<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9434884/43697219-3cb4ef3a-9975-11e8-9a9c-73f4f537442d.png" alt="Sentinel Logo" width="50%">
# Sentinel: The Sentinel of Your Microservices
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## Introduction
As distributed systems become increasingly popular, the reliability between services is becoming more important than ever before.
Sentinel takes "flow" as breakthrough point, and works on multiple fields including **flow control**,
**traffic shaping**, **circuit breaking** and **system adaptive protection**, to guarantee reliability and resilience for microservices.
Sentinel has the following features:
- **Rich applicable scenarios**: Sentinel has been wildly used in Alibaba, and has covered almost all the core-scenarios in Double-11 (11.11) Shopping Festivals in the past 10 years, such as “Second Kill” which needs to limit burst flow traffic to meet the system capacity, message peak clipping and valley fills, circuit breaking for unreliable downstream services, cluster flow control, etc.
- **Real-time monitoring**: Sentinel also provides real-time monitoring ability. You can see the runtime information of a single machine in real-time, and the aggregated runtime info of a cluster with less than 500 nodes.
- **Widespread open-source ecosystem**: Sentinel provides out-of-box integrations with commonly-used frameworks and libraries such as Spring Cloud, Dubbo and gRPC. You can easily use Sentinel by simply add the adapter dependency to your services.
- **Polyglot support**: Sentinel has provided native support for Java, [Go](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel-golang) and [C++](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel-cpp).
- **Various SPI extensions**: Sentinel provides easy-to-use SPI extension interfaces that allow you to quickly customize your logic, for example, custom rule management, adapting data sources, and so on.
Features overview:
## Documentation
See the [Sentinel](https://sentinelguard.io/) for the document website.
See the [中文文档](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D) for document in Chinese.
See the [Wiki](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki) for full documentation, examples, blog posts, operational details and other information.
Sentinel provides integration modules for various open-source frameworks
(e.g. Spring Cloud, Apache Dubbo, gRPC, Spring WebFlux, Reactor) and service mesh.
You can refer to [the document](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/Adapters-to-Popular-Framework) for more information.
If you are using Sentinel, please [**leave a comment here**](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/issues/18) to tell us your scenario to make Sentinel better.
It's also encouraged to add the link of your blog post, tutorial, demo or customized components to [**Awesome Sentinel**](./doc/awesome-sentinel.md).
## Ecosystem Landscape
## Quick Start
Below is a simple demo that guides new users to use Sentinel in just 3 steps. It also shows how to monitor this demo using the dashboard.
### 1. Add Dependency
**Note:** Sentinel requires JDK 1.8 or later.
If you're using Maven, just add the following dependency in `pom.xml`.
<!-- replace here with the latest version -->
If not, you can download JAR in [Maven Center Repository](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.csp/sentinel-core).
### 2. Define Resource
Wrap your code snippet via Sentinel API: `SphU.entry(resourceName)`.
In below example, it is `System.out.println("hello world");`:
try (Entry entry = SphU.entry("HelloWorld")) {
// Your business logic here.
System.out.println("hello world");
} catch (BlockException e) {
// Handle rejected request.
// try-with-resources auto exit
So far the code modification is done. We've also provided [annotation support module](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/blob/master/sentinel-extension/sentinel-annotation-aspectj/README.md) to define resource easier.
### 3. Define Rules
If we want to limit the access times of the resource, we can **set rules to the resource**.
The following code defines a rule that limits access to the resource to 20 times per second at the maximum.
List<FlowRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
FlowRule rule = new FlowRule();
// set limit qps to 20
For more information, please refer to [How To Use](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/How-to-Use).
