI definitions
smival.h - SnmpSyntax class definitions
snmp_pp.h - SNMP++ main header file ( all one needs to include is this )
snmperrs.h - SNMP++ error messages
snmpmsg.h - SNMP Message class definition
target.h - SnmpTarget class
timetick.h - TimeTicks class
userdefined.h - UX internal implementation support class
usertimeout.h - UX internal implementation support class
vb.h - Variable Binding class definition
consoleExamples Directory Contents:
Makefile - make file for building console apps
snmpBulk.cpp - source for SNMP get bulk program
snmpGet.cpp - source for SNMP get program
snmpNext.cpp - source for SNMP get Next program
snmpSet.cpp - source for SNMP set program
snmpTrap.cpp - source for SNMP trap send program
snmpWalk.cpp - source for SNMP walk program ( uses getnext for V1 or getBulk for v2)
XExample Directory Contents:
Makefile - Makefile for building X11 app
xmibform.cpp - source
xmibquery.cpp - source
xmibform.h - header file
Peter Erik Mellquist ( / )
Software Design Engineer | /__ ___ | H E W L E T T
Hewlett Packard Company | / / / / |
Workgroup Networks Division | / / /__/ | P A C K A R D
Core Technologies (______/______)
8000 Foothills Blvd
Roseville, CA 95747
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