A JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
#### Note:
- **`uglify-es` is API/CLI compatible with `uglify-js@3`.**
- **`uglify-es` is not backwards compatible with `uglify-js@2`.**
First make sure you have installed the latest version of [node.js](
(You may need to restart your computer after this step).
From NPM for use as a command line app:
npm install uglify-es -g
From NPM for programmatic use:
npm install uglify-es
# Command line usage
uglifyjs [input files] [options]
UglifyJS can take multiple input files. It's recommended that you pass the
input files first, then pass the options. UglifyJS will parse input files
in sequence and apply any compression options. The files are parsed in the
same global scope, that is, a reference from a file to some
variable/function declared in another file will be matched properly.
If no input file is specified, UglifyJS will read from STDIN.
If you wish to pass your options before the input files, separate the two with
a double dash to prevent input files being used as option arguments:
uglifyjs --compress --mangle -- input.js
### Command line options
-h, --help Print usage information.
`--help options` for details on available options.
-V, --version Print version number.
-p, --parse <options> Specify parser options:
`acorn` Use Acorn for parsing.
`bare_returns` Allow return outside of functions.
Useful when minifying CommonJS
modules and Userscripts that may
be anonymous function wrapped (IIFE)
by the .user.js engine `caller`.
`expression` Parse a single expression, rather than
a program (for parsing JSON).
`spidermonkey` Assume input files are SpiderMonkey
AST format (as JSON).
-c, --compress [options] Enable compressor/specify compressor options:
`pure_funcs` List of functions that can be safely
removed when their return values are
not used.
-m, --mangle [options] Mangle names/specify mangler options:
`reserved` List of names that should not be mangled.
--mangle-props [options] Mangle properties/specify mangler options:
`builtins` Mangle property names that overlaps
with standard JavaScript globals.
`debug` Add debug prefix and suffix.
`domprops` Mangle property names that overlaps
with DOM properties.
`keep_quoted` Only mangle unquoted properties.
`regex` Only mangle matched property names.
`reserved` List of names that should not be mangled.
-b, --beautify [options] Beautify output/specify output options:
`beautify` Enabled with `--beautify` by default.
`preamble` Preamble to prepend to the output. You
can use this to insert a comment, for
example for licensing information.
This will not be parsed, but the source
map will adjust for its presence.
`quote_style` Quote style:
0 - auto
1 - single
2 - double
3 - original
`wrap_iife` Wrap IIFEs in parenthesis. Note: you may
want to disable `negate_iife` under
compressor options.
-o, --output <file> Output file path (default STDOUT). Specify `ast` or
`spidermonkey` to write UglifyJS or SpiderMonkey AST
as JSON to STDOUT respectively.
--comments [filter] Preserve copyright comments in the output. By
default this works like Google Closure, keeping
JSDoc-style comments that contain "@license" or
"@preserve". You can optionally pass one of the
following arguments to this flag:
- "all" to keep all comments
- a valid JS RegExp like `/foo/` or `/^!/` to
keep only matching comments.
Note that currently not *all* comments can be
kept when compression is on, because of dead
code removal or cascading statements into
--config-file <file> Read `minify()` options from JSON file.
-d, --define <expr>[=value] Global definitions.
--ecma <version> Specify ECMAScript release: 5, 6, 7 or 8.
--ie8 Support non-standard Internet Explorer 8.
Equivalent to setting `ie8: true` in `minify()`
for `compress`, `mangle` and `output` options.
By default UglifyJS will not try to be IE-proof.
--keep-classnames Do not mangle/drop class names.
--keep-fnames Do not mangle/drop function names. Useful for
code relying on
--name-cache <file> File to hold mangled name mappings.
--safari10 Support non-standard Safari 10/11.
Equivalent to setting `safari10: true` in `minify()`
for `mangle` and `output` options.
By default `uglify-es` will not work around
Safari 10/11 bugs.
--self Build UglifyJS as a library (implies --wrap UglifyJS)
--source-map [options] Enable source map/specify source map options:
`base` Path to compute relative paths from input files.
`content` Input source map, useful if you're compressing
JS that was generated from some other original
code. Specify "inline" if the source map is
included within the sources.
`filename` Name and/or location of the output source.
`includeSources` Pass this flag if you want to include
the content of source files in the
source map as sourcesContent property.
`root` Path to the original source to be included in
the source map.
`url` If specified, path to the source map to append in
`//# sourceMappingURL`.
--timings Disp
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小程序自动反编译wxapkgunpacker,已经包含各种插件了。直接反编就行了。 (2467个子文件)
.babelrc 29B
range.bnf 619B
ChangeLog 10KB
ChangeLog 8KB
html-beautify.cmd 218B
css-beautify.cmd 216B
js-beautify.cmd 214B
editorconfig.cmd 206B
cssbeautify.cmd 202B
esgenerate.cmd 202B
escodegen.cmd 200B
esvalidate.cmd 198B
esvalidate.cmd 198B
uglifyjs.cmd 192B
esparse.cmd 192B
esparse.cmd 192B
mkdirp.cmd 182B
semver.cmd 182B
nopt.cmd 180B
vm2.cmd 170B
css-beautify 339B
cssbeautify 2KB
cssbeautify 325B
.DS_Store 6KB
editorconfig 329B
editorconfig 78B
escodegen 323B
esgenerate 325B
.eslintignore 8B
esparse 315B
esparse 315B
esvalidate 321B
esvalidate 321B
load.gif 15KB
video-load.gif 9KB
load.gif 6KB
icon-audio.gif 6KB
audio.gif 2KB
.gitignore 171B
props.html 2KB
html-beautify 341B
wxappUnpacker.iml 398B
audio.jpg 14KB
icon_form.jpg 2KB
isauth.jpg 2KB
NIM_Web_NIM_v5.5.0.js 530KB
lodash.js 527KB
esprima.js 277KB
source-map.debug.js 266KB
source-map.debug.js 266KB
compress.js 264KB
esprima.js 259KB
source-map.debug.js 254KB
beautifier.js 211KB
csstree.js 169KB
csstree.min.js 157KB
beautify.js 145KB
cos-wx-sdk-v5.js 143KB
core.js 112KB
parse.js 107KB
beautify-html.js 107KB
source-map.js 104KB
source-map.js 104KB
beautifier.min.js 100KB
source-map.js 100KB
escodegen.js 93KB
index.js 86KB
named_entity_data.js 72KB
lodash.min.js 72KB
output.js 64KB
index.js 63KB
beautifier.js 55KB
beautify-css.js 52KB
ast.js 41KB
source-map-consumer.js 40KB
source-map-consumer.js 40KB
semver.js 38KB
source-map-consumer.js 37KB
_stream_readable.js 34KB
beautifier.js 34KB
card.js 30KB
fnmatch.js 30KB
Tokenizer.js 28KB
code.js 28KB
index.js 27KB
estraverse.js 27KB
source-map.min.js 26KB
source-map.min.js 26KB
source-map.min.js 26KB
index.js 26KB
minimatch.js 25KB
scope.js 25KB
contextify.js 24KB
cli.js 24KB
cli.js 24KB
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