### 4. Check the Result
After running the demo for a while, you can see the following records in `~/logs/csp/${appName}-metrics.log.{date}` (When using the default `DateFileLogHandler`).
|--timestamp-|------date time----|-resource-|p |block|s |e|rt |occupied
1529998904000|2018-06-26 15:41:44|HelloWorld|20|0 |20|0|0 |0
1529998905000|2018-06-26 15:41:45|HelloWorld|20|5579 |20|0|728 |0
1529998906000|2018-06-26 15:41:46|HelloWorld|20|15698|20|0|0 |0
1529998907000|2018-06-26 15:41:47|HelloWorld|20|19262|20|0|0 |0
1529998908000|2018-06-26 15:41:48|HelloWorld|20|19502|20|0|0 |0
1529998909000|2018-06-26 15:41:49|HelloWorld|20|18386|20|0|0 |0
p stands for incoming request, block for blocked by rules, s for success handled by Sentinel, e for exception count, rt for average response time (ms), occupied stands for occupiedPassQps since 1.5.0 which enable us booking more than 1 shot when entering.
This shows that the demo can print "hello world" 20 times per second.
More examples and information can be found in the [How To Use](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/How-to-Use) section.
The working principles of Sentinel can be found in [How it works](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/How-it-works) section.
Samples can be found in the [sentinel-demo](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/tree/master/sentinel-demo) module.
### 5. Start Dashboard
> Note: Java 8 is required for building or running the dashboard.
Sentinel also provides a simple dashboard application, on which you can monitor the clients and configure the rules in real time.
For details please refer to [Dashboard](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/Dashboard).
## Trouble Shooting and Logs
Sentinel will generate logs for troubleshooting and real-time monitoring.
All the information can be found in [logs](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/Logs).
## Bugs and Feedback
For bug report, questions and discussions please submit [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/alibaba/sentinel/issues).
Contact us via [Gitter](https://gitter.im/alibaba/Sentinel) or [Email](mailto:sentinel@linux.alibaba.com).
## Contributing
Contributions are always welcomed! Please re
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timeline.css 3KB
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index_dev.htm 1KB
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index.htm 901B
flow-rule-dialog.html 10KB
flow-rule-dialog.html 10KB
cluster-server-assign-dialog.html 9KB
cluster-server-assign-dialog.html 9KB
flow-rule-dialog.html 8KB
flow-rule-dialog.html 8KB
param-flow-rule-dialog.html 8KB
param-flow-rule-dialog.html 8KB
cluster_app_assign_manage.html 6KB
cluster_app_assign_manage.html 6KB
identity.html 6KB
identity.html 6KB
metric.html 6KB
metric.html 6KB
param_flow.html 6KB
param_flow.html 6KB
cluster_app_server_list.html 5KB
cluster_app_server_list.html 5KB
flow_v1.html 5KB
flow_v1.html 5KB
degrade-rule-dialog.html 5KB
degrade-rule-dialog.html 5KB
identity.html 5KB
identity.html 5KB
flow_v2.html 5KB
flow_v2.html 5KB
authority.html 4KB
authority.html 4KB
system.html 4KB
system.html 4KB
degrade.html 4KB
degrade.html 4KB
cluster_single_config.html 4KB
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cluster_single_config.html 4KB
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system-rule-dialog.html 4KB
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index.html 4KB
flow.html 4KB
flow.html 4KB
api.html 4KB
api.html 4KB
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cluster_app_client_list.html 3KB
machine.html 3KB
machine.html 3KB
authority-rule-dialog.html 3KB
authority-rule-dialog.html 3KB
api-dialog.html 3KB
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client.html 2KB
server.html 2KB
server.html 2KB
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login.html 2KB
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header.html 589B
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sidebar-search.html 332B
home.html 255B
home.html 255B
main.html 215B
main.html 215B
SentinelApiClient.java 37KB
RedisConnectionConfig.java 20KB
SphU.java 19KB
ClusterServerConfigManager.java 18KB
SpiLoader.java 17KB
GatewayFlowRuleController.java 17KB
SentinelDubboConsumerFilterTest.java 17KB
ParamFlowDefaultCheckerTest.java 16KB
GatewayFlowRuleControllerTest.java 16KB
